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Posts posted by Logan007

  1. I live in Oakbank so driving to the downs would be a bit out of the way.  The kids are 7 and 5 and we've done a lot of hiking on our trips so I'm sure they can handle the walk from one of the parking lots at any of the stores allowing parking.


    Pretty fast though from the downs.  That's some good time their making.


    Thanks guys.

  2. Ok, so we're going to the game on Sunday for the first time this year and bringing the kids (yeah I know...rowdy).


    Now that things have been ironed out, where's the best place to park?  I was thinking just in one of some stores parking lots that are selling spots and then walking from there.


    And what's the best time to get to the parking lot at?





    I would be concerned about ticket sales.... I'm a pretty big hardcore fan and I haven't even gone to a game this season to check out the new place yet......    when I would rather hang out with the wife and the baby and watch honey boo boo over going to see the Blue play live.... you know the team is the drizzling poops....

    Honey Boo Boo, OMFG, Brandon!!




    Watching this makes me realize how smart I am to NOT have cable TV in my house.

  4. If Goltz plays poorly it should not be used against him. With this o line and this team you simply can't judge a poor QB performance accurately.

    Unless your QB is buck. Then a poor performance should result in his immediate death by firing squad. He's expected to throw, catch, run, block, tackle, kick, call plays and sing at half time.

    What are you Kim Jong Un? We don't wish bad things on Buck....just as long as he never starts a game in Bomber colors again, we'll be happy.

    LOL. That was awesome. You just won the internetz for the day.





    Here's my theory on Goltz.  He's an inaccurate passer.  It's his tragic flaw.  Arm strength, size, mobility are all the best of the Bombers QB's but if 3 out of 10 passes are two yards behind the receiver it's a big problem.  Even if the receiver adjusts for the catch the YAC is compromised.  We've seen him play in a few games and its fairly obvious even to use fans accuracy is a problem.    But the coaches see him all the time throwing balls in practice.  And my guess is they know he can't deliver the ball where it needs to go often enough to be effective.  So where we've seen him miss guys 15 times they've seen him do it 1500 times. 


    Of course I'm not in coaches meetings so for me to say what they think is only a guess.  But what seems clear is that they don't have a lot of faith in him.


    Getting Goltz to be more accurate is something that can be coached in practice.  I'm thinking that they don't have the patience for it right now.  The sense of urgency is still there with the coaches, even though it really shouldn't be anymore. 



    He's been here for 3 years and his accuracy hasn't improved at all... how long are they supposed to wait?



    We all know how much game experience he has in those 3 years. Not much.  It's not time to give up on him just yet.



    What does game experience have to do with accuracy?  That's the one thing you can work on while running the scout team and even in the off-season with whoever he wants to throw the ball to.  Playing in games won't make him throw a more accurate ball.


    Wut?  How can you equate throwing in practice with throwing in a game?  You could be a dead on accurate passer in practice, but when the game starts and you don't have experience in shutting out the noise, taunting from the other team, the butterflies in your stomach, the thought that everyone in the stadium wants to rip your head off if you lose, etc... not to mention once you say hut you have at least 4-8 monstrous guys running straight for you wanting to smash you into the turf.  Yeah I'm thinking you get a bit more jittery when you're playing live, which means your going to make mistakes and your accuracy is going to be off.


    And yes...playing in live games will make you more accurate.  Any experience will normally make you better unless you've reached your peak.


    Kyle and ken moll should airlift as much talent as they can. MSW's pedigree down south will serve him well, and it's refreshing to see we can still attract this calibre of talent.


    But I would also look at bringing in young QB's to develop on the PR, and a CFL calibre QB coach this season, or trade for a Willy/Collaros/Marsh right now! The stamps and argos coaching staff is loaded with ex-QB's mentoring these prospects. The model for success exists.


    Potential breakout talents like MSW will only be wasted if our QB ineptitude continues.

    And you're going to put this bus load of players where?


    What?  You mean you don't know about our super secret place we keep these guys....pffff...what kind of football fan are YOU?!?!


    but wasnt a joe montana or dan marino... but was an elway or flutie..

    You're going to have to explain. I don't see how this makes any sense.


    Yeah I'll second that.  What?  Flutie was a freakin freak of nature.  He was an AMAZING QB.  I've never seen a guy look like he's about to fail and succeed nonetheless.  The guy had rabbit feet and horseshoes coming out of his ass.  And Elway was a great QB as well.

  8. It's a solid signing and how can anyone complain ? The dude has way better stats then most receivers that are brought into the league.

    Exactly.  I remember watching this guy play for the Jags.  He did fairly well.  I think he'll do pretty good here, especially if he's got a good attitude like he's posting on twitter.  And if he's anything like Simpson, the two of them might spark the offence.

