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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. The politics of expecting players to use their brains and not hurt the team with stupid penalties. Guy really is the epitome of a guy with plenty of physical tools but no brain power to properly use them.
  2. It's vintage Taman. Pay your star players forget about depth.
  3. One of the liquor stores in Cranston has a sign in the window saying they make deliveries. I've never had to test it out but it's nice to know the option is there.
  4. In this day and age I just don't see how radio is the forum for sports news. You can get all the information online without having to deal with the media types trying to fill air time listening to the sound of their own voices and loving every minute of it.
  5. Regardless of what the Lumsdens will tell you, some players are just more prone to getting hurt than others. Some guys go through hell without major injuries, some guys get injured on more harmless plays.
  6. Fixed your post. But seriously how can so many people listen to sports radio so much? I just don't get it. Listening to a bunch of self important media people pretending to be smarter than they are... At least on message boards when people start pretending to be smart I can argue with them.
  7. No, just no. There's middle ground you know right? He's a solid player when healthy, he's not dominant.
  8. Except our scouts didn't find any last year and we used Romby Bryant and Aaron Kelly in the position last year. Receivers should be easy to find but we haven't seen the ability from this scouting staff to find them yet. The scouting wasn't really in place yet which explains a lot of the riff raff that found it's way here, at least that's Walters excuse for it. But no one was brought in midseason at receiver either. They get another year to try and do better but make no mistake they must do better than they did last year.
  9. The idea is that with a couple years under his belt there's no adjustment period like you'd see with a raw rookie and he's shown he can produce and might have potential to do more. Worst case scenario you get a decent #3 option at receiver, best case he uses his experience to break out and become more than that.
  10. Except our scouts didn't find any last year and we used Romby Bryant and Aaron Kelly in the position last year. Receivers should be easy to find but we haven't seen the ability from this scouting staff to find them yet.
  11. Maybe I'm crazy but I don't see what's worth getting excited about there. His best linebacker is gone to the NFL and the pass rush was terrible all last year. Prioritizing linebackers and pass rushers shouldn't be anything ground breaking, it's just plain old common sense. I just hope they recruit better in those positions last year than they did this year. They had pretty poor defensive linemen in training camp last year so they need to actually do a better job this year.
  12. The guy was a damned good player for the Bombers, his loss will be felt but you can't wish him ill luck trying the NFL.
  13. Don't be ridiculous, the NHL loves these outdoor games because it lets them bring in a big whack of cash from more asses in seats and more marketing and all that fun stuff. That's why they've done so many of them to the point where no one really cares about them anymore. They'll do one in Winnipeg, Bettman and the Jets just have to wait until the time is right. The Grey Cup is too important to the host CFL team to put the profits from it at risk.
  14. No ****... Charlie Roberts is an all time back. Shame that guy didn't care as much or he really could have been something special.
  15. This is great that Miller isn't going to let the NHL push him around. I've been to a Grey Cup, I've been to an out door hockey game, there is no contest which one is the better event, but a lot of Jets hype right now I don't doubt there's a lot of people in Winnipeg when forced to choose between the CFL and NHL would jump on the hype train.Good for Miller, good for the Bombers and good for the CFL.
  16. Normally you'd think that, then we went into last season with Aaron Kelly and Romby Bryant. More like being caught under a tipped over vending machine. Receiver is an area McManus really has to show something in. For the most part the guys he brought to camp and to the practice roster in season did not look like CFL quality players either when they got an opportunity. Donovan Kemp seemed to look okay in training camp and pre-season. Because of his injury, we'll never know if he would have gotten a chance and even succeeded. Actually it makes me wonder whether they might bring him back next year. Regardless, I'd agree that the receiver competition was pretty weak. But let's remember Joe Mack's first season... finding import receivers was one of his strengths over his time here and the receivers he brought in 2010 were awful. Jamayel Smith was starting for us. My point is that I think the scouting staff deserves a first season grace period to establish themselves. a GMs first year is always transitional, in that first year did Joe Mack not bring Greg Carr in midseason? You can forgive a new regime for not having guys in training camp but by midseason or later they should be established enough to get some guys up here who might be able to do something. This is a show me year for the scouting department. They need to do a better job than they did last year and there's just nothing more to be said. I'm willing to give them a chance, now they just gotta get some good prospects up here.
  17. Here is the thing that bugs me about Rider fans and their dismissing of the idea that they went all in for that cup and it will have lasting effects going forward with regards to the quality of the team... Us Bomber fans have seen Taman as GM, we watch Taman grow into the role of GM and we know who he learned the trade from... Dave Ritchie. Taman is all about big names and little depth. He'll pay big for what he considers key positions and sacrifice the depth to do it. It's not sustainable. Yeah they got a cup out of it, but we saw last year that the spend big and save money on depth and how it completely tanked the season for the Riders once Durant got hurt. It's only going to get worse as they try and get spending in line and lose more veteran pieces.
  18. Echoing the previous sentiments, any one of those guys would be a good addition, as would some home grown talent. Just need someone at that level to be the 3rd receiver behind Moore and Denmark.
  19. Normally you'd think that, then we went into last season with Aaron Kelly and Romby Bryant.
  20. We're paying quite a bit for Moore and Denmark at receiver already, a cheaper option would be better, someone with the potential who hasn't really shown it yet. I'm thinking like when the Bombers first picked up Terrence Edwards. I dunno who is available that fits that bill but surely there's someone to be had, or god forbid the scouting department digs up someone good. I think there's better areas to focus the efforts on in FA than a star receiver. Especially with Desjardins poised to go full ***** looking for receivers.
  21. They've been talking about starting 3, just because they want to get them all on the field... They talked about it cause they failed to get better import receivers last year and the other NIs on the team aren't up to par. 2 NI receivers is what they'll go with and that's fine, it makes the most sense. If they go with Watson, JFG and Kohlert all starting at once the offense won't be very good.
  22. yeah there's no question about that. I think you're probably remembering that game against Hamilton by JFG and putting that up as the standard.
  23. That depends how you define upper tier. Picard is a top 3 centre in the league, Kohlert had the third most yards in the league for any Canadian receiver, and Bucknor was probably the best Canadian corner in the league last season. If you defining tiers by position, we certainly do have a few of those guys. Nope none of those players qualifies in my mind. We don't have anyone who is a canadian but also among the best in the league. Years ago we had Brown and Labatte who were top players regardless of nationality, there's no one on the roster that qualifies for that now. Picard is too old and not the same player he once was to qualify anymore either. Watson would be close if he could stay healthy but he sadly can't. There's a lot of solid canadians and some interesting depth but lacking those couple real high end guys holds the team back.
  24. Our opportunity to ditch Kuale for something of value? Let's get to MD while he's still high on the ether... Send Wade Miller and Desjardins is likely to mistake him for Poppin' Fresh. He owes his robust physique to his tubes of triple bleached goo.
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