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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. I mean, they are rider fans... But I remember reading something years ago about a 3rd party that took a bunch of supplements and vitamins to test for accuracy. I cant remember the exact numbers of products that weren't even remotely close to what they claimed but it was well over half of them. This is a major problem. Doesn't excuse Harris, as he should know better. But it is certainly possible at the very least that whatever he took was contaminated.
  2. Having a Kilkenny in the town of Kilkenny will always be one of y favorite memories. Great beer, you have a ton of them without the lasting hang over.
  3. lol if you're going to worry about what others say, you're going to be constantly worrying.
  4. Found this via twitter....interesting if nothing else https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18563865/
  5. Who cares? The day I start giving a **** about what other fans (let alone complete strangers) think of me or my fandom of the bombers is the day I jump off a cliff.
  6. Not ideal...but a healthy and fresh RB coming into the second half of the season is pretty ideal. He's going to get basically 4 weeks off. He will have fresh legs and a big old chip on his shoulder come mid September!
  7. I don't like it...but I'm not upset by it. Nor will it take anything away from what I think of Harris. I laugh at all these CFLer's talking **** to Hecht on twitter like they don't know anyone who currently is, or haven't tried it themselves. GTFO here. You aint' cheatin' you ain't Tryin! Bombers vs the WORLD now.
  8. And you know the whole....selling cocaine thing lol. That boy is a fool. Wants to be a pro but is just too much of entitled child. I don't know him personally, but I know the crowd he hangs out with in Winnipeg, his overall demeanor and attitude never surprises me. He's a full on pretender.
  9. I think he likely knew, but it doesn't bother me in the least. That's professional...well anything really...the winners do whatever they can to get an edge, often times on the very edge or completely over the edge of the rules. He'll come back fired up. Lets see what the backups have!!
  10. I can already hear those keyboard warrior rider "fans" going on about cheaters when they're crying about their season being over in early November.
  11. The punishment has already been announced....? and the appeal has already been done...
  12. I disagree on 2 fronts. First I want Augustine to start. He's got a lot to prove especially against a team that cut him. Even if it's a different overall staff etc etc. The burning is still there, guaranteed . second. there's no need to adjust anything for Santiago to start. 3 on D (Kongbo Thomas Hecht) and 4 on O (Wolly, and 3 linemen) without Harris. Edit...and I forgot about Demski.
  13. Will be so awesome when Augustine puts up 160 yards on those ***** ass riders.
  14. Likely due to the amount of success he's having at his age. Not hard to see people who are on the look out for this type of stuff to be suspicious.
  15. Chamblin doesnt understand how challenges work.
  16. Yeah I'm all for a team in eastern Canada, I just dont see how it's a viable option. Not long term anyways.
  17. In the pouring rain. With at least 4 drops. Two counting for 30+ yards total. Better conditions I'm thinking he has Matt Nichols like numbers. Plus his running. I will say, he took a shot deep that was WAY off target. He barely looked at the rec, and just fired it. Poor choice imo. Also that deep ball to Demski in the 4th that was almost intercepted....pressure in his face and he couldnt step into it. Right read, but hes gotta make better choices there. Worked out this time though....
  18. Get ready for the "if this and that and those didnt happen, they would have lost" posts.....lolololololololol
  19. **** YEAH BABY!!!! 8-2!!!! EAT A **** MAAS.
  20. I agree. It seems like he gets fined every week.
  21. I feel like I should be re-instated....cause I'm a real nice guy once you get to know me.
  22. ?? What's there to feel? It's just a stat/fact.
  23. Anyone else notice how wide Eli is? lol Not in a over weight kind of way. Just a broad shoulders/hips kind of way. Kid is BIG BONED! lol. Loved seeing him out there. Hopefully he continues to improve.
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