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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. I feel like I should be re-instated....cause I'm a real nice guy once you get to know me.
  2. ?? What's there to feel? It's just a stat/fact.
  3. Anyone else notice how wide Eli is? lol Not in a over weight kind of way. Just a broad shoulders/hips kind of way. Kid is BIG BONED! lol. Loved seeing him out there. Hopefully he continues to improve.
  4. Or who is free...I'd be fine signing Franklin if/when he gets cut from TO. But I wouldn't trade anything outside of a 7th rounder for him.
  5. Yeah, me and brother thought maybe Nichols got hurt on the previous drive. Was such a weird choice. But it also speaks to the stubborness of the coaching staff. They obviously planned to have Streveler take a drive or two during the game. And regardless of how good or bad Nichols was playing...that was happening. No ifs ands or buts.
  6. This is true, however. He's not just a tourist and was very much trying to appease people with that shirt. All it takes is a simple google search on your phone to see where you're going etc. I did think it was funny though.
  7. I watch both leagues. CFL far more than the NFL. I just find CFL football to be more exciting on average. It has nothing to do with an inferiority complex or jealousy about their stadiums etc etc. You're taking a lot of liberties here lol. I mean, people can just not like something because of what it is/does/etc etc etc and not because it's a superior product than the one they like.
  8. No he hasn't. He had success in EDM, when they had a grey cup calibre team. Outside of that he's looked mediocre at best. This is also the second system he's been a part of in TO with similar results. I'm not Sayig Bridge is any better. I just don't get the trade idea for a guy who is showing everyone he doesn't have what it takes.
  9. I thought it was hilarious. You should probably try to relax a bit more.
  10. Bauming tweeted a quote from Harris, saying he's fine and will be back tomorrow.
  11. Calm down, likely only need 12. Bombers will win 70-3. That's right, 10 of the 12 plays will go for majors. The other two, Streveler will kneel down on their one yard line to not run up the score.
  12. Careful they will use anything he says here against him on their **** show of a forum. You can't see it rider fans but I'm giving you the finger!
  13. Well you can't really expect NFL players to use a CFL sized field. Likely don't have the athletic ability to do all that running! /s
  14. How so? He played every snap while here in WPG. For the most part anyways.
  15. So the Raiders seem to have some kind of promotional thing going on, on the corner of Osborne and River Ave right in front of the LC. However, I can't figure out what it is. (And haven't had time to go out and see/ask) But they have a big Raider logo and a couple of girls in golf shirts standing around. Haven't found anything on social media about it. The girls aren't talking to people or really doing much but chatting between themselves. Is this the "week of activities" type of stuff that was suppose to take place to get Winnipeg pumped for this complete joke of a game?
  16. I would give up a half full bag of balls for Franklin and that's about it. Guy is a bust.
  17. Franklin coming here would be 1) a complete waste of time as he hasn't shown that he can be better then Streveler, and I don't think he can be better than him honestly. And b) a distraction, creating a QB controversy even when Nichols returns. Of course Hodge wrote this complete pile of crap.
  18. Everybody sucks cause they've lost to back up qbs, but everybody is also good because they've won using their back up qbs.
  20. This is a big game though. Will decide the series.
  21. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/white-supremacist-in-army-reserve-553050082.html?fbclid=IwAR0pHbTykVkXCgGjBrZmlxFc8HTL2hCJamCcL1sV3PxNVJX5ODjU9Jl7D4c#&gid=null&pid=2
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