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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. My thought has always been that if you're going to put your opinion out there you had better be prepared for people to take objection to it.
  2. never apologize for things you didn't do.
  3. Let him talk, just go shut him down and win the game. By hook or by crook a win is all that matters. It's a really really important game, I would hope that the team doesn't need some talk from a BC player to be motivated for this one.
  4. pretty sure they are going to be streamed on the team websites.
  5. That was my first thought as well. Why the hell does Weicek care? Based on his reports he doesn't pay attention to practise anyway so what't he big deal? Oh yeah needless **** disturbing that's what.
  6. Hey look everyone! TBURGESS is posting the same crap in these threads too!
  7. Agreed. Our complaining is what raised his game. and by our complaining you of course mean that his game picked up shortly after Mike O'Shea said in a half time interview that the team was playing too soft right? Methinks MOS told him to grow a set and run like a man and he listened.
  8. This is why I told people to not put stock into guys having a bad year last year. The coaches were THAT bad.
  9. It's never been about rushing totals though, it's been about how he has ran the ball. Why do people never want to read the actual arguments people are making?
  10. We've got two starters and the first guy off the bench hurt. How much name recognition do you expect there to be that far down the lineup? I am aware of the reasons, it's still gross looking and cause for concern.
  11. I honestly don't get the Grigsby hate. He's solid for just starting out. The Grigsby "hate" was that early in the year he was the most tentative running back you've ever seen. Not many people like running backs who play soft, but as Mike so aptly put it a bit further up this thread he's getting a lot better lately and playing more like he needed to. If he keeps that up no one is going to complain because that's all we wanted. Run harder, commit to hitting a hole and pick up positive yards rather than getting stopped for losses.
  12. disgusting depth at defensive line. and for fucks sake get sears on the roster!
  13. Learn to embrace and love the hate. It is there because the Riders are a winning team. Only because winning breeds bandwagon fans who are annoying as all hell... Truth be told I could actually find a lot to like on that team if the fan base weren't filled with such insufferable *****.
  14. yeah it was clearly a play where if you get the ball over the top there's a chance for the receiver to make the play. I just didn't like the thought of actually trying to score the TD in one play there. There was time, they coulda worked it down a bit more methodically.
  15. Like this a lot. Good versatile receiver. good speed, good hands, just produces. Maybe he's not a real #1 guy but he's a pretty ******* solid #2 option at least.
  16. yeah well you can't judge a running back when the most he gets are 4 carries in a game. Thankfully the coaching staff gets to watch him every day in practise, so they don't have to flip a coin to make personnel decisions. Good call... I doubt this decision was one made lightly seeing as how thin we are at RB.. It does seem like they are not very willing to make a move unless it's injury related though. This group of management and coaches has done a lot of good things thusfar but there are still areas that I think they need to prove more in.
  17. yeah well you can't judge a running back when the most he gets are 4 carries in a game.
  18. and man is it going to be some kind of drunk out.
  19. I just wish we'd given Cotton a proper chance to carry the mail to see what he can do. If he does get picked up and looks good, or even better than Grigsby there's going to be some explaining that the coaches have to do.
  20. Kuale obviously, Grigsby is getting better at the areas people bitched at him about, Kuale hasn't gotten better at all, and maybe has even gotten worse.
  21. That's basically the problem I have with the Rider fan base. I got not problem with the older rider fans who have been through all that **** in the past, they have learned that humility, they know how easy it is to be stuck in that wasteland of bad team management. It's all these bandwagon jumped who hopped on board after the Riders started to emerge from their futile ways that bug me. 2003 they started to really pile on the bandwagon. Going to University in Brandon all of a sudden out of nowhere people start mouthing off about the Riders beating the Bombers in the playoffs and I knew damned well they didn't know **** about football and then all of a sudden they're strutting around like they've been fans forever. Get ******. It got worse after 2007 and it's still just as bad. That franchise badly needs a good run of bad teams again just to thin out the douchebags in the fan base who actually bought that crap about them being the best fans in the world.
  22. I should hope he leads the league! He's played more games than any other running back. He leads the league in the same way he got the starting job in the first place, everyone else got hurt.
  23. An unpopular opinion around here but I agree. Watson doesn't have very much time left, between his constant injuries and decently high salary I don't think he'll be here for more than another year or two. IF we could get a second rounder and a backup Canadian receiver for him, I'd pull the trigger on a Watson deal. A desperate team like Ottawa with a foolish GM might be willing to overpay for him. What we should be shooting for is pushing Watson to a backup role. It's the same old thing I always have to say, you don't cut or trade people until you have a replacement for them.
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