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Everything posted by rebusrankin

  1. So for the Riders salary dump? I get the appeal of Gaydosh as a prospect but he played the second half of 2014 when he came back from the NFL and then missed all of 2015. Played game one this year and nothing. Sort of hard to get excited about a guy who's basically been out two years.
  2. I get that. However the whistle had blown ending the play. That was my question as they seemed to be indicating the whistle had no effect.
  3. On this topic, been reading fans who say the rules state that the whistle blowing does not negate a fumble if the ball is coming out? I've read the 2016 CFL rules and can't find anything like this. Anybody?
  4. Are any Lion fans whining about the PI that gave them 2nd and 10 and led to a td where their guy fell on his own. Would have been a FG attempt? Don't think so. Did the TSN panel mention that?
  5. Leggett Dressler OLine HH to Lapo for the Kolhert to Nichols play.
  6. I sit in that endzone. 1. His momentum was halted before the ball game out. 2. The whistle blew ending the play before the ball was out. 3. Those who feel the wrong call was made can **** themselves because they're wrong.
  7. Maybe they should just take the best team from the east, the entire west and call it a day when it comes to the playoffs.
  8. I wore the same pair of underwear during the streak. I may have been dumped, lost all my friends and been fired but the team won 7 in a row.
  9. Gurley or Elliot fill the need for a big receiver that our team lacks imo. Either would be an upgrade over Smith and Denmark (pick which one you'd take out). Our receivers are too small. Hell Dressler/Smith/Denmark/McDuffie is 5-7, 5-7, 5-10, 5-8. That's a smurfs team.
  10. Argos have to win 3 of 4 to catch us assuming we lose out. Who do they beat out of Calgary, Edmonton and the Riders?
  11. We need receiving help, any of these guys would help, no brainer to me.
  12. We need to stop this choir boy nonsense. Hazelton would help us.
  13. In the off-season, we need to add a NI receiver, either free agency or through the draft. We need at least one more larger receiver (6ft 2 or taller). I'd like a better OC too.
  14. I hope Willy turns it around. I mean I hope for next year and beyond but I still hope for it.
  15. Out of curiosity, who would you guys hire? A retread like Higgins who bombed last time out in Montreal? Bennievides, whose d looks lousy in Edmonton? Another first time coach like Thorpe or Steinhauer?
  16. Better than what we have. Riders add Fuller. Lions add Sinkfield. Us nothing.
  17. Its nice we have Loffler under contract for two more years.
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