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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. In my lifetime there have been around six American football leagues that have given media types the vapors. They come and go. Little or no appetite for pro ball not called NFL but every new league thinks theyve found the magic formula. Ill wait this one out too.
  2. HAM is currently working on a scheme to start 5 american recs to fit Wms in. But , your idea isnt far fetched. That wasnt Banks first tantrum.
  3. Its something HAM, TOR or BC would have done in the pre cap days. MTL threw team building out the window. Good luck finding someone of quality to take over once Kavis is gone
  4. As a passionate HTC fan I should probably be more enthusiastic. But Masoli and June Jones sap my optimism. But fact of the matter is HAM made out like bandits in this. Maybe an epic fleecing for the ages.
  5. Does anyone actually believe those are actual customers in that burger King advert?
  6. Eddie Steele on O line. Nice depth Jonesie.
  7. My skepticism of Masoli is now a mental block so I can't join in on the proposed beat down
  8. Tough break, Teague. I'll be thinking of you while I still get paid. Regards, Roberto Osuna.
  9. Filthy hit. Dickbag pleading innocent made it worse.
  10. Another loss and Maas is on borrowed time
  11. East will be a hodge podge of mediocrity...again. Whilst CAL casually waits for West final opponent.
  12. Personally baffled Mathews is still on anyone's depth chart nevermind yet another opportunity to start.
  13. The cynic in me says Cats wont miss Tracy at DE that much .Howsare has a great motor. Tracy hasnt been a consistent impact DE for a frustratingly long time. Banks vs. Dimebag is the natural conclusion but IMO Tolliver can beat him too with smarts and athleticism
  14. True but their opinions are meaningless. On that site it's the opinions of a select few that matter. Some are subtly defending Jones by trying to spread the blame around. Others are warning against "knee jerk" reactions and putting critics on the defensive for being over reactive and not providing solutions...as if thats the fan's responsibility.
  15. Riders plucked a cdn o liner off HAMs garbage pile. Week 4 and Riders are in full scrap heapin' mode.
  16. Suitor made a 30 year old Homer Jordan reference as if it were relevent and insightful regarding Bridge. Talk about digging deep
  17. Anyone care to speculate what point MTL players were trying to make with the cans of pop on the bench ?
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