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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. Leggett's play last year gives us the luxury of depth and versatility. It allows us to concentrate on the D-line in FA and scouting. I love some of the guys that are reaching Free Agency this year, but for a change, we have a choice.
  2. No matter how one feels about the Gaber, he is one of Winnipeg's biggest sports fans, and I, for one, can finally acknowledge that in a positive way...???
  3. Can you think of of a worse way to enter your option year than by walking an elephant into the room like Lirim did? Now it's there, and everybody knows it. It is an issue for the Bombers as when Walters was talking about their past year today, on Dancing Gabe's birthday, he specifically mentioned their close losses. He didn't mention kicking at all, but if you convert his conversation into meaningful dialogue, you'd get his point. It was the kicker. They'll target Medlock, and that will cost, but will we see meaningful conversation with Lirim? We'll see...by next Friday. Should they? Yes, of course. We hold all the cards in this game.
  4. It's just a list. Doesn't have to mean who is actually #1. Who's important is reflected in each team's needs. I believe the Bombers have already addressed some of their needs with the re-signing of Jace Daniels and Matt Nichols. Important. Dressler's release (still puzzling to me that Jones didn't wait til Feb 9) gave us a huge early advantage in acquiring another need at receiver. Impact. Capicciotti, Harris RB - top tier. Bryan Hall, Corey Watman, - next level? Big receivers? - Chambers, Fuller, or Stafford. 12 more days...
  5. Dressler knows how to spell consistency, whereas Moore has a few letters missing from that word. That doesn't mean Moore isn't capable. On the contrary. But it didn't work out here. He'll catch on somewhere. I wish it were here.
  6. Hmm, 7 defensive linemen eh? Looks like a good place to start for, at least, a serviceable player.
  7. No, but it's based on lots of conversations with dead clams..
  8. You have to wonder how much SMS cap money will have left if they go hard after Josh Bourke. After all, their top 2 receivers are pulling in $250k each. That would be Duron Carter and SJ Green. (It’s believed Green will receive in the vicinity of $250,000 annually, various sources have told the Montreal Gazette.) Herb Zurkowsky @HerbZurkowsky1 Been told by another source close to @DC_CHILLIN_8 the deal with the #Als is as good as done. He likely becomes #CFL's highest-paid receiver And how does Carter respond to all of this? CFL News @CFL_News "I was definitely one of the main reasons why the team (#AlsMTL) was winning” - @DC_CHILLIN_8 #CFL via @HerbZurkowsky1 #BellLetsTalk
  9. There was nobody...but nobody, who could swag Essensa's name like Kurt Kielback's "and Essensa the save". Classic
  10. This must be some kind of mistake. Avon Cobourne WAS a running back. Shouldn't he be coaching receivers or special teams or something.. (Sounds like an intelligent signing.)
  11. CFL News– ‏@CFL_News Walters: "Our scouting dept. needs to improve, to find better, younger players." #CFL #Bombers via @Wpg_BlueBombers 11:14 AM - 26 Jan Terrence Edwards– ‏@Tjedwards82I'm say it again... @Wpg_BlueBombers I told the bosses before I retire, I would like to get into the scouting! https://twitter.com/cfl_news/status/692062962945753091 … 11:53 AM - 26 Jan 2016
  12. The Walters presser did put out some interesting info in how the Bombers are undertaking the search (scouting) import talent. - They are taking statistical data from successful CFL recruiting and applying it to how they evaluate talent at NFL camps. They hope to get a better grasp on identifying potential, useful CFL players. In other words, do a better job of recruiting. This has been a concern for every Bomber fan for at least the last 2 years. We can only hope this new approach reaps benefits. - Walters touched on the O-Line and the fact that they only have 3 Canadian guys signed. At "this date", they are not concerned as he feels there is plenty of time to locate and sign at least PR guys to develop. And, of course, the draft. The only "surprise" thus far, was the retirement of T. Griffiths, whom they felt was coming along nicely. At this time I can't help but feel the Bombers are ahead of where they wanted to be, mainly due to the availability, and signing of Weston Dressler, and that the process they are following will yield more signings of our own FAs, and that, of course, will lead right up to Free Agency in 2 weeks time. I think they will go after another big name receiver, a middle of the pack O-Line guy (think Watman) and a big name D-Line guy. We're in good position to be successful in those areas, I would think.
