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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. The thing I really love about this forum is the relatively small number of topics active at any one time. Back on the other site, every harebrained article from Lawless or Friesen would spawn a corresponding useless rage topic. Certain posters would start a new topic every day and three or four after a loss, and they wouldn't be substantial, they'd just be spleen venting. It's so much better here. I don't know if the mods have run off the irritating posters or if they just haven't showed up, but whatever they're doing, I want them to keep it up.
  2. Mack got us a first-round pick for an injured QB with very limited upside. That was a nice piece of work.
  3. You ought to just be able to trade your 70s Brock in to get an 80s Clements.
  4. iso, I'm in the same boat, I've got a handsome #97 Brown 70s throwback that looks great and starts conversations on the streets here in Seattle ... and 200 bones is a lot of money to spend on yet another sports jersey ... but I was a HUGE fan of every one of the players in the photo that WBB Fan Girl linked to so I'm definitely tempted to spend the money on a #35 Jones or a #63 Walby. Like a lot of posters here, I think both the 70s and 80s throwbacks look way better than the current jersey. That royal blue looks so sharp and distinctive; the navy blue is boring and generic.
  5. Is playing OT in Canada much different than playing OT by American rules? Do American OT's have to be brought up to speed on the CFL like American QBs do? I'm just wondering how easy it should be to recruit a new tackle. American colleges are graduating hundreds of OTs every year, you'd figure the numbers game would make it relatively easy to recruit a good one.
  6. I don't get the hate for Drew Tate's hair. What's the big deal?
  7. Oh man, who would be the QB of that team? Mike Quinn? T.J. Rubley? The 1989 version of Sean Salisbury?
  8. So if you've got an incompetent boss, you should just shut your mouth and let your team keep on sucking?
  9. Oh man, I'd forgotten about that. That was when Berry lost me, when he decided that Glenn was going to call his own plays, and then Glenn told the media that he wasn't really all that into calling his own plays. Seemed like Berry was really grasping at straws there.
  10. He just upgraded his coaching significantly, didn't he? Never mind Popp, I think Mtl is in much better shape with Berry calling the plays than with Miller.
  11. The day we hire Eric Tillman is the day I become the newest Ottawa Redblacks fan.
  12. Do GMs and front-office staff have the same kind of job mobility that coaches have? I understand that coaches are generally free to consider changing teams so long as the new position is a promotion from their current position.
  13. The fact that BlueBall (and others) will pay whatever for the jersey is probably why they're priced where they are. I think it's branding driving the price there, moreso than material & labor cost.
  14. The only thing I want to hear right now from the Bombers is "We have no interest in Eric Tillman."
  15. My wife and I are driving up to see the game and for a Vancouver long weekend. What's there to do before the game? Do any Bomber fans tailgate? Hell, does anyone tailgate in Van?
  16. The league has had so many young / new QBs flame out in the past few years -- Brink, Porter, McPherson, Dinwiddie, Lemon, Jyles, Lefors, Pickett, etc. As a fan of the league as a whole I'm glad to see all the promising new blood showing up at QB. As a fan of the Bombers, it's nice to anticipate one of them falling through to us.
  17. Reilly, in the second half of the Edm/Mon game, showed more than any of our quarterbacks have all year. He played well enough to win, but the Eskimos D had no answer for Whitaker. There's some progress going on there. Also, Drew Willy may be playing himself onto the 2013 offseason QB carousel.
  18. Man at this point I don't even need a win to be happy. I just need to see some signs.
  19. Ray's game against us is the closest thing to a perfect game that a QB has ever played in the CFL. 19/20 passing is unreal. For him not to get offensive player of the week is bullshit. It's funny how the conversation here this week has continued to center on Buck and not on our defence's utter failure to compete against the Argos.
  20. This team doesn't just need a new starting QB. It needs an exorcism. I swear the bad vibes from Ottawa relocated westward after the Rough Riders folded in 1996.
  21. Yup, I'll take Sheets. Hamilton's only hope will be to deploy a multinational squadron of giant jaeger mecha against him.
  22. We run play action occasionally, and only once (the second game against Montreal) have I see the pass rush bite on it. The couple of times I noticed it against Hamilton, it slowed the rush not even a millisecond. I don't know what's wrong, whether Buck isn't selling it, or we have other tells, or whatever.
  23. I don't know. It's a team game. He did pump fake Etienne wide open. People say that if we had even an adequate QB we could win with this team. I agree with that and I think we had an adequate QB for the first half, and if Pierce had performed in the second half like he had in the first we would have won the game. So what happened in the second half? I'm not convinced it's as simple as "Pierce sucks." I do know that we completely stopped running the ball in the third quarter after having some success with it in first half. yeah, when I look back at all of Pierce's best moments, they happen when he's wandering around the field and improvising. I think that you're onto something here -- which means that the fault lies with the coaches for trying to run something that doesn't suit their any of their quarterbacks. Remember how awkward McPherson looked in Calvillo's quick-release max-protect system? I wonder if Goltz will have the same trouble when he starts playing.
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