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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Used to be a huge gamer... But after getting married and now with child its very hard to play consoles... My gamer friends are all in the same boat. The few who did get next gen consoles are starving for games. When the 360 launched after the first year there was game after game that you could play. These systems have very very little. My friends with these systems just have nothing to do with them. Both look nice and the graphics are not that different. Most of us now play PC games because they look and run way smoother and usually they go on sale for dirt cheap after 6 months. I haven't updated my computer in 3 years and it still runs games at max settings. I also tried the Steam streaming where you can stream games to other computers and it works flawlessly on a wired network. I have no reason to spend money just to play a few of the exclusives.
  2. I somewhat agree with you. However with a healthy Reilly playing the score would of been lopsided and Edmonton would of blown them away. So you could say that Nichols almost " lost" the game for Edmonton.
  3. I'd like to know what happened to Nate
  4. I like Khari but he shouldn't be hired because he's a nice guy, has some connections here and because at one point he was a great player....
  5. The article stated that they would love another shot at the NFL
  6. I am still unsure if I am sold on Khari as a great OC.... he had so many weapons in BC and yet the team was very inconsistent...
  7. It was funny seeing how Sunseri actually gave the O a slight pulse.... I assume next season we see Troy Smith in Green?
  8. I did not watch the BC Game but Crompton is a competent guy and at least he has the physical tools to get the job done. Glenn choked yet again so in hindsight... the guy should be relegated as a backup forever... I did watch the Saskatchewan game and I am curious on where the "Boy does Taman look like genius" for bringing back Joseph person is? Absolutely god awful qb'ing by Kerry Joseph on pick 3 he had a guy wide open right in front of his line of sight....yet he tosses it deep to a guy in triple coverage? Nicholls is Alex Brink in an Eskimo jersey.... he had guys wide open also and couldn't even make a 15 yard pass without it hitting the dirt. Colossal mistake by Edmonton on dumping Crompton for this guy. As much as I enjoyed Edmonton play calling... why in the world did they not continue to run the ball down Sask's throat? They had great success in the first quarter and yet they went to the air with Nicholls who couldn't hit anything. All around ugly game love watching the Riders embarass themselves and Calgary should easily dispose of Edmonton next week.
  9. So essentially you guys are saying we got a team because the stars aligned and we had lots of good fortune. =)
  10. Get a half decent PC and you will find a tonne of games like KOTOR for very low prices on Steam. If you must get a console... you can get xbox 360's for really cheap and you can pick up games like Mass Effect and Dragon age which are similar to KOTOR.
  11. I just don't have faith in the style of Etch's defense to stand strong against a competent team when it counts........ heck when Do or Die continually posts his O & S making note of the poor D gameplan ... I take that with some serious weight. Just because Bellefeuille is a really crappy Coordinator it doesn't mean we have to only fire 1 guy in the off season.... This kind of mentality reminds me of during the off season when people think Walters can *only* go for 1 position and can only sign 1 free agent and this team can only make 1 move per year.... *If* their is a candidate that is strong and willing to come here then kick Etch to the curb.... come play off time I don't want to see play off games where the opposition just runs it down our throat eating up the clock and tiring out our guys without a hope in hell in stopping them.
  12. I can't speak for other people but when I go to Vegas and the same for most of my friends... it's usually for a short period of time and we try our best to see and do things that we can't do at home. I'm not going to waste one of my nights going to see a hockey game when I can go see a tonne of high quality shows.....
  13. I'm not a fan of Marshall either.... I'd rather someone run a more conventional defense and focus on finding the best talent that we can instead of trying to either pigeon hole talented guys into weird roles or trying to fill weird roles with guys with limited talents....
  14. Ottawa was competitive for most of the year I don't agree with ts
  15. Ottawa was competitive for most of the year I don't agree with ts
  16. He definitely doesn't give the "In over his head" feeling that Noel had....
  17. This coming from a crack head.. I wouldn't take what he said with any merit. I remember from last year that Bellefeuille was a new man learning so much while scouting down South... To me I don't see a real difference. Lack of creativity on the run game and as you said nothing to counter the blitz despite having Grigsby who was good catching out of the backfield...
  18. Buck did not have the arm of Crompton and was much more run first. Completely different players IMO.
  19. Walters is a good guy, he will get things done over time. My only gripe for this season was them waiting to long to make certain changes. Learning experience that they can use moving forward
  20. care to give a recap of what makes you feel that way? I didn't catch it.Well I recommend trying to listen to it. But from what I recall, he talked about how much the inability to stop the run hurt us this season. He provided stats on that too...seems like he's clearly done his homework/analysis. He suggested O'Shea knows the run D is a problem but that O'Shea protects the coaches during the season; that was part of his plan going into the season. Said figuring out the coaching staff is his and O'Shea's first priority now; to me that says there's uncertainty there. If this is what he said then the writing is on the wall big time....
  21. I want Richard Harris back =( We could use a coach that players respect and who would could mentor and fire up the guys.
  22. Crompton is doing damn well since he started only a few weeks after being traded. Kudos to Dinwiddie as well
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