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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. The last thing this team really needs is to limp into the playoffs as the crossover....heaven forbid and that then becomes the rational for retaining this ship of fools.
  2. I guess the “patience mantra” ship has finally sailed.....amen to that...it took long enough.....too long if you ask me. I am now curious as to how deep the knive will cut.....because sure as shooting the finger pointing and blame game is going to start. It still comes down to who hired who...that then hired who....down the line.
  3. Combined with an average of 10 points in the 2nd half of the last 4 games.
  4. Replacing coaches and players only works when you have better people to take their places.
  5. The only difference will be there are none of the previous members of the BoD there any more. That is the good or bad of it. What you said was certainly the previous pattern.
  6. MOS may very well be someone that his players will run into a wall for....an admirable quality but any HC can only be successful if he has a great staff behind him....OC..DC....and the entire group. I am not convinced that is the case here. Sadly someone may need to fall on the sword and MOS becomes the most likely victim.
  7. There are a couple of concerns.....does limping into the playoffs warrant the survival of this crew? Believing that or hoping that next year does not bring more of the same? The bringing any combination of this crew back on a short leash only has any merit if there is a viable heir apparent on the staff should the ship falter again.....surely LaPo isn’t the answer. There is no simple solution to this situation and hope is not a plan in business or in sport.
  8. Not new actually.....and....it was Hall’s fault and the defence for weeks....now it’s the OC and QBs fault.....it is a complicated game with numerous moving parts that all need to work in unison.
  9. Unnamed sources in the White House....sorry I don’t throw people under that bus.
  10. You can run at far down the list as you like...GM, HC, OC, DC.....Player Personnel.......they all can own a piece of this pie.
  11. To simply place the blame of what has happened on the QB is a complete oversimplification.....and the tip of the iceberg.
  12. That was precisely why he hired Walters...so he could micro manage him.
  13. There certainly appeared to be a lot of empty seats today....sadly for a game that should have been a sell out.
  14. That should be Miller’s job not the GM’s. Miller was buddies with the old boys on the BoD...Dunn and Asper. They finally put a plan in place to prevent the long standing positions on the BoD....ironically that came after Miller became CEO.
  15. The good or bad of it is the BoD is no longer the old boys club that actually influenced football decisions....they are now an at arms length group designed to oversee the business operation.
  16. Great call out by Sanchez....I guy who doen’t hesitate to tell it like it is....great add to the panel.
  17. Well that all started from the top down.....rookie CEO....rookie GM.....rookie HC......It has been a rookie show from the start....what is going to change it?
  18. TSN panel discussed the Bomber QB situation........Milt turtled with “I got nothing”....pretty funny.
  19. You just read my mind.....playing the same is Willy did near the end.....scared.
  20. Similar situation as 2011 with LaPo.....team limbs into the GC....when LaPo should have been gunned....he gets an extension and gets fired part way thru 2012.
  21. If you start Streveler and he does poorly....what confidence does the team have when Nichols goes in? Short short leash Nichols, maybe he bounces back.....less pressure on Streveler if he ends up in the game if he goes in half way thru the first quarter.
  22. Offence can’t stay on the field so the D sucks?
  23. Winning is what it is all about. This is another chicken or the egg. Every team has issues and problems over the course of a season. When those factors become significant they contribute to poor results on the field.
  24. How does LaPo replace MOS....when ultimately LaPo will be a contributing factor in MOS firing
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