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Posts posted by Logan007

  1. I actually like the jersey to be flowing around the midsection area.  It makes for a much grander effect when I twirl upon entering a room.

    LOL...ok you win the laugh of the day contest for that one.


    I prefer mine more fitted as well as some of the others.  Unfortunately every time someone (aka my wife) buys me a jersey (birthday gift), she always listens to the cashier and buys it oversized.  Bleh.


    I'm not fat but really Fraser????




    People don't give a **** about acid rain until it peels the paint off their car. By that logic heavy people who don't seem to care about how it's affecting their health or the giant drain on the healthcare system where resources are needed for people that actually get legitimately sick might only care if they can’t find anything to wear.


    I stand along side you on this man.  It doesn't take much to eat right and do some exercise.  People who say they just don't have time or can't bother are just lazy or have no willpower to resist the crappy foods that are out there...or both.  And this is coming from a 40 year old with a full time job, a wife, and 2 young boys in lots of activities....oh, and I also have chronic fatigue...and I still exercise.



    Once again twelve yards .... You should have more then that in even your first ever start.... if this happens again he should be pulled regardless of the lead or not.

    I expect that he should be getting at least 225-250 yards on average per game...


    even when there were 2 passes that blatantly are dropped by receivers that would get you first downs and allow you another series to get yardage in addition to the yards those passes would have added on to the totals? This isn't just on the qb. when you have 12 yards passing safe to say it's a collective pants shitting. 


    2 dropped passes does not a half make! When you lock onto your favorite QB at the moment, you really lock on!


    Actually 2 dropped passes can make huge differences in time.  You drop a pass on 2nd and whatever, and your drive stops, you have to punt.  The pass is caught and that drive could have lasted another 5 minutes of playing time (if they can keep the drive alive).  The same can be said for a missed throw.



    This guy return kicks at all? Could they be looking for a woods replacement?

    I hope they are looking for a Woods replacement....at least until Woods comes back.  I know Will Ford brought that kick back for a TD...but he's no Aaron Woods.


    ford doesn't even do punt returns if I'm not mistaken. That's all on Johnson and sometimes Washington. 


    Yeah, could someone explain that one to me please?  Is it just too much work for him?






    orrrrrrrrr and call me crazy here, this is being blown out of proportion and is just a guy ribbing someone that he used to play with? I dunno what's going on but my theory seems far more likely than a guy going out and trashing an ex team mate publicly like that.

    till the death eh 17? at least we know that if your ever a captain of a ship and she sinks, you would go down with her. :)


    You going to argue with anything I've said or just try and poke away at people? Which is more logical? That Arceneaux is a ****** of epic proportions who is taking to twitter to slag an ex team mate over a comment that said nothing more than "Wow." (which is probably what every one of us said when we saw the trade) or that it's more good natured than anything. 


    It's not that I'm defending Elliott to the death, it's that I'm arguing against the over reactions and piling on that goes on here far too often. Pay attention and you might see exactly what sorts of things I will argue. 



    Iunno... calling someone a clown doesn't feel like good natured ribbing to me....


    you should hear the things my friend and I call each other, makes clown look like nothing



    FYP - we all know your only friend is Noeller. ;)


    Yeah, and that guy is a few pancakes short of a stack as it is

  6. I'm not a Buck supporter, so understand where this comes from.  I have to agree with certain points that were made.  Pierce did not harm this team, not purposefully anyway (kind of like what Mr. Dee said above).  He did not force his way onto this team and force them to make him the starter.  If you want to be mad at someone or say "good riddance" at least aim it at the correct person.  Joe Mack.  He brought Buck here.  He probably (speculating considering what's happened) made Burke and LaPo start Buck over anyone else and because he signed Buck to the contract and paid him "big bucks" to come here and play, he pushed them to start him and refused to bring anyone else here to take his spot.  That's my theory anyway.  Had he allowed them to start any other less experienced QB's over Buck, Mack would have looked like a fool for bringing him in.  Hence when Mack was booted, Buck stopped being starter and started having all of these magical "injuries" that he all of a sudden had that no one would reveal.


    So if you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at Mack for bringing him here.  He made Buck starter, and Buck tried his hardest, even if his hardest wasn't that great.  He wasn't a bad guy, and quite often he was the "face" of the Bombers during his time here, and he was pretty good at that part.  When you say good riddance to someone like that, you make it sound like it was his fault he was here or that he was some kind of a prick.  If you were in the same situation and they offered you the starting position, AS IF you're going to say "oh no...no I'm not good enough".  No one does that.


    I'm glad he's not our QB anymore, but I still say good luck to him in his future endeavors.  And that's not sugar coating it, that's just being a decent human being.

  7. Haha, penis...

    I laughed at that too.


    When you have two young boys, crap like this becomes humorous after a while.  I think it's the way I'm picturing people saying it in my head.


    17, it's not that it's stupid.  Potty humor is very basic.  It's what all little boys use to make themselves laugh.  Sometimes going back to the basics is just enough to give you a chuckle once in a while.


    The thing Goltz needs to learn is that the media in this town are in fact jackals. Especially the guys who cover the Bombers - where you can't exactly write about winning football games and success- you're forced to make a goddamn TD celebration into a 3-4 day controversy.

    I don't mind the celebration, and I don't mind what he's said about it since then. My issue is that we're STILL talking about it today.

    How about pen an article about one of the new players, the continuing decline of Creehan's defence or something, anything relating to the biggest home game of the year. Nah, too much to ask...

    And now it's another article in today's paper about "fuming" Goltz.  What BS!  Watch the interview.  He's not fuming or whining; just says how the media is making something out of nothing, which is absolutely true. 


    I agree.  I just read it and it doesn't sound like he's mad at all.  Sounded like he was just making offhanded comments to them while tossing the ball or something and the media makes it out like he was super mad.

  9. I think the thing these bonehead coaches don't realize, is that the dance is for the fans as much as it is showboating from the player.  Some of us like to see the "dance" whatever it is.  It's just for fun.  Hell they need to celebrate something on this team, might as well be the one touchdown we make per game.


    Although I understand where this is coming from.  If you're losing, doing a dance isn't really the smart move and it makes you look stupid.  But Burke is taking this too far saying they shouldn't do it at all.

  10. This team is cash strapped right now.  They are in a real tough position, a new GM is going to want $$$$$$ to make wholesale changes.   I can see them standing pat for a season.  Good, bad or ugly?  Better be good or they will be swimming in red ink by the end of 2014.   

    I think this team is in such a huge mess that they need to spend money whether they have it or not in order to get this franchise back on track.  Unless, for whatever reason, they want to role the dice again on another season in order to save money.  But will they save money if people don't buy tickets?


    I'm not saying Walters is not going to be the next big GM, but is the organization willing to chance this?  People are already screaming for blood if you listen to the post game shows and read the forums. People are tired of seeing this team lose.  Do we really want to chance another new GM?  Are we really willing to go through another season just to "try him out"?  His tryout is now, and if he fails, put him back to his old position and get someone who can turn this team around.

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