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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. QB controversy currently house hunting in WPG
  2. Sloppy but I'll take it. Change my mind about Jones and Masoli ? Nope.
  3. Down to my last molecule of confidence in Jones/Masoil. And its degrading fast. EDM is due for a loss. Yes, thats what Im clinging to.
  4. Anyone recall a Robert Porter. Briefly a WPG db. HAM just signed him.
  5. Saunders might be dinged, rumored groin pull.Tolliver hasnt been right since return from injury.
  6. Will guess HAM signs Carter in an attempt to bolster a failed offensive scheme .Team is bordering on trainwreck. After they lose to EDM next week it will be full on torches and pitchforks.
  7. Went to Faloneys testimonial dinner in 1999. He was already diagnosed with terminal cancer so no one expected him to be there. At the end one his sons was presumably giving last speech of the night. His other son then wheels him out from off stage. His appearance was absolutely shocking. Place was utterly silent. He spoke a few words. Died about two mos later. I was 20 something and didn't give a monkeys rear end about much but that stayed with me
  8. Punted too. Basically walked into Sazio's office. I'm a QB play me or trade me.
  9. Thanks! Zuger was a little before my time. Reputation is still intact here. Went to high school with his daughter.
  10. Many moons ago I found volumes of them at McMaster library. Stopped publishing around 1974 I think. Recall an issue with talk of a domed stadium for EDM football and hockey and MTL people talking about soon to come Olympic Stadium hosting expansion NFL team in terms of when not if .
  11. So according to the management bootlickers on Riderfans Carter was an "experiment" and since they got some good play out of him it's, oh well, no biggie. One has to be careful when using the word lie/liar so I'll go with "bollocks". When Carter was signed he was never, ever sold or advertised as an "experiment". Ever. Shameless ass covering for Jones over there.
  12. The blueprint to beat Masoli and Jones offense is out there . Just watch the tape of HAMs losses to SSK and OTT.
  13. East DIvision. Crossover again.... Since MTL was eliminated last January who among TOR OTT and HAM make playoffs ?
  14. The Rich Stabler brand is dying ugly.
  15. CAL is as good a team as any good team in recent memory.
  16. Had fun .MTL puts on a good game day Fun atmosphere. Recomend highly. Drank lots. What about the game? HAM offense looked like well coached, smart and efficient. And that's a long painful commentary on MTL. Not HAM.
  17. Should be deathly afraid of whats happened recently. IMO this team has huge problems.
  18. East turtle derby rages on. Manziel named chief fireman to extinguish 4 alarm diaper fire that is their team. Cats running out of opportunities to prove the Jones/Masoli/Run&Shoot thing wasn't the wrong decision to hitch franchise to. Dunno if a HAM win means much but a loss certainly does. Note: Zontar will be in attendance tonight.
  19. Two underachievers in the East turtle derby. Chris Williams and Westerman make debuts. HAM really needs to show something. Knives are sharpening.
  20. Short term optics could be bad but the fact remains there is no future in Manziel. What Tillman did was the smartest move for the long term health of the club. MTL is just trying to put out fires
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