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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Does the year on the contract really matter? The only time that comes into play is if you want to have a cheap contract on a cup team so you can hire a few rented guns. That's not the situation the Oilers find themselves in. Sending him down before the team plays 39 games doesn't burn a year towards him becoming a UFA, so he is still an RFA for that extra season which will be more important in the long run. I don't buy that his development has been ruined, that kid has a good head on his shoulders and hasn't been as bad as the hype says. A lot of that is simply "herr derr Oilers suck!" Here's the things people don't take into account, He's played for Germany at the WJCs twice already, is 5 games there going to do anything for his development? Not bloody likely. The other aspect is he didn't want to go back to Prince Albert and the Oilers didn't want him to go back there either cause Prince Albert sucks. Since Kelowna is going to pick up his rights though, that's a better situation to send a guy to in the WHL, in theory get a nice long playoff run there and that's actual good development as opposed to Prince Alberta who basically did whatever Draisailt and Morrisey carried them to in the past. People like to pile on Edmonton and some of it is deserved, but they really turn the stupid up to 11 when they do it. Do you all know that since McTavish stepped aside and let Nelson coach that the team is 2-0-2? Hell even just since they fired Eakins they're something like 3-4-4 which might not be anything to brag about but it's a damned sight better than they were with Eakins behind the bench.
  2. Let's not hold up Vancouver as some sort of typical city, there's a lot of physical barriers in that city that don't exist in many other cities in Canada.
  3. You went into your whole thing where you think that because they're not hiring the guy you want that it's the wrong move. It must be because they're cheap! It must be because they don't know what they're doing! It's tiresome because you don't know half as much as you think you know. Benevides and Hall are both guys who have had plenty of success in the CFL as defensive coordinators, why get hung up on one guy or the other? If it were me I prefer Benevides as well, but I'm not so arrogant as to think I know more than Mike O'Shea in this case. If he thinks Hall is the guy for him then I'm not going to waste time arguing about it.
  4. what a crock of **** post. It's the holiday season, it's a brand new year and you pull the Debbie Downer crap? Come on now. Would it kill you to be positive for once?
  5. This is the first I've heard of a meeting between the Bombers and Claybrooks.There was a rumour from one of our media guys (can't remember who) that Claybrooks was in town shortly before Etch was fired.This is the tweet by Scott Mitchell of the Calgary Sun that said Claybrooks had been to Winnipeg:Scott Mitchell ‏@SUNMitchell Dec 17 According to a source, DeVone Claybrooks was in Winnipeg recently for a "meeting." #CFL #Bombers ow ow ow ow.... Well, in their defense... No everyone reads all the boards posts like we so... plus, attention spans are at an all time low for this.generation.. What were we talking about? apparently Claybrooks was in Winnipeg for a meeting
  6. Did you complain that much and consider it a waste when you made your mortgage payments? I'm not complaining. I'm glad they made their payment. But we all know $4.5 million will be extremely difficult to pay back every year. As far as mortgages go, you qualify & then make a either a single monthly or bi weekly payment you can afford based on your income. And your income is based on your bi weekly or monthly paycheques which are the same. Not if the economics of the CFL are working & if people buy tickets to see the team play based on winning vs losing. Or league tv money, concert & advertising revenues. In other words, revenue streams will vary from year to year. As this is the first payment & there are 39 more to go, we have no idea if this is affordable for the team or not. Sellinger put the team into this position like no other in the CFL. Once again, glad they made their payment. Don't read anything else into what I said, please. But if you lose your job and can't get one that pays the same maybe your mortgage isn't affordable anymore. Maybe you're like me and don't get a regular paycheque and instead get paid a daily rate for the amount of days worked. It is the same kind of deal. The Bombers made a commitment based on what they expect their revenues to be just like you and I and everyone else takes out a mortgage based on what they expect they can afford. You really are bitching for the sake of bitching. They made an investment in their stadium which should improve their economics, what's the problem? Other than you just wanting someone to have given the Bombers a handout on the stadium. You're not a communist are you?
  7. Did you complain that much and consider it a waste when you made your mortgage payments?
  8. Have you seen a doctor or hospital for that concussion of yours? Their fanbase is embarrassingly low on iq, football knowledge or even common decency.. Yet Riderfans is probably the best fan forum out there for CFL discussion. It most certainly is not. There's some quality posters there but the quality to absurdity ratio is way way too high. Too many homers makes it too much of a pain to read the quality posters. I still say this place has the best ratio. Yes there are unabashed Bomber homers here, but there are more CFL fans here who may favour the Bombers but have a real good appreciation of what is going on around the entire CFL not just their favourite team.
  9. Milt was clear that his success was all about determination and conditioning. He said that he was rarely the fastest guy on the field for the first 20 or 30 plays but after that he rapidly became the fastest player. Milt for all his bluster and bravado in the media was very humble. Yeah his determination and conditioning were big reasons, but he was fast too, and topping it all off was how smart he was. He's said himself a big part of why he and Khari had so much success is that they could read the defense pre-snap and both make the same adjustments. Guy was one of the smartest players without question.
  10. Fill out the coaching staff and let's see what the scouting department and hell even free agency turns up, then we can actually make a prediction about the team.
  11. Honestly I think it's less about racial barriers as socio-economic barriers. Now the fact that one demographic is over represented in the poor may make it seem like a racial issue but I really don't see it as one. Anyone from a poor background is going to have trouble getting past some of the barriers. A good coach is going to be able to get through to people from a wide range of backgrounds. Here's the problem though, when there's an over abundance of one race that are poor they'll often be very racist themselves and blame someone else for their problems. That might be the racial barriers he talked about, but at the same time if you hired a black guy with a middle class upbringing he likely doesn't connect with those players from the lower class background anyway because that is where the biggest difference is. Just making it about race is a massive over simplification.
  12. Stewart took forever by import standards to be good enough to start here in the easiest position in the secondary and then was carried by the strength of the rest of the group, then went to Hamilton and played a harder position and got exposed badly in the playoffs. He was never as good as some people thought he was here.
  13. It's funny that you mention this because I was thinking about this the other day. In my opinion, it's not the corner fade routes that need to go. It's that they really should not have had Romby Bryant being the one to run the majority of them. it definitely worked better with Kelly than it did with Bryant. Bryant is probably the last guy on the roster I want that play to go to.
  14. but there are things you can do with an offense to help take some of the pressure off the offensive line, based on what has been said by players this past season there are questions whether this offense does that or it Bellefool just throws them into the deep end and says sink or swim.
  15. Anyone else find it very funny to hear a GM say that a 39 year old qb needs to get better at certain things? At that age I wouldn't be expecting a guy to suddenly get better anywhere.
  16. Benevides was there for a very long time... Good players and good coaches go hand in hand.
  17. so someone is that bored they decide to **** around with a poll in favour of Greg Marshall? Come on now people that's just embarrassing.
  18. THIS. Shameless Khari fanboi checking in, get that man on the Bombers coaching staff somehow already.
  19. More than likely Sony wants too much money to sell it to video on demand distributers. They're probably looking for a ton of money since so much of a movies profits come from the box office. Mark my words in a couple weeks this will be in theatres and it'll do good business because it's a perfect storm for marketing, so perfect in fact that if they came out after the fact and said it was all a viral marketing scheme I wouldn't bat an eye.
  20. Unamba played in Dunns spot did he not? People seem to be selling Sears short. Yeah the time he's missed to injury is a concern but for my money he might be the most talented player on the team. Washington is a talent too. People like to downplay his ability in the secondary because of the balls he's fumbled on punt returns, but the guy is a playmaker, you'd notice it if he were gone.
  21. Oh I've seen it already. Cortez was unwilling to adjust the offense for the young qbs, it's his fault they didn't look good because he should have called the plays that didn't suck! You see if only he had changed the offense then Sunshine would have been great just like they all know he is! Hall on the other hand saw the defense regress badly as the year went on so obviously if he hadn't been poor at his job the D would have kept getting like 10 sacks a game! Chamblin and Taman was very wise to see things for how they are. Cup next year guaranteed.
  22. oh but he was close, him and Horatio Sanz were brutal in sketches together. Laughing like *******.
  23. You are such an uncultured cretin. *adjusts monacle and tophat* ...FYP. you yokels are pure Baltic Avenue
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