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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. it still boils down to impatience and entitlement.
  2. the jersey they came up with last time is just an abortion. I won't even buy a blue one cause it's hideous. The **** they got for the signature this year was even worse. Whoever was working with Reebok on that front was clearly an idiot who had no idea what fans want in a jersey. Simple is better.
  3. Cause he puts a good offense on the field and has for quite a number of years now. More than that though, Bellefool needs to get gone. We'll never be a winning team with him around.
  4. I certainly hope she acts better than she does in Game of Thrones. Easily one of the worst actors on the show and I'm not sure if it's her fault or the writing and directing they give her.
  5. Hell I don't even know how good of an offensive coordinator Khari Jones is or isn't but as a shameless fanboi I want him involved in the winnipeg organization in some way.
  6. Well he spent a few years in Hamilton and got caught up in a coaching change, went to Saskatchewan and then got a promotion to go to BC, not like he's been run out of town everywhere he's gone.
  7. That already happened. And statistically Durant had a really good year but he didn't like Berry so he got him fired. Durant is a good qb but he acts like a whiny ***** sometimes and is a real coach killer.
  8. I think Wally Buono the coach was better than Wally Buono the GM.
  9. Glenn would wind up as the starter there without a doubt if you ask me.
  10. Noeller has one, really fun for nostalgia purposes
  11. Experts and scholars looking to push their own agenda. Seriously, apply even a shred of logic to what makes racism and you will see that it has nothing to do with oppression or power. Anyone can be a racist regardless of what their status is. Trying to change the definition of racism to what you are suggesting is quite frankly one of the most racist things I've ever heard.
  12. Can he stay healthy? That's the question I want answered.
  13. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong. You'e confusing racism with being ignorant. Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it. No I think you are confusing racism with something else. Racism has nothing to do with power, racism has to do with holding ignorant opinions about specific races. There's another post in this thread that defines it, you should read the definition and adjust your thinking on the matter because you have an incorrect opinion on what racism is.
  14. So why are white older males in control of most power positions in Western society. Where is this artificial advantage you speak of. That isn't what I'm saying, old white males are in power because of reasons from long ago some of which do include racism and sexism. The point I am making is that going forward as a society treating people differently only perpetuates those isms.
  15. A lot of Wallys moves appear to be of the reactionary variety done out of anger over a bad playoff loss... no wonder so many message board fans approve.
  16. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression.
  17. **** that noise, professional athletes MUST be emotionless robots program to make plays.
  18. Racism is rampant among all races and it keeps perpetuating racism and inequality. As soon as everyone starts treating everyone else as equals it all goes away.Affirmative action or harming one group to prop up another doesn't help it, it just shifts hard feelings around. Treat everyone equally, don't just say it, actually do it and Treating people differently isn't the way to end discrimination. A good example is the reserve system for natives. It segregates people and treats them differently and look at all the problems are caused by that.
  19. The penalty that was called he had already beaten that guy. The Stamps can say whatever they want about their lack of effort knowing the penalty was called, but Banks was already sprung when the penalty occurred. Maybe he wouldn't have got a touchdown but he still likely wound up getting a good return and setting up the ti-cats with decent to good field position and you and I both know how much momentum can affect a football game.
  20. Even more shameful on his part was SJ Green calling him out before the east final and them him getting lit up there too. Just not nearly good enough to be a half back in the CFL. The Bombers always hid the guy on the corner because of his limitations.
  21. True equality isn't a pipe dream, it's something that is attainable as soon as people stop treating others differently and that includes treating them differently to give them an artificial advantage.
  22. That's a cop out there. There are certain areas where men are at a disadvantage why should we just ignore that because there are a lot of other advantages? True equality only exists when everyone is treated the same and part of that does include ensuring that men and white men are treated fairly too. Discrimination against anyone is bad no matter how much they are in the drivers seat.
  23. Good, humorous point. Those of us who fit into the category of middle-class white folks have been in a privileged position for a long time and the problem with being in power is that darned few willingly give it up. Those of us who are AWOGS (angry white old guys) tend to see change of any sort as a threat. This is probably an unconscious reaction to the fading control and power in our own existences as we age. Its always easier to rail at someone else's rise than mourn our own fading. http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2014/10/05/snl-whites-video/
  24. Basically it just shows that you can't make that leap... 10% of the general population being gay has no bearing whatsoever on the percentage of gay athletes. What is the percentage of black people in the USA vs. the percentage of black people in the NBA? Doesn't correlate very closely does it? Or the percentage of black people in the NHL for that matter. No you can't make that leap in any reliable manner. So your point re: stats is correct. But the thing is, sexual orientation is different then race. You don't have a lot of black people in the NHL because there aren't a lot of black people tuned into it or growing up playing it. Or blacks playing lacrosse. Sexual orientation though is different. If you have a pulse, you could be gay. That's why the barriers are going to go down so fast. Thank you for saying this. Yes, there are more Afro-American people in the NFL than in the general population, but the reason for that can be clearly explained. Not so much for sexual orientation, but some people can't quite seem to grasp that. Explain it then We did. Pro TEAM sports is a social meat grinder. Until 10 years ago being called "gay" was a huge insult. Hell, probably still is in some locker rooms. What kid wants to go through that? So you figure skate, dive, run, do gymnastics, or do anything else where the entire culture isn't geared around being a "man." It's sad that 'being manly' is now considered bad. And we wonder why our society is collapsing under political correctness. Just because the media tells you most people believe in something is fine doesn't make it fact. Silent majority is just that...silent. They're not complainers and bleeding hearts. They keep their heads down, live well, and do their jobs. Please don't buy into the "real men are being oppressed" nonsense. It's low hanging fruit, to appeal to a "silent majority" of men who are unsatisfied in their lives. But rather than pick people up, it encourages white men to blame women or minorities, or gays. Look, if you are a healthy, straight, white male living in the US or Canada, you have a distinct advantage in probably 95% of the situations you encounter. The handful where you might not have an advantage? Boo hoo. You're a man. Grow a set and do something else. If I may play devils advocate... what other group do people say this to? No one else is told to just deal with it...
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