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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. there are few people who want this team to win as badly as Wade Miller does....you can't fault that guy for trying.
  2. I think they could have benefited from TV shows people actually watch.....I've never seen 95% of the shows that won, and am only aware of about half of them. Thankful for an SNL win, anyhow... ...as for the show itself, I thought Thomas Lennon was really funny with the random voice-overs throughout the show.
  3. re: run game.......I think Streveler being hurt in the 2nd half hampered things a lot and changed the outlook of our running game.
  4. You can't demand a cup. But being in the game shouldn't be too much to ask this year...
  5. Accurate on all accounts. And I like Big Bird (as a broadcaster) but Dave's statement holds true.
  6. Essentially, to help broadcasters get better, I listen to their work with them and point out things they did well, and things they can improve upon. It's called airchecking... Just one small part of my job.
  7. This is so insane of a statement I can't even understand what you're a talking about. Not only is he BY FAR the best in the league right now, he is the best there has ever been.... Period. He is the very definition of the word "legend"... He's the most respected CFL media guy among his peers in the league. As both a fan, and someone who dissects radio broadcasts for a living, I can tell you better than most that Bob Irving is OUTSTANDING.
  8. I have zero doubts that our playoffs will end with a soul-crushing loss EXACTLY like this one (and the Argos one, and the LDC one...)
  9. A sickening finish that I'm not gonna get over anytime soon. Ham game at home *should* get us back on track but who knows... This was ours for the taking.
  10. Not much for stars in this one.... Tough to even choose anyone. Harris and Strev and that's about it.
  11. I dunno if it's just Khari and Gorgeous over there or what, but this team just reminds me so much of 2000 Bombers and that would also explain the undeserved cockiness...
  12. I unfortunately have to miss the first couple hours of the game while working today, but the PVR will be my saviour again. Hope to stay in dark mode until then. Let's go Bluuuuuue...
  13. I think the Stamps were lucky to even be in that game....
  14. They're second to Riders fans for sure. Just the worst kind of people...
  15. Bowman is doing it strictly to get in Harris's head and it's working. He's living rent free right now...
  16. Buff's got that locked down......absolutely the convo was about the fall greenback run right now...
  17. hey, if Kilgore wins that game, with that roster.....all the power to him......
  18. oh Lord....Khari, get those guys under control for Christ's sake. We're going to destroy those f***errs so bad....
  19. If there's been a knock on VAJ in his career this far, it's his lack of brains..........
  20. If William Stanback puts up 100yds against our DL, I'll tip my cap to him......best of luck to you, sir.....
  21. exposed or not, Evans is going to do far more than Logan Kilgore.....that guy is just awful.
  22. Neuf or Desjarlais as 6th OL makes the most sense....
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