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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Losing James Green and Wallace Miles is a mortal wound? You say we've "lost" Kohlert -- if you're so sure that he's gone then please tell me why he hasn't signed with the REDBLACKS yet.
  2. What are you even talking about? From 2010 thru 2012 the guy won a Grey Cup, while putting up typical AC numbers: 5000 yds a season and a 3:1 TD/int ratio. He had a sweet thing going with Trestman and wasn't showing any signs of slowing down ... not until last year. Ideally he would have quit after 2012 and spared himself that awful concussion but I can't blame a guy for hanging onto the only job he's ever held in his adult life.
  3. The media loves the Sherman story, it'll be pumping their tires for the next couple weeks. Denver-Seattle isn't a real media bonanza matchup, both are mid-tier media markets as far as NFL cities go, and neither team has a big intense national following like teams such as the Packers or Cowboys. Also I gotta say that I hate the two week break between the finals and the Super Bowl. Just play the goddamn game already.
  4. Was it Calvillo refusing to take a seat? Or was it the coaches refusing to play McPherson et all? Also I remember hearing that Calvillo didn't want people talking to him during games, he wanted to sit alone, and that this was an issue for Dan Hawkins. That kind of aloofness is a bit of a red flag; doesn't sound like a coaching personality.
  5. Note that the East was pretty weak when Moon won his Grey Cups. I think Brandon's question is interesting. Best CFL QB career ever? I'd say yes. Guy played at a high level for longer than any other CFL QB. His durability was also pretty amazing, you take away his wife's cancer and his final concussion and he didn't miss a lot of starts. The only CFL career that compares is Damon Allen, and Allen was much less consistent than Calvillo was. Allen was dynamite in Grey Cups, though. Definitely not the best CFL quarterback ever. Flutie was spooky good. He had radar like Wayne Gretzky did in his prime, and was way better (3-1?) in Grey Cups than Calvillo was.
  6. Guy made one of the biggest plays in Seahawks history -- hell, in Seattle sports history -- wish he'd been more classy about it.
  7. C'mon you guys, it's not AC's fault the Bombers have been such a shitty team. Guy is one of the best ever, it's been a privilege to watch him.
  8. (stupid Sun. The article says his career began in 1995, but the Posse were a thing in 1994.)
  9. Will have a news conference next Tuesday. David Naylor has confirmed he'll be retiring. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/01/14/longtime-cfl-quarterback-anthony-calvillo-to-announce-future-plans-next-week
  10. Or sit tight to become a midseason injury / desperation signing guy like Michael Bishop. The QB supply in the CFL is still thin enough that it's unthinkable that someone with Burris' pedigree will be sidelined for long, even if he doesn't go to training camp. Say Edmonton loses Riley or BC loses Lulay for the season, I bet you'd see an unemployed Hank get employed quick.
  11. Man, this thread is a lot better than an offseason thread about another team naming its stadium ought to be.
  12. I was amazed that any DB could cover anyone on that day. The field was so icy that everyone was running in slow motion. You look at the dome cups like 83 and 87 and 89, they're lightning-fast compared to that game. Our offensive gameplan was perfect, we let the receivers draw everyone deep and then dropped it off to Kehoe or Cantner in the flat. We ran that play over and over and Hamilton couldn't cover it. They were keeping people in the box to defend against Reaves and lateral pursuit was super hard on that terrible field anyway. I think that 68-7 game twelve years later was Commonwealth's revenge for our '84 Grey Cup win. The biggest thing, scheme-wise, that I notice when I watch it is that there were very few (if any?) shotgun formations. Everything was under center with the quarterbacks doing long drops. Lots of QB footwork there you just don't see today.
  13. Speaking of ask-the-coach type stuff, Mike O'Shea gave me an awesome answer on cfl.ca a few years ago. I wanted to know how defences adjusted based on what the offence showed at the line and he broke it all down for me really well. http://www.cfl.ca/article/mike-o-shea-answers-your-questions_42082
  14. I actually applauded Kelly when he stopped doing the call-in show. It's just a stupid bit of fan service. No one comes out of the coach call-in show looking better than they came in, except for maybe Knuckles, who is probably immune to dumb at this point in his career.
  15. Goodbye first pass attempt of the season being intercepted.
  16. Best of the season to everyone, and especially to Rich, Mike, and the mod team for giving us such a great forum!
  17. Reed > Etcheverry > Marshall Watching Marshall's soft-serve defence was so frustrating. At least Etcheverry attacks with his D. Reed's D wasn't super good but it kept us in a lot of close games in 2010.
  18. C'mon, enough with the hyperbole. Creehan has had the worst D in the league by a wide margin for two years running. At least Etcheverry has some mediocre defenses to his credit; the one in Saskatchewan in 2009 was fourth in points allowed.
  19. What I remember from his D in Saskatchewan was that it was super nutty, huge risk, high reward, about a 40/60 mix between the good kind of WTF and the bad kind. He sure kept the TSN crews entertained.
  20. Sandro was no hell at kickoffs either. He managed just 7/10 of a yard better than Palardy. Both lagged the rest of the league by a good five yards. And Palardy's longest FG of the year was a yard longer than Sandro's. We shoulda kept Palardy.
  21. Why would Edmonton protect Willis over Sherritt?
  22. I'll always remember the great Lobendahn-style strip from behind play he made on Durant in the Banjo Bowl.
  23. iso, that's fair enough. Everyone working for the BBs now got promoted into their current job in 2013, most of them within the last two weeks. Man, if you lose a game for every rookie you start, how many games do you lose with a rookie HC, a rookie GM / front office staff, and a rookie president? I think we're gonna need to be patient here...
  24. I think our performance in that game was more about Jones starting an out-of-shape Adriano Belli at DT and less about Crowton's offensive wizardry.
  25. Hmm, I thought Dan LeFevour would have been on this list, given that he signed in 2012. Wonder if he was extended, or if he was originally on a three-year deal.
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