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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Why are we bringing in another RB when we barely use the ones we have? Pouring rain for what 3 drives? Zero run plays....zero....thats lapo level of over thinking it. RUN THE ******* BALL!!!!
  2. Jones dared Ssk to throw the ball on his defence all game....and it almost worked. I honestly think Jones has zero respect for Fajardo as a passer and that's why he constantly brought just 3 man pressure.
  3. Significantly better? Ott put up over 400yrds lol. Also the argos/als had close 200yrds in penalties in the 1st half alone. Both games where rather boring until the 4th, bit I'm not sure I'd give the edge to TO and the Als
  4. I remember watching that woodcock hit on TV and I couldn't believe he got up. That's also when I learned about getting hit so hard you puke! Never saw that before.
  5. Yes of course. But pretending like he's some sort of tyrant is becoming a bit ridiculous too
  6. You're starting to sound like people who blame Trudeau for everything....randy isn't the boss. He does what he's told. He doesn't just make rules all by himself.
  7. You could see that he was feeling some of those hits more than he usually did. Some wincing going on and he got folded pretty good on that last play and then called for a sub. 3 years ago, he shruggs that off. Time catches us all unfortunately. And I agree about the weight, I noticed it too. He looks a bit more solid that's for sure. I think khari may have sunk his own ship last night. I still think it was absolutely dumb to switch QBs after 4 passing attempts. VA looked horrible against CGY to start the game as well but turned it around. MBT looked bad as well to start. You gotta let your guy have some time to work out the bugs. 4 pass attempts shows he has no faith in VA regardless of what he says to the media.
  8. I wouldn't have pulled Vernon adams so soon. That was a horrible coaching decision.
  9. good luck. That's mostly just instinct. And it could you ever imagine any legit QB sliding in the GC if the game was on the line?
  10. It's not even close to those, nothing will ever be nearly as bad as the camo jerseys. I don't like the new jerseys on fans either, but I liked them as uniforms for the players.
  11. He was also tweeting about how fans couldn't possibly understand and that he's basically a perennial all-star etc etc so he sees things different...which is all fine and good. But it's weird he pretends like there are no defensive players who are consistently better than him without this hanging over their heads (#4 for the back to back Champs immediately comes to mind).
  12. It's well past being a problem at this point. The CFL and the CFLPA needs to show they're serious about dealing with those type of plays.
  13. Yeah there's a certain level of basic that every broadcast needs. I dont mind that. What gets on my nerves is when describing a play, he will get things blatantly wrong. Like talking about a guy who has nothing to do with the play as if he made the play. Or describing what happened during a play and it not being the case. There was a frustrating example during the Thursday night game that I can't recall right now. But I started laughing and my wife asked why and I told her it was the announcer being real bad at describing what happened. Even if he's talking during the replay and the replay proves he's incorrect about whatever, he doesn't correct himself often enough, and just keeps pretending like he is right.
  14. I missed the part about it being a tip of the hat to the back to back GCs. That at least makes it make sense.
  15. And not to brag, but I did get 55 points total last week!! Soooo...
  16. I usually don't pick a defence and just use all the money on players.
  17. As far as I'm aware, the home team always gets to decide what jerseys to wear. This screams as a cash grab attempt.
  18. It's just lazy and over done if you ask me. And like others have said, the seats are filled with blue jerseys....if this wasn't about selling more jerseys and making money it would be better to play off that. Blue wave, blue carpet bombing, sea of blue etc etc etc. Why take us back to winter with a thing that doesn't represent the bombers? I'm wearing blue either way.
  19. Ok this IS about the Bombers, but I wasn't sure where else to put it. The Bombers are planning a "whiteout" game for the next home game. Which I hate on multiple levels. But I heard the bombers will be wearing their away jerseys for that game. Is there any truth to this?
  20. Sorry booch, that was not a weak call at all. Glass straight up grabbed the rec with both hands around the waist after he got burnt on a double move. Glass was even laughing about it after the play cause he knew. He didn't. It was double move that glass jumped, then grabbed the rec hips. It wasn't a call that could go both ways either. It was literally the definition of PI.
  21. Oh I know. I've been questioning the Thompson move since preseason. He's just a step too slow. Maybe Rene have the speed, but I'd still prefer a vet.
  22. I know. but he's a straight up rookie. He'll get picked on. I'd prefer Hallet or another vet DB.
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