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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. No football league in the world at any point has seen a defense like last year. I truly believe that. I don't think a lot of people realize just how special that team was. Any expectations that this years defense would be as good or better was expecting too much imo.
  2. So many crider fans on Twitter complaining ..."Why are other teams fans so angry? CFL Twitter is a nightmare!" Or something similar to that. Lol can't take the heat!!!
  3. The amount of "we don't know what happened before the helmet swing..." from Crider fans online is embarrassing. I had a woman block me cause I said regardless of why he swung it, he still swung it and that in its self is ridiculous....I mean....I may have said it a little more rude than that bit still lol.
  4. Nonono....you don't understand. He DIDN'T do it. That video is part of the league wide conspiracy to make rider players look bad.
  5. "You guys keep taking about my injury!" No Cody....the media reports what you talk about...every ******* chance you get.
  6. That was the goof who swore up and down that the 2021 Bombers were worried to face the Stamps in the West Final.
  7. I must be watching a different run game then some on here. Our Oline is fine?? Not in the run, I don't see how anyone can say different honestly. Proof is in the puddin.
  8. I dont understand the people who want borsa back lol. He did nothing in preseason, except beat 3rd/4th stringers. It should be Augustines show now, hopefully he's not too banged up. But pretending like Borsa is some how a solution is just weird. Also if we're making any switch on O....it needs to be Gray. He whiffed on a few blocks that directly lead to tackles in the back field. Hard to do anything when you're getting hit as soon as you get the ball. I rewatched the game when I got home. Glad there was no suitor...and I like Dustin Neilson...buuuut am I the only one who hears the "who do you think you are...I am!" Bowling guy every time Dustin gets excited? I can't unhear it lol.
  9. I volunteer to take all the cheques from people who ***** and complain about the carbon tax. Just send me a message on here and we can work out the details!
  10. He stole my idea!! I want a percentage of those ticket sales!!! lol For real though, every team in the league should have this policy.
  11. He's the GM he's not going anywhere for another 2 years I bet.
  12. keep in mind. IF any players are plucked off PR's. They are required to start. Quite frankly the Bombers have absolutely zero need for this.
  13. PLEASE!!! For the love of Cal Murphy let this be Agudosi time!!!!
  14. At least it's something. I'll say that. I was surprised it took this long to be honest. But at least something was said. Would have been better for him to face the media, but maybe he just doesn't have that skill set yet. Either way it's a start. I guess him admitting that he said racist stuff will fly in the face of a lot of the criderforum members...but no denying it now. I'm sure they'll find some way to justify his racism though.
  15. yeah but jeffcoat hit a player in the head 3 years ago!! Why aren't you mad about that!! HUH!!!?!?!?
  16. Of course. But that's not good enough! They're also talking about why people outside the org don't want Marino on the field again..."Why doesn't he get a chance to redeem himself"...and fair enough, I can see their point (even though he has shown in 12 games that this is a pattern and not a one off) but why would the criders WANT to give him ANOTHER chance? What has he done to deserve it? That's what I don't understand, all this defense of a mediocre american DT...
  17. back at criderfans they're still complaining "why weren't people upset at other players who were dirty!"....as if people weren't. And they think this will help galvanize their team with a "us againt the world" mentality. That may be true if they had any actual leadership on their squad. They don't...so this is only going to cause issues for the rest of the year...especially when/if submarino plays again.
  18. Where are people getting this from? Not that I doubt it, but I can't find anyone from the criders talking about it
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