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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Wow...knowing those details now....if I were an L'ks fan. I'd be pissed. I thought they were locked in with him due to that contract, now that it's come forward that it isn't an issue...why is he still around? That's unbelievable.
  2. I agree. It's not relevant. But the person I quoted brought him up.
  3. Who are the players we've cut that have gone on to other teams in the CFL and become relevant? You've mentioned Fredrick, again a position that has always been solid under this regime. And MBT...who outside of last year was mediocre and if we had kept him may have been a reason to not sign Collaros. (lot of assumptions there, but still). I genuinely don't see the issue that you're stating. Bombers have 2 players starting on their Oline (top 2 in the league last year and this) who were cut from teams. 1 who has been in the running for MOOL the last couple of years. Grant was cut by Hamilton. Collaros had essentially been given up on by multiple teams. Lawler was released by BC before finding his way here. Etc etc etc. Pretending it doesn't happen else where is weird. Give me 1 name Bombers have cut during TC that have made even a slight impact...not even remotely close to the impact of the players I just mentioned. 1 player from the Bombers who has been cut that's currently top 5 in their position group on another team. I'm honestly having a hard time thinking of anyone.
  4. acting like the Bombers are the only team to cut quality players only to see them reappear on other teams is weird. It's football. Some players just fit better with other teams/playbooks/schemes/needs etc etc etc. This isn't a problem and it certainly isn't a MOS only problem. It happens in every sport, in every league. Our DB depth has never really been an issue, so great for Fredrick. Montogomery has done absolutely nothing in the CFL along with a bunch of DEs the bombers have cut. So what are we actually complaining about? If Mohammed was the player some on here seem to think he is, he would be starting. We have plenty of examples in the past of new DBs coming in and starting shortly after. That's the curse of being a good team, you're are eventually going to have to cut good players.
  5. yeah for all the hype around Piggy (my own included). He's not on a roster yet. And there are imo 2 teams that need help in that area immediately. And a few more that should be looking at developing the future there.
  6. Biggest abuse of power in Canadian history!!! He has the proof!!! Lol
  7. Me saying that you're making assumptions and then discussing why those assumptions might be wrong is something I consider a discussion. If you want people who just agree with you when your logic has more holes than Swiss cheese I'd suggest discussing this with people who don't have an understanding of professional sports.
  8. Again, you don't know that to be the case. How well did he pick up the playbook? Trick question, cause none of us know. Maybe he just wasn't getting it? The point is...the guys who found Streveler and Brown thought Prukop was an upgrade over piggy...im inclined to trust them.
  9. You're making a lot of assumptions. That's it. You don't know why Piggy was let go. You don't know why Prukop was brought back. No one on this forum does. Go tell that to MOS. lol.
  10. Is this a serious question? sorry let me rephrase that...If that's a serious question. I'm going to have to make fun of you. against 4th stringers in preseason...Prukop has shown more stating otherwise is ridiculous. I'm not even a big fan of this decision. But that's a ridiculous thing to say.
  11. Yeah I don't see the Bombers locking up 8-900k on two players. Zacks last year is his most expensive I believe. And Like others have said, Strevy will likely be in demand. I love the idea of him back here, but I'm not sure it's feasible.
  12. My thinking was that, I'm skepitcal Brown is going to be a starting QB for the Bombers. Not because he isn't good enough, but because he will have an opportunity elsewhere while Collaros plays out this contract. Prukop is not a franchise guy. He is what he is. Piggy....? Who knows...he very well could be a franchise guy. I figured, he could do the 3rd qb job while developing and IF brown leaves, we have another QB in the pipeline. As I see it right now. We could be in a very different qb situation come next year (not that, that matters right now).
  13. There was a significant difference in play calling on O. And I'm not entirely sure why. But the lack of bailey/demski out of the back field was baffling. The lack of adjustments to help Bryant against Betts was also frustrating. BC played well, but the Bombers play calling didn't do them any favors.
  14. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that someone was trying to connect to her TV. It can be done. She's still crazy for a whole bunch of other reasons though.
  15. Meh...in football you are what you are. And right now BC is top dog. I've always thought VA could be a solid CFL qb. I'm glad he's gotten a good chance. By all accounts his TC was great, and he's said he feels the most comfortable he's ever felt in this O scheme. I wish more qbs got the time to develop into a good CFL qb. We need it.
  16. Oh my bad. I thought he caught the last ball there
  17. Choosing prukop over pigrome would be a mistake imo. Pigrome could very well be the next starting qb for the Bombers.(could also be a total flop, time will tell) we don't really know what we have in him. We know exactly what Prukop is. Edm can sign Prukop. Piggy needs to be in blue and gold.
  18. The clock stops between plays, he was pretty far down field from his team and they were going to be kicking.
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