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Captain Blue

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Everything posted by Captain Blue

  1. I hope this doesn't turn out to be a big story. I can understand why LaPo would be upset and I'm sure Elizondo felt similar as well. But still, everyone including LaPo needs to also understand the situation. If Jones leaving this late in the offseason was such a big blow to the Riders, why would any other team WILLINGLY bring that on themselves too?
  2. I would assume the Bombers - and pretty much all the other teams - would not let the Riders take an assistant at this point. If they do want LaPolice, I feel more likely they'll have to wait at least until next offseason. Said it before and I'll say it again on Richie Hall - if you are rooting for the Bombers to lose him, you are working off a 2017 viewpoint and haven't updated it from last season. With Bighill back I am really, really excited to see that defense again.
  3. Brutal for the Riders to lose their HC this late in the off-season. Chris Jones continues to be all about Chris Jones.
  4. Absolutely fantastic signing. Its been a few years so we may not always think back on it, but Winnipeg has become a strong organization and place to play. Another big signing that praises the work Osh has done here.
  5. I scoffed at the idea initially but I don't blame Ambrosie for looking outside the box here for potential revenue streams.
  6. I think any major news, whether it's the Bombers or another team, should get it's own thread. These big threads work against active discussion.
  7. Both can be true, though I don't think Nichols is really relevant to this. Ottawa is pumped up as a good team only because of how they stack up against the East.
  8. Ottawa sucks, guys. Get rid of divisions. I don't want to watch a crappy team play in the final just because of their geographical location.
  9. It hasn't been discussed because quite honestly it shouldn't even be a debate. I would argue Mike O'Shea has been the best Bomber head coach since Dave Ritchie. Berry and LaPo each went to a Grey Cup but couldn't sustain success. Osh has missed out on a Grey Cup appearance - and that stung like crazy this year - but has coached a consistent winner. He's created a winning culture. He's created a team atmosphere where people want to come here and stay here. But let's not leave it at just a Bomber perspective. How many other coaches are better than O'Shea right now? I would argue there are maybe only two, and both are coaching this Sunday. In the West you've got Dickinson, Maas, Jones, and an empty BC spot. Dickinson is really the only one where I think you can put him above Osh. I'd take O'Shea over any of them. In the East you've got Campbell, Jones, Sherman and an empty Toronto spot. Campbell's team has had more success with Grey Cups, so I think putting him above Osh is fair. But honestly, I'd take O'Shea over all of them. The East/West divide is easily the biggest competitive advantage for Campbell. Truly, if this league was just one big division I think the Bombers would've been in a Cup by now.
  10. There is no way I want O'Shea going anywhere. They haven't won a Grey Cup, but they have been consistent winners and you would think eventually they'll break through for one. The Bombers (recent historical) problem has usually been that any coach with some success gets dumped pretty quickly when he fails (Berry, LaPo) and then we realize that the replacements aren't nearly as good as we thought (Kelly, Burke). O'Shea has led the Bombers to three straight winning seasons, which makes him the most consistent head coach since Dave Ritchie. Richie Hall should stay too, assuming he still wants to work. The fans who hate on Hall haven't updated their views from last year. This defense was really, really good for most of the year. They played such a good game today and deserved a better fate. In comparison to last year, they pulled the offense along for wins this season. I could go either way on LaPolice but I'd prefer to move on. The CFL is so slanted towards offensive success that if you're not putting up a decent amount of points and passing yardage each week it should really concern you. Nichols falls into that same boat. If we had even a decent quarterback today, we win the game. The fact he was throwing balls into the dirt even when Calgary was playing prevent defense should eliminate any lingering doubts about him.
  11. Ya, this was overlooked. Dude spent all freaking game whining about the refs and then somehow the flags all started to fly against the Bombers.
  12. Been nervous all day about this game. It has been so long since we've even been to the divisional final. Should be a helluva game.
  13. Great win. That hit at the end of the game definitely should have been a 15 yarder. Always hate to see a player get injured, even if they are a Rider. Bombers played pretty darn well and would have had an easy finish too if the refs hadn't gifted Sask a free six points. Happy for Mike O'Shea especially. First playoff win since the LaPo era.
  14. Been so nervous for this one. Even with Collaros out the Riders defense is good enough to pull off a win. We will really need JSK to dress, Wild won't have the speed to contain Bridge if he breaks out of the pocket to his side.
  15. Trestman is a really good coach, but since his Montreal stint he has been largely mediocre in the NFL and CFL. I get that he won the Cup last year, but it is a huge advantage playing in the East (not only for Trestman, but most of these terrible teams). That Toronto went 4-14 this year in a division that featured ONE (!!!) team with a winning record should demonstrate how bad the Argos were.
  16. Need more love for Mike O'Shea in this thread. Thought he would go down with the ship this year but his faith was rewarded. Three straight winning seasons and three straight playoff appearances. Don't know how or when this season will end, but that is a solid accomplishment. Best shot at actually winning a championship is to be good consistently. Between 2004-2015, the Bombers only had two winning seasons and one 0.500 season.
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