  9. How does a long time defensive coach, who has developed schemes to play against an offence not know anything about offence? He has been watching offensive film from other teams his entire carrer.

    You know, I was thinking the exact same thing and was going to post this but never did.  I have wondered the same thing since he started spouting that nonsense.  This is why I don't even think he's the great defensive coach everyone touts him to be.  I think almost his whole coaching career is a sham.  I know it's just speculation, but I think he just surrounded himself with really good coaches and just took all of their good ideas, and this year his luck of the draw just ran out.

  10. What's the hold-up on Boltus?  His signing hasn't been announced, he's not on the bluebombers.com roster.  It's getting late in the work week to bring in a new QB.


    Anyone got a practice report to share?  Who's getting the reps?


    I'm betting that Buck will be starting the LDC -- Hall's wrist looked super painful and that one practice toss he threw on the sidelines was real ugly.  And Burke doesn't seem to want to play Goltz.

    I don't think Boltus is coming in to start.  We just needed a 3rd QB on our roster since Buck is out.  I believe they'll dress Goltz, Hall and Boltus and if Hall's hand is still screwed they'll start Goltz.




    He's a journeyman. Most journeymen don't amount to much, I'm afraid.



    Haven't we been pining for free agents and guys who have been in the CFL?



    Too true.


    Sorry, but Boltus is not my idea of a great free agent signing, c'mon. Now, Graham Harrell if he's available... THAT'S a free agent worth pursuing. Or one of the CFL young buck back up qbs. THOSE are free agents.


    In the bombers defense, I think they were just going after a warm body quickly to fill the 3rd spot while Pierce or Hall can't dress since they need 3 on the sidelines.  I don't think they expect anything great from this guy.

  12. He's won before. Which means he can win again. And he gives us our best shot to win from who we have. Hard to say what hall gives us since he can't stay healthy.

    Seriously man, next time you kiss Buck's arse you shouldn't use crazy glue.


    No one here is saying that it's "all Buck's fault".  What Mike initially said was that he couldn't believe Burke stated that Buck played well, cause he didn't.  Burke is a complete tool.  How do we know?  1-7 this year...that's how.  Throwing away Elliott, that's how.  Keeping Crowton, that's how.  And those 3 things are just a few of the examples.  He's suppose to be this defensive genius, yet he's not helping his DC out who seems to be struggling.  And don't tell me it's because he doesn't like to micromanage his coaches.  Any moron with half a brain who was losing would say..."Casey, things aren't going well, I'm gonna help you out".  So the whole point of the original post is how Burke is NOT a good coach and seems to be sucking up to Pierce for whatever reason.




    well the logic behind creehan was that he and burke did fine work together in the past, but burke appears to have taken a real hands off approach which isn't working. 


    But that was also the logic behind Lapo hiring Reed, Walters, Barresi, etc... good working relationship - except somewhere at some point you need support staff with real CFL experience at their position - Lapo's crew had CFL exp but all of them got promotions at once... so all were learning together, it just doesn't work


    Burke did pretty much exactly the same thing... except with less CFL exp...  just can't figure out how we didn't learn...



    Lapo was never hands off with the offense.



    And most of us on the message boards wanted to Lapo to be more hands off with the O.  Now we want our current HC to be MORE INVOLVED with the D.


    Dunno, the assumption Bomber fans always make seems to be 'the guy doing it doesn't know what he's doing'


    Well here's the way I see it.  If you're a HC and neither your offence or defence is suffering, then I don't see a need for the HC to touch either one.  But if you were previously a winning defensive coordinator and your defence is sucking...wouldn't you make some suggestions, or take over if need be?  I mean, you're out to win.  I know he shouldn't have to step up...but geez...look at how bad your team is losing.


    In LaPo's case, he should have not touched the O unless his OC was stinking up the joint like Crowton.

  14. If Burke is such the Defensive genius that everyone touts him to be, why isn't he helping Creehan to get things straightened out?  I know most people are going to think I'm stupid for saying it, but I think when Burke was a DC, he surrounded himself with great defensive coaches that did most of the work for him.  The more I see him on the sidelines or talking to the media, the more I think he's a complete sham and road the coattails of others to get to the top.  The second Coach Harris died, swaggerville started to fail.  He finally got screwed when HE had to choose his own defensive staff and picked a dud in Creehan.  It's either that or Mack just handed Burke the worst defensive players in football.


    Flame away.

  15. Yeah, getting rid of Burke and Creehan now wouldn't be a smart move.  Wait until the end of the season and we can see who's available, otherwise we're just shortening our list because almost no one is going to want to leave their current position at this point in time in the year to come here.

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