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Everything posted by CodyT

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t lawler in camp last year.. watched that guys highlight tape and wow that is an incredible reel. A lot of one handers... going up for the ball... a lot to like there
  2. Holy **** we are tainting every thread with these running jokes... and I just contributed to the madness.
  3. Bombers have lost offensive lineman Foketi to a , well.. I’m not sure. Bone spurs ?
  4. lol this is so odd. Been following this team religiously for about 12 years and never seen the media miss something like this. anyone have any refreshers on similar situations ?
  5. Just my 2 cents as an every day lurker. I would like to see the topics open up a little more and have a little more dialed in, focused, conversations then again I don’t feel like I ever miss out on anything, it just moves at a faster pace
  6. Sorry to disappoint everyone, I didn’t make it out today. Will be going to camp atleast a couple times over the next week or two. my apologies
  7. Thanks! I prefer the outdoors during training camp just because I like the atmosphere. Will send updates later!
  8. Going to try and make it down there today depending on the weather
  9. Any guesses on what his salary is looking like? Got to admit was glad to tune in today to see this news.
  10. In case you missed it coming back this year??
  11. My question with Eli is how long is he really going to be committed to playing football for. 1 year? 2 years? Somebody on the fence doesn’t seem like a career long player, regardless nice add especially that late
  12. A little bird told me this is pretty much a go
  13. Don’t see the point in firing Maurice unless you can find someone better. Options are limited with a lot of coaching seats potentially up for grabs
  14. I find it hard to believe that the bombers are at the ceiling
  15. Jets in 6. Everyone needs to calm down. Bigger, more talented, better goaltending. Home ice advantage
  16. This hadnt really crosses my mind. Doesn’t have the break out speed of a walker however he is quite sure handed and shows up to play
  17. I think Walters saw the bombers losing Chung and goosen when he signed Gray. Looks like a real important signing now
  18. I agree and would hope that’s the case. I just have heard these theories about Toronto in the past too, and would hope the league would never look to find that low
  19. Walker, then Ellingson, then Posey. sounds like we’re not getting walker already which is kind of a bummer. The other guys are good but I think Walker is a tier above them
  20. I’m sorry but if this has any merit, and I’m not saying it doesn’t, it defeats the entire purpose of watching this league. thats a reality
  21. Certainly inconsistent but when he’s on he’s on. I would think he’s the #3 qb in the league, ironically behind Reilly and BLM. Yeah yeah, Matt Nichols is #4. Masoli #5. Although I guess from 3-5 it’s interchangeable at this moment. But if I had to have one of the three, hate to say it but it would be Harris
  22. Count me as one of the guys who thinks Harris is a top tier QB
  23. Hodge also said the bombers were tight for money and didn’t have a lot of cash for free agency. Can anyone confirm this? Any idea how close we are cap wise?
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