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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. That's an insane ask. I doubt Ottawa gets more than a 2nd or 3rd round draft pick. (I know we don't have our 2nd rounder, but BC does)
  2. Nik Lewis can play on my team any day of the week. He's one of the few receivers who I'd trust to get that extra yard or two when we really need it.
  3. I live 10 or so blocks from BC place. For the record, it was snowing big fat flakes this morning when I got up. By 9 AM it had turned to rain and all the snow was gone off the streets. If they'd have opened up the roof, they'd play in the rain, which isn't what anyone wants. I couldn't understand why they chose Vancouver to play the game anyway. If you want an outdoor experience, play it in a place that gets snow more than twice a year.
  4. I have no idea what this has to do with football, but I'll put my 2 cents in.... Anyone who beheads someone and starts to eat them shouldn't be allowed back on the streets.. ever. I don't care if they were mentally ill when they did it. In fact, I'd have to say everyone who beheads someone and starts to eat them is mentally ill. I think the laws needs to change so 'not responsible due to mental defect' means you get treatment until you are declared legally sane, then you move to the general prison population to serve out the rest of your sentence. As it stands, there isn't even any way to guarantee that he will take his meds after he's let go, so the public is at risk.
  5. Only surprise is that it took this long to cut them.
  6. Same thing every time with you. Why aren't you ripping BC? They struck out on every player they wanted. Rip Saskatchewan for losing Sanders, Butler and Schmitt. Every time someone signs in this league, another team or more loess out. Get used to it. No team gets everybody they want. Rip Wally? Winningest coach in CFL history & uber successful GM? Walters & O'Shea only hope to win half as many games as Buono has the past 25 years. Sask built their team to win a GC at home & now they're up against the cap. Their 1 year gamble paid off. Somehow I knew you'd come after me even though everyone else kept the discussion civil. Why don't you just hit ignore if you find peoples comments not to your liking all the time? I won't miss you. You won't miss me. So,please, go ahead.. You're always getting PO'd about something. Not uncivil at it. Just suggesting you would benefit by tempering your expectations. The thing people often forget when free agency comes up is that the teams don't decide who they sign. The players do. It's not up to us. You could have a free agent that 6 teams want and they all handle everything properly with the negotations. He's still only going to sign one contract. The players decide where they sign, but the teams decide what they are offering. ISO's simply suggesting that we offer more, because we have to, to get more of the players we want. Personally, McCune isn't where I'd spend a lot. I'd save it for the Laurent sweepstakes, but ISO's point remains. To get players to ignore the 3-15 season and the rookie GM/HC and the poor O line and the first time starting QB, we are going to have to pay them more than other teams.
  7. It was reported the Bombers had the highest offer in for Craig Butler. Alexander also said the Bombers made the best offer of multiple offers. Many feel the Bombers overpaid for Nick Moore.Those are just a few examples. Can't always control where a player decides to sign. I think we just draw a line in the sand & say that's it money wise when we could do more. And we don't. That's how I am reading this. We were told we'd be aggressive in FA & to an extent we are. But let's face it, Hamilton has been very aggressive doing things I thought we'd be doing. It's very frustrating. We need a guy like McCune to shore up our MLB position & bring a lot of toughness. Instead, we'll have some cheaper rookie inside getting torched. Bombers offered Butler more money than Hamilton did. What exactly did you want the Bombers to do...kidnap Butler and force him to sign a contract? He signed with Hamilton for personal reasