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Everything posted by Fraser

  1. They pay you too much via PayPal and ask for some back. Then eventually PayPal catches up and logs their payment to you as fraud.
  2. Bittersweet I don't have season tickets anymore but looking forward to taking as much of it in from Ontario
  3. Correct. I wonder what I was thinking. I remembering the football wasn't as bad a 2009.
  4. Kelly made the playoffs and handled things internally
  5. That's really it. Making long-term capex decisions at a revenue peak is always a stupid idea.
  6. Not his perma greasy wrestler hair?
  7. If I get an ad blocker, how am I going to find all the hot local singles that want to meet me?
  8. Are we relatively unscathed injury wise?
  9. I hope Glenn throws a ton of picks and is running for his life
  10. Look up cfl streams redit. They'll post a bunch.
  11. I dont advocate that there should be a large portion of society that is 'working poor'. I think the real problem with is that it just creates inflation. Companies that pay minimum have to change their prices to adjust. Companies that pay more have to increase wages to maintain their spread. All these companies do things, so the price of food, fuel, services all go up. The average wage goes up so teachers/ cops/fire/nurses etc use that info in collective bargaining and taxes go up. I don't have any solution, I'm just saying it really just takes the problem and shifts it up a few dollars.
  12. I feel ya. Doesn't change the fact McGregor is gonna get outclassed big time though.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/sports/conor-mcgregors-boxing-sparring-partner-floyd-will-beat-badly-theyll-stop-fight-175454379.html Good article.
  14. You have about zero idea what you're talking about. McGregor is going to be so outclassed he's gonna taking a nap. This is going to go about as well as mayweather Hatton if it started in the 7th round.
  15. CFL is considered an inferior good in Toronto. People are too good for it.
  16. I couldn't imagine cutting carbs. I tried it once in an effort to make weight for boxing and I was useless on the heavy bag and a liability in the ring. I try to maintain a ratio of 50-30-20 carbs proteins fats. An emphasis on clean, whole foods (everyone knows the difference between brown rice and a french fry) and 3 meals a day with snacks (usually fruit) in between and something after a workout. Also really big on intermittent fasting. Take a day where you will only be doing cardio and fast from dinner the night before til dinner that night. Also think you need to listen to your body. If you are hydrated and not eating out of bordom eat when you are hungry. I find my appetite fluxuates greatly with my effort level, as it should.
  17. The ability to service debt for companies and people is measured in very different ways. I haven't looked at the financials but it is certainly a misnomer that operating profit must = debt payments for debt serviceability to exist.
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