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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. I can't stop watching this today...wish old Don Wittman was still alive to see the Jets flying in the playoffs once again.
  2. It was very sweet as well to see the Douchebag Kings eliminated yesterday. That felt almost as good as it does when the Riders miss the playoffs. Almost.
  3. surprised that he didn't say "what's hockey?"
  4. I wonder if Pavs had a back to back to back to back to shut-out bonus clause in his contract? If so he'll probably want to play.
  5. Fair enough. I'll second the comment that the Vancouver towel was totally original, Nielsen stood up on the bench and waved a towel as a white flag to the refs, who were totally screwing the Canucks with bad call after bad call. The fans of Vancouver responded and with King Richard Brodeur carried that team all the way to the finals. There's actually a statute outside Rogers Arena in Vancouver with Nielsen waving a towel.
  6. Berra proved the saying last night "it ain't over till its over". Who said that again? Oh right Lenny Kravitz.
  7. wish I could be there to celebrate, guess we'll just have to take to the streets of Kelowna instead...
  8. Ok - sorry, but you were making some pretty unfounded accusations about a subject you don't know much about. Accusing the Bombers of using "Creative accounting" is actually a pretty serious accusation that you probably should be prepared to defend if you are going to throw it around. I would say it came from cash flow.
  9. He did release the real numbers. Just because you don't understand them doesn't make them not real.
  10. and this is why Kirk Penton is a writer for the Sun, and not a CPA.
  11. That's not how accounting works. I know. Debt payments don't hit the income statement, they reduce the debt outstanding on the balance sheet. The only portion of a debt payment that hits the income statement is the interest portion of the payment, if there is any interest. Those here accusing the Bombers of "creative accounting" etc. don't know what they are talking about. They posted a $3.9 million profit. During a losing season. They put another $500K of cash into their emergency fund. All that means is that they had cash come in that covered their operating costs, paid the debt payment, and STILL had $500K left to throw into their emergency fund. All of this is GREAT NEWS and yet, why I am surprised there are people here that are pissing all over it. Just unbelievable.
  12. Yup - worth the loss of a point, in that it's brought us a lot of points since. Still, if we had that point right now...
  13. Flames fans wore red when the team was in white. Seemed to turn out alright. I'm not saying you're wrong, but if we start following what ******* FLAMES *fans* are doing........then I'm all the way out..... I don't think you are getting it, the Flame "fans" copied Winnipeg. Winnipeg was the innovator. The only thing that comes close for originality was the towel power of the 1982 Canucks.
  14. Watched a game here last week - Rockets vs. Tri-Cities - playoff game. Comrie stood on his head but Tri-Cities still lost. He looked really sharp. Not bad for a rich kid.
  15. Sharp doing the Buff impression really pissed me off - hey *******, the ref gave you that goal. Smug prick.
  16. probably hit the co-pilot and incapacitated him. The issue was that they were descending too fast and couldn't have pulled up in time. This was the same situation as the fourth plane that crashed on 9/11 - the passengers stormed the cock-pit but it was too late as the terrorists put the plane in a nose dive. Apparently the A320 doesn't allow you to do that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKBABNL-DDM
  17. This guy disagrees with you: Simon Calder Thursday 26 March 2015 Andreas Lubitz: Knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 enabled mass murder The ill-thought reinforced cockpit door has had catastrophic consequences http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/andreas-lubitz-kneejerk-reaction-to-911-enabled-mass-murder-10137173.html
  18. German magazine Bild has leaked the transcripts. Makes you ill. I wonder if these unbreakable doors on cockpits are really that good of an idea.... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germanwings-plane-crash-transcript-reveals-passengers-screamed-for-over-five-minutes-before-plane-crashed-into-mountain-10142936.html
  19. Agree with everything here. I also thought Pav had the stronger game among the 2 goalies. Was that a 2 on none when we had the powerplay? You know it's strange, we get healthier and we don't win. Funny dat. Death to the NYRangers all I can say at this point and go whomever plays L.A. next. Chicago plays LA tonight...
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