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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Technically I agree with you. However, once you add in humans (especially those in charge of making change/progress/being leaders) to that equation it's literally only a matter of time before the system is corrupted. I think that's what a lot of people fear, and rightfully so. I have absolutely zero faith in our governments ability to keep corruption out of anything. I actually think it IS warranted. She isn't just another politician. She is the "leader" of a major political party, one that has very recently come under fire for their support of the convoy. The same convoy who apparently has a lot of members supporting russia. The way the world works now, she needs to be very conscious of what she is or is not doing when it comes to showing support or not for any given cause.
  2. Not sure I'd consider that a "hit piece". I'm sure their numbers aren't perfect, but it would not surprise me in the least if they were close to correct. 87K for BA sounds about right if he's on the 6 game to start.
  3. Right now it's actually not a problem. Both kickers lead the league in field goal percentage and lead the league in punting average. It won't be a problem until the kickers come out and show that it's a problem. All it is right NOW is fodder for forums.
  4. It wasn't long ago that you were saying the culture is gone...lol. Just sayin...we all go through it eventually!
  5. He wasn't let go due to performance his first time around. We had Medlock...so not quite the same.
  6. We really need a WTAF button added on this forum.
  7. I've tried finding info on him, but it hasn't been clear
  8. PBS did an interview with the Mayor of Konotop. They blurred out the portrait behind him because....it was a photo of a Nazi Leader Stepan Bandera. The mayor (Semenikhen) is a well know Neo-Nazi apparently. He said during the interview he's using American weapons to kill Russians. Kind of a damned if you damned if you don't situation. But the west needs to be VERY careful doing this. Especially with the propaganda out of Russia that they are de-nazifying Ukraine.
  9. Yes of course. But Russia (along with most powerful countries) also have agencies where their only job is to implant misinformation and create division. Russia has been real good at it in North America. Just google Russian Troll farms for some examples. I would bet a lot of money the majority of profiles in those convoy forums aren't actually real people.
  10. Not sure about the $$ but certainly the fake profiles to boost #'s in the social media groups/pages/accounts etc. It's been shown that many extremist facebook groups and even some religious ones are run by bots/trolls. My twitter feed in particular has a lot less Trudeau hate and a lot less "vaccines are killing people" posts since the war started.
  11. It's almost like they're Russian themselves...
  12. Not really. He only played 1 quarter I think...before having his season end due to injury.
  13. I agree with this. However at this point in time it's wishful thinking at the very best. Oil and Gas has infiltrated every level of politics mainly for the purpose of essentially regulating themselves. And we all know how that's worked out. Banking the future health of our water ways/planet etc on oil and gas being properly regulated is essentially insane at this point. Mainly because of the grip Oil and Gas has on us, for this particular issue, on our politicians.
  14. Then they'll discover their continent is actually a large floating pile of ancient garbage and understand what caused all of this lol.
  15. Should I point out Oil and Gas propaganda every time I see some on here? Now before you get on my case, I'm not suggesting this DOESN'T happen. But I would bet a large sum of money that it doesn't happen in the quantities it would take to create a cancer issue for an entire community. I've already said it a bunch...so I'm going to assume you know what I mean by making this bold lol.
  16. buttons are the future!! No one wants touch screen keypads!!!
  17. it's not really meant to change the average persons habits completely. It's meant to impact big business and make them change.
  18. Yeah tech evolves so quickly now people don't even know. The original Iphone only came out 10 years ago. And look at how much it has changed since then. 10 years ago our world was VERY different than it is today. What does it look like in the next 10? We used to say that but it would be 100 years....than 50...then 20...soon it will be yearly.
  19. What I meant about "literally destroying humans." Is our fertility. Not our health as it stands now. If our fertility rates continue to drop as they are, climate change or not won't matter to the survival of humans. And we know oil is negatively impacting our fertility rates at a surprising pace.
  20. Oil and gas has helped us, no doubt. But the science is remarkably clear. The way we consume oil into our environment and our bodies is going to lead to the loss of fertility. Two things can be true at the same time. Oil helped us, it is now harming us. They hired them because they were good. But not on the same level as oil and gas. Which is why cigarettes are losing money every year, while oil and gas continue to up hold unjust laws that squash competition and help lead the way when it comes to harming our environment. While they continue to take in extreme profits and convince us that we couldn't possibly survive without them.
  21. I'm not talking about people choosing to not have babies...I'm talking about studying the fertility of humans regardless of there wanting children. There have been studies going on since the 70's that can directly link a societies use of oil to the reduction of male fertility. Yes all of the factors you listed play a role. But with the amount of oil we use and consume(like literally consume into our bodies) it is drastically dropping (specifically) the male fertility rate at about 1% per year...and has been since the 70s. This unfortunately means the average male today, is 50% less fertile than their grandfather. What this means for the future is not good (Obviously). And it very likely means having kids at all with be for the rich (fertility treatments are super expensive!).
  22. Cigarette propaganda took some lessons from oil and gas, but they still can't hold a candle to them.
  23. Oil and gas companies are far and away the Masters of propaganda. No one compares even throughout history. They have it mastered. They've been able to get out of most messes they create, including cleaning up oil spills they say they'll clean up. Which is another form of subsidies...we know their products are literally destroying the human species nevermind basically all other species on the planet...don't get me started on the ocean. We talk about war time propaganda and it's issues...or misinformation online and how it's impacted us. But never oil and gas propaganda....its so well done its often extremely hard to pin point. So I not surprised people don't know just how much oil and gas cost the public tax payers to set up their infrastructure, but to also continue working like they have all the while bringing in record profits. "Hey I'm destroying your environment, charging you more and more for transportation and heating and food, while my bank account grows exponentially. im literally destroying your species, ruining the biggest source of life on the planet, contributing to wars and the cause of them etc etc....but don't you let "renewables" trick you into believing they're better!! It's a lie!! You can't survive without oil, don't let them get a foot up with governments help, that's communism!! Are you a nazi? No this is a FREE country!! Now go fill up your tank, the prices are going up tomorrow!...which is your governments fault fyi! ******* Trudeau!! You should tell your government to remove taxes at the pump if you want cheaper fuel...we PROMISE not to raise the price to bring it back up to the cost it was WITH taxes!"
  24. This is 100% wrong. There is no truth tovthis at all. The ONLY reason oil and gas was made a reliable source of energy is BECAUSE of subsidies.
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