  13. A year or so ago, we announced the signing of Int. prospect OT Zebrie Sanders. This year we announce the signing of Int. proven rec. Weston Dressler. I like this signing a whole lot more. Dressler, and his salary, replaces Moore, and his salary. Dressler has proven that he is a clear upgrade at the receiving position. A solid acquisition, with no effect on the SMS. This scenario is probably the best that we could hope for in the manner it unfolded. The release of Dressler in plenty of time to reorganize the receiving corps. We now will hit the FA period in a better position to approach other targeted personnel without the distraction of worrying about addressing Dressler. So, thank you for that Mr Jones..
  14. BC traded him. Edmonton traded him. Montreal cut him. Saskatchewan traded him..in an all-star season, Calgary is letting him walk. It just seems weird that an all-star Canadian power back has played for 5 teams and is moving on again. What am I missing? Is it conditioning? Or is it the condition of things?
  15. Iso, this is what you posted, a scant 2 days ago. It would be best to keep it in mind. It's media-driven. Everybody wants to get the story out first. That's their job. But until we hear the Bombers have inked him, or that we hear he's a Western Dressler, then we have to temper our angst, and wait for an official announcement.
  16. Good. Get this out of the way early. Focus on receivers we can actually get. You said it yourself. Hardly anybody here saw Carter ending up with Winnipeg. He was going to Montreal unless somebody paid him big, big bucks. Turns out somebody did - Montreal. Walters can't win in your eyes - don't go for him...get criticized. Go for him, don't get him...get criticized. It makes sense to inquire about Carter, but it makes more sense to not make him the highest paid rec. in the league on our team. We need more pieces than just a receiver. I don't believe there's anyone who believed this is a fail on Walter's part, so why bring it up?
  17. Good. It takes Montreal out of any other receivers the Bombers are interested in and limits Montreal's creative FA spending.
  18. I'm not sure, at all, if this knowledge would do any good for the average CFL fan, other than being another platform from which to pitch criticism. The other major leagues, involved mostly in the States, are runaway cash atrocities that care little for the average fan - just the almighty buck. Their millions earned mean nothing to me, other than a shrug and a moan. So, do I want to know any sports league's salaries? No, as it does nothing for me in the interest in that sport..other than jading that sport in my eyes.
  19. But you said players want to go to a winner...not to Winnipeg. I guess Westerman was just a fluke too. And now you're changing the parameters. Naughty, naughty. Sounds like you're rationalizing, oops, I meant irrationalizing. You're gonna give Transcona a bad name.
  20. Ehlectrifying goal. I'm beginning to really like that line of Perreault (a), Armia (a) and mr shifty pants..Ehlers (g). Totally surprised that, at the end of the period, with that collision between Little and Wheeler, that Little didn't get a tripping penalty and that Wheeler didn't get embellishment. ?
  21. Nah. It doesn't necessarily tell me that. Although it may be true to an extent, there are recent examples of FA signings that fly against that rational. (Moore, Bryant, Adams, Hurl and even the re-signing of Nichols) And, if that were always true, how would that explain Ottawa being able to sign 4-5 FA receivers last season after their dismal inaugural season?
  22. I heard on 1290, the only tabled offer is from the Bombers. Stamps have not given a firm offer. IMO...overnight. Then if Calgary doesn't interfere - he's ours.
  23. It's weird how this whole page is (12 point disguised as) 14 point. And I had to 16 point this to point it out.
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