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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Yeah. And you don't have to display your Rider colours or bring flags with you to hang on your chairs whenever you somehow figure out how to travel outside of Canada to warmer climates. The first thing I don't need to see when I walk up to the beach is a bunch of Priders waving a big flag on the beaches of Huatulco Mexico or Waikiki. It used to be that I dreaded running into obnoxious Americans on these beach vacations but now it is Rider fans. Give it a rest guys. No one else cares.
  2. So did you leave because they were annoying or were you there when they left? Walked by the area they were inhabiting later in the evening enroute to dinner.
  3. I forgot to mention the mess they left behind. Empty beer cans everywhere. They couldn't even clean up after themselves. Can't wait for that bandwagon to throw all four wheels.
  4. Speaking of Rider fans - I'm staying at the Marriott in Maui right now. Yesterday afternoon I noticed a guy in a Rider shirt by the pool. Then a guy in a hat. Then a guy showed up with a flag. By the end there were at least fifteen of them all huddled around a laptop cheering. They drove away everyone else within earshot with their obnoxiousness. You would think that while getting drunk they would at least order drinks from the hotel while suckling down the free Wi-Fi but no, they smuggled in booze and beer and would secretly fill their glasses. We finally left after they started going on about Sunseri being better then Ricky Ray. Why can't I get away from these clowns?
  5. Sounds like you would have made a fine Progressive Conservative. I sure miss that old party.
  6. what I find a joke in this country is the kid gloves the MSM uses with Justin Trudeau, while constantly searching for anything and everything to connect to Stephen Harper to discredit him. The revelation last year that the drummer in Harper's band was arrested for pedophilia somehow was Harper's fault, and the MSM asked "what did he really know?" Fast forward to this Ghomeshi stuff and it's quite obvious that he and Justin Trudeau were more than just casual acquaintances. Here's a picture of Trudeau at Ghomeshi's book launch in 2012: I honestly could care less that they were buds. But why the hypocrisy? Why isn't the MSM asking the question - what did Justin know?
  7. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/featured/prime-time/867432237001/the-ghomeshi-scandal-continues/3873378651001
  8. we should try to pry Nick Nolte out of Ottawa to take over the D Co-ordinator job. He really turned chicken **** into chicken salad this year.
  9. At least you got a payoff for your suffering today. I sat through a similar blizzard at McMahon in 2006 only to watch Kevin Glenn phone in almost the entire game as Calgary blew them out. So good to see the McMahon losing streak finally over. Phew!
  10. and if Marve starts at QB. I don't know what happened to Drew Willy's accuracy but he wasn't the same guy that started the season. He's got to work on being more consistent or Marve is going to take his job.
  11. Does Gerry Forbes still do the announcing at Stampeder games? He was always a total ******. I remember one game I was at, Matt Dunigan threw the ball to where a receiver was supposed to be, and so it just hit the turf. Forbes says "Matt Dunigan completes the pass to the Stampeder logo" - big laugh by the crowd. Totally non-classy. You don't expect the PA announcer to insult the visiting team.
  12. I predict this will be Romby's last game of professional football.
  13. I can honestly say that I've only heard of this clown because one time in an interview Billy Bob Thornton yelled at him. I have no use for CBC Raidio - their programing is so leftist it usually makes me vomit in those rare occasions where I accidently end up listening to it, especially when I think that my tax dollars are paying for it. If this guy was hurting women then he should pay for that.
  14. The max protect schemes worked for Montreal because: a) They had a QB who could throw into tight coverage effectively The running game was effective enough to keep the D off balance Don't forget the Super Slots. I thought what went on in Montreal stayed in Montreal...oh you said slots. My bad.
  15. Darryl Sittler, Lanny MacDonald, Borje Salming, Ian Turnbull, Mike Palmateer. Yeah baby!
  16. Do the O-Linemen exist who are required to give Willy the 20 steamboats he needs?
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