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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. I thought the court ruled that since he did not have a certified CFL agent that the contract was null and void.
  2. Really tough to get on with a team right now. With cuts coming up on Saturday will be tough to get on a practice squad down there with no training camp or OTA's under his belt.
  3. Good news for us will get a real long look at him.
  4. Also voted best quarterback/receiver duo with Milt at the 2005 Grey Cup
  5. Hey guys I will be on Global Regina's morning show tomorrow at 6:30 Regina time. Hopefully I am able to hold my own against the Rider fan they are also having on.
  6. Khari's greatest gift was his ability to read a defense and make quick correct decisions. He also had a special relationship with Milt those to could communicate with a slight move and take advantage of a blitz or a weak coverage.
  7. Really good video on the Sun web site of Brain Dobie touring around their new facilities in the stadium. http://www.winnipegsun.com/videos/2634815747001
  8. Its worth it just for the fathers reaction.
  9. I'm not going to disagree with your overall sentiments, but is this because they didn't have faith in the kicker or because they (in Lapos case moreso, it's pretty clear Burke didn't like Palardy) had so much faith in the defense that they preferred to try and pin teams deep? The bigger concern is that the miss becomes a TD the other way. One of the worst decisions Lapo made was sending Palardy out for a 48 yarder into the wind at Canad Inns at the end of a half vs the Argos in 2010. Owens fielded the attempt at the 5 yard line and ran it back. Punting from inside your own 45 is not a good situation for pinning anybody (unless there is a significant wind). Punters don't practice shanking punts, they can't use their proper technique to hit that kick, and it has just as good of a chance of going into the endzone. When you watch kickers in warmup or practice, most of them go out to 55-60 yards and hit kicks. They probably couldn't do it in a game against the rush, but you can see them do it off a stand. Palardy could barely get it to the posts from 45-50. I really believe the season went the other way with that missed field goal. If that goes threw they win 4 or 5 more games that year.
  10. Would the kicker that Detriot Lions cut from Norway be considered a Non-Import? Has a monster leg.
  11. I took out the onside kicks for Palardy its 55.2 when you add the penalty yardage for the kicks out of bounds it brings it down to 53.2.
  12. He has six kickoffs one was the onside kick so that really throws the stat off. Take out the onside kick and its 60 yards
  13. Same Weston Dressler that has killed the Bombers the last few years?
  14. I love a good biiter. I was in heaven when I was in Australia. They have so many bitters. Favorite may have been Melborne Bitter.
  15. Have they said why Douglas not got back into the lineup? Is he not fully recovered from the hip issues that made him miss the season last year. Is he practicing?
  16. Really did you bother to check, Sandro's five kick offs are 65, 60, 61, 60, and 56. An average of 60.4 compared to Palardy's 54.4.
  17. Mike Williams had no success in the NFL at least MSW had a couple good years.
  18. Definitely have to shake up the vetern leadership this winter.
  19. Not sure if Rodrick Williams is a free agent or has the option to go back to Edmonton. The Argos have the potential to add another non-import lineman to their roster. This is all dependant on them not getting picked up by another team in the next 10 days.
  20. Might be not that bad of a idea but with our lack of scouting department I think it would be best if he was out looking for players.
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