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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. WPG SUN: 1700 Church Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2X 3A2 WPG FREE PRESS 1355 Mountain Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 3B6
  2. I'm going to get his autograph and gift it to you.
  3. Have you written a letter yet? You seem to be the only person who gives a ****. I'm not sure why...don't answer either cause I don't care. But thanks for the laughs.
  4. I have. Damn cops You should write a letter. For real though, I know of at least 1 person who had a dui and accident that resulted in death.....They're still walking the streets and waiting on the court date 14 months in.
  5. No sorry, I meant the actual football game. Say SSK and EDM tie this week. What happens then? Just no points to anyone?
  6. updates on todays practice from DT.... Bennet and Schmekel look to debut this week....not sure I like that. Sheahan has a few different styles when punting Evan Holm breaking up passes...AGAIN....say it with me Booch - MODP!!!
  7. Here's a question, what happens to these picks if there is a tie?
  8. I didn't mean to imply you were slagging him. I agree that it's all hearsay. And I gaurentee there are a lot of guys in WPG and around the league that aren't happy with their playing time. It's pro sports. I would hope every backup wants more. The difference is how the club handles those things. Like Booch pointed out, BC staying behind to fight makes me believe the locker room isn't as professional as some BC players are making it seem.
  9. I'm biased because I believe Kongbo is a starter. Fans usually forget that every player believes they're a starter as well...as they should. So to come to an organization where maybe your starters aren't putting in work like you are, or like you are used to seeing (remember Russ W was working out on a flight) AND they're getting reps over you. I can see why that would rub a competitor the wrong way. IMO that's they kind of attitude you want in a locker room. Work as hard as me or you're going to hear about it! Also people should keep in mind, this is the first drama aroud Kongbo...ever? Even his college teammates/coaches only had positive things to say about the guy.
  10. That's fair. But I believe you are forgetting the fact that BC does indeed suck.
  11. 1. Wrong, he absolutely mandated it. 2. The member I quoted certainly seemed to forget. 3.i was 100% expecting that response. "Those aren't even that bad" is bordering on pathetic imo. And again, the only reason I did that was because someone else brought up how harper didn't have as many scandals, which is just a flat out lie.
  12. This entire situation sucks. But I dont at all think it's hanging over the bombers. If it was literally any other position....maybe? But the team is stupid deep at rec. So Collaros will only have Demski, Schoen, wolly, Bailey and Agudosi to throw to. How will the passing attack be effective?!?!?!
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/amp/news/federal-election/2015/08/14/a-conservative-collection-of-harper-government-scandals.html People tend to forget. "The Harper government " which is what Stephen demanded it be called, instead of the Canadian government.....was no choir group. He had his share of bs. https://moiz.ca/harper/ And one more for good measure https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2015/08/10/Harper-Abuses-of-Power-Final/
  14. I'm gonna need to see some proof. Cause you keep saying this, but I haven't seen it. Specifically the racist. Cause we've all seen you be called a grump/hater.
  15. https://twitter.com/keonhatcher4/status/1665801393435815936?t=3nbRpIzdMX1xJSeEWylMWw&s=19
  16. Lawson on the injury report.
  17. We could be mistaken that the Blue even offered him anything. I have a hard time believing we much cap space right now.
  18. Grant and Hallet back too Dt just said he's also out there
  19. https://twitter.com/DTonOB/status/1665763479406661632?t=T1cOSktQ99Gq9W9hS-YTDQ&s=19 Bighill and Brady back at it
  20. wrong cats..Kongbo is out west. Oh my bad. Just saw the news. Very interesting.
  21. I'm looking forward to watching Bo throw more picks than completions!!!
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