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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. Does anyone know how long Bryant's contract is for?
  2. Agreed. I appreciate the need to have a viable Toronto franchise in the league, but where does it stop, and how is throwing G.C. cash at them going to ensure their viability (especially if, by doing so it takes funds from other teams). I would love to see a timeline of CFL teams that have been propped up by the more stable franchises. Hasn't T.O. been helped in the past?
  3. If memory serves; weren't the Bombers one of the teams other than Ottawa and Saskie who were in discussions with Dressler last year? If so, wouldn't it make sense that they would still have interest?
  4. Word was Foley was not happy... According to Brendan Taman. No sympathy for Foley here. I'm no fan of B.C., but it was Foley who left Buono at the altar in 2010. Foley agreed verbally to the Lions before ditching them for the Argos.
  5. Can't disagree with Jones given the improvements over last year. I do wonder if being a **** might cost him votes, unless he wins the cup.
  6. Not only welcomed back, but a strong candidate for coach of the year
  7. Seriously, that video made me laugh so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. If that video wasn't a mockery I truly feel sorry for the good people of Regina. And no, I won't be visiting Regina any time soon based on those attractions. Especially like the subliminal bit at 2:23
  8. Regarding Chez Helene: I think it was a CBC move to promote french language programming into western Canada for the pre-school set. Protagonist Helene, was a matronly type whose "chez" housed a younger pretty brunette foible and the obligatory smart-ass puppet "Suzie". Suzie was occasionally known to share a recorder bag with Rusty the Rooster...much to Jerome's chagrin.
  9. Hey, at least they're an upgrade from people like Road Griller. ...and Mr. Perfect. Geez that guy... Haters gon' hate... I remember when you bowled that 300 game...you were outstanding.
  10. Bombers are also hot on the trail of Chez Helene too. That comment sure dates you. Bet the young folk have no idea about that reference. The passage of time has been cruel. Helene, Mr. Dressup, and The Friendly G....The triumvirate.
  11. Pretty embarrassed that I worded the initial post so that y'all thought this was my belief. I was trying to be ironic, which didn't translate well in this case.
  12. After watching Kent Austin unhinge before our eyes, I can only imagine it's a matter of time before OSH loses it...at least that's what Gary Lawless said in June...and he would know; being a broadcast journalist and all. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/osheas-gotta-keep-a-lid-on-his-temper-264346841.html O'Shea's gotta keep a lid on his temper Can't afford to blow up at players after lossesBy: Gary Lawless Posted: 06/24/2014 1:00 AM | Comments: 78 Mike O'Shea is going to have to figure out how to be a little less like Mike O'Shea. After a playing career of small-picture focus, where winning each battle, play and game dominated his very existence, O'Shea is now going to need to look at the big picture and take a loss now and again to make future gains. If O'Shea allows his unbridled passion for winning to bubble over early in this season, he may very well impede the growth of his Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Simply put, the rookie head coach won't be able to hold all his charges up to the same standard to which he holds himself. First of all, not many will ever meet it. Second, to expect such and then get frustrated and react when the inevitable failure occurs will leave O'Shea and the Bombers a broken team. O'Shea needs to temper the edge that drove him to success as a Hall of Fame player. It will be counter to all his instincts, but it will allow his team to find its way and eventually get to the point where players can act, walk and talk in a manner acceptable to O'Shea. Surely, O'Shea will eventually expect this team to consistently win. But to demand it from them now isn't realistic. It's a most delicate balance. The Bombers need to approach every battle, play and game with a winning attitude. But that alone won't garner victories. Talent and experience, two areas the Bombers are short on in a number of positions, are key to a winning formula. O'Shea needs to drive his team. Push them and lead them -- but not over the cliff. Quarterback Drew Willy is going to struggle and the coach is going to want to yank him early and often. He can't. Willy needs to be able to make mistakes and learn from them. This will require some losing. It's difficult to fathom O'Shea looking in the mirror and uttering, "It's OK if we lose today, so long as we learn, which will enable us to win on a consistent basis down the road." Hearing him croak out a whisper to the same effect in front of his team is even more impossible to imagine. It won't happen. Never. But that doesn't make the sentiment any less true. All Bombers fans want this team to win and win often this season. But the inability to accept losing for the right reason is precisely how the Bombers got themselves into a 3-15 jackpot last season. Already management -- and that includes O'Shea -- has shown the courage to take a step back to move many forward. Opening the season with Willy and two other untested quarterbacks is the kind of step the previous regime was afraid of taking. O'Shea should make decisions to play youth when the promise is obvious, as in the case of offensive lineman Matthias Goossen. The first-round pick has the size and athleticism to play in this league for a long time. Goossen is more of a brawler than anyone along a Bombers offensive line with a very thin mean streak. He's a Canadian who needs to play and gain experience. The sooner the better. Get him in and take some lumps early with an eye to the long-term benefit. Why would the coaching staff push for veterans and bring Goossen along slowly? The only reason not to play Goossen now is to protect Willy. If using Goossen is a safety hazard, then the point is conceded. There's been no compelling reason provided by the veterans to keep Goossen off the field. He's going to have to sink or swim at some time, so why not now, when everyone in the league is trying to find their way? O'Shea spent some time last week stressing this isn't a rebuild. OK. But the Bombers are low on Canadian talent and green at quarterback, which often spells disaster in the CFL. A quick fix is possible but impactful Canadians have to be in place for an experienced quarterback to parachute in and stack up the wins. The Bombers don't have any elite Canadians on their roster right now, and both Henry Burris and Zach Collaros spurned the Bombers' advances during the off-season. So a fast turnaround is off the table and O'Shea is left with taking the longer route of development, which will include growing pains. Everyone wants to win. Everyone knows what kind of a winner O'Shea is. Now it's time to find out what kind of a loser he can be.
  13. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the oft maligned tool used for psychiatric diagnosis in North America. Since the most recent edition arrived in 2013, it did not include the relatively rare but geographically significant diagnosis of PMTD. (Post MackTraumatic Disorder). A significant part of the diagnostic criteria includes the inability for sufferers to consider the WBB have any chance to recover from even the slightest adversity within a game. Despite multiple comeback wins this season, and numerous examples for future optimism, sufferers of PMTD are prone to fits of nay-saying and delusional finger pointing (eg. "the refs are out to get us", fire Etch, etc.). However; there is hope fellow PMTD survivors. Cast off that Gold jersey, and self administer a minimum of 18 doses of Willy this season. Your ability to recover from this insidious illness is weighed heavilly by your adherence to this regimen as well as a heavy dose of faith. BTW, Willy should never be taken orally.
  14. Ignited by the heat-ray gaze of Kent Austin when he believed the mechanical room was the one who was beaten for that last touchdown pass.
  15. The Larks will finish second in the East and beat BC in the semis. They will lose to T.O. who will go on to defeat Sask in the Cup. ...That was easy.
  16. One of my favorite players on defence at that time, along with Pete Catan. Good to see his ghost is still around these parts, though I think he is actually still alive. You bring a tear to my eye, sir.
  17. I'm gonna go drop a deuce in solidarity with Nick.
  18. Tony Norman was a fairly dominant DE for the Bombers in the early 80s. My girlfriend at the time and his were good friends...I remember crazy, crazy times spent with him and other BB of the era.
  19. Please remember that Gary Lawless citing the "word on the street" does not equal truth by anyone's stretch of the imagination.
  20. Nobody gives it up for returning heroes (see John Chick) like the midori-heads. Familiarity with the system + a very good chance to return to the ($) Cup + exultation of the highest order should be enough...Unless the cash gets very serious, I can't see him going to another CFL team if they are just kicking tires.
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