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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. So off the top of my head we have: CEO - Canadian - Rookie GM - Canadian - Rookie Head Coach - Canadian - Rookie AGM - American (Danny Mac) AGM - Canadian - Rookie OC - Canadian ST - Canadian WRC - Canadian I don't know much about Drew Morris or Dave Siddall but if we hire a Beaver and a Caribou to be mascots I don't think we can get any more Canadian!
  2. Does this mean I can bring back this avatar?
  3. I wonder then if KJ turned the Bombers down or the Bombers turned KJ down......I'd prefer the later
  4. Nice. Maybe now we can somehow get Alex Hall back
  5. Stubler gone, Nelson gone....anyone else getting nervous?
  6. Just quickly adding up the Ws and L-s and I get a record of 6-60!!!! Ummm no thanks!
  7. And people though Bellefeuille's name was hard to pronounce and write! Oh god I can't even imagine. Going off memory ... hajrulaluhu? that'll be a nightmare I think we will just be saying "hallelujah" as in "hallelujah we finally scored 3 points.."
  8. Okay serious question. Who are you talking about when you say this? I've seen it twice now and I have no idea who you mean. I think he means the WWE wrestler???
  9. so we don't have a kicker on the roster right now? Ohhh no.....we have Turner who can roundhouse kick a fieldgoal from the 95.....no worries my friend...no worries.
  10. Wait....did Turner get an extension or did Turner simply extend the club by allowing them to live longer?
  11. This was probably discussed somewhere but i'm too lasy to go look for it. Will the protected lists ever be revealed? Would be interesting to see who was protected.
  12. Stop keeping us in suspense and just tell us!!
  13. Lapo's TSN gig paying him more then BC can offer?? Or Cortez has already agreed to go elsewhere.....ohhh say Winnipeg lol
  14. I was going to say......this is the longest flight to Winnipeg ever. Does he have a layover in Russia?
  16. Did he say that? I don't recall hearing it. We asked for permission to speak to him, like Dave Dickenson he said he was sticking in Calgary. Right...I do recall asking for permission but I didn't hear that he didn't want to leave Calgary. Oh well maybe they made a better offer in Ottawa.
  17. Was it that Campbell had no intrest in Winnipeg or Winnipeg had no interest in Campbell?? I know that last thing I wanted was another DC turned HC....We have seen it too many times in this league. Now from ST to HC...who knows
  18. Wow.....He would look good in Blue and Gold as an OC Defensive Coordinator.... He was a linebacker in the CFL. That was his history as a coach also. He has been a DL coach, OL Coach, OC, Ast HC, HC etc. etc. I don't really care what position they give him but he might be worth a look....although I doubt that happens.
  19. Wow....great to see what former and current players think of him! I don't recall ever reading things like this when Mack, Lapo, Burke etc. etc. were hired
  20. Looks like the majority of MBB posters got who they wanted as HC. Guess we need a new poll for who we want as OC, DC, QB
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