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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. It seems like this became a area of focus since Miller and Walters have come aboard. They want to foster a great relationship with the Rifles to try to keep some of the better players from going to other areas of the country to play junior football. Look for them to recruit players where CIS football is not in their plans to play for the Rifles.
  2. 5. The league has held back investment in its self. Leading to a laundry list of things that they could be taking advantage of but can't do while trying to keep clubs as profitable as possible returning revenues to the clubs rather than its self.
  3. I am interesting to see what the reaction would be if there is a strike vote and a outside chance that replacement players are used?
  4. Wonder how many guys show up to rookie camp if there is a strike vote not knowing they are on strike.
  5. I don't support either side. Put the pride aside and get a deal done. Although the players tend to forget they come and go and the team is there for the fan forever.
  6. Got to admit I have not gone to any of the other sites since I signed up. Can't wait for the Lock of the Week to start up enjoyed doing it last year.
  7. Its not just the players losing out on checks got to think some of these agent whose client list is mostly CFL players will start missing their pay checks too.
  8. Wow looks like they want all the new TV revenue. I think if they get over 5 million they will be lucky.
  9. I am really excited for Petan. Have seen him play a few times against the Pats the past few years. His small size is not a concern either. With the Jets having tons of big forwards it might be a good to mix in a smaller guy like Petan.
  10. Anyone know if Travon Jones has actually signed with Bombers. Seeing his tweets they are kryptic not sure if he has or not. Following them its been like watching promos for a year about the debut of a new wrestler.
  11. Tweener for the NFL. Wonder who gets cut to make room?
  12. They are doing a pre game party / tailgate party on the grassy area on the east side of the stadium
  13. Would have to ditch salary I would assume to get him and be under the cap
  14. Nuefeld seem to be the most excited that Wylie was joining the staff. Hopefully can get him up to starting material.
  15. I think Taylor Renaud is more likely to be the back up non-import receiver.
  16. What he did was bring in very young guys with little pro football experience.
  17. I know Mike is a Bengals fan. Remember the Bengals last year is that they had a ton of injuries on the DL and Bilukidi was brought in when they started to pile up. So not sure what that means for him. Also new DC with Zimmer going to the Vikings.
  18. I get that. Point I was trying to make was billion dollar MLB don't treat the players they own and are developing better than practice roster players in the CFL.
  19. I am sure they are living a lot better better than many ball players in the minors. Where they are owned by billion dollar teams.
  20. I live on that week and am able to live very comfortably I am sure they are paying less in rent and meals than me if they are getting a deal for it.
  21. I don't know about that. It works out to be just under 40,000 if over a 52 week period. $15000 over a 20 week season, with the ability to work at least 25 weeks for the rest of the year. Sure some of these guys will have a degree and the ability to make more money but with the current job market in the states $750 a week to do some thing you love to do is not a bad thing.
  22. For a 22-25 year old kid $750 a week is not bad beats what in most cases is the alternative. It's just over $3000 month.
  23. Here is a feature TSN did on Eisho during the 2011 Vanier http://youtu.be/ii7yk8GmllA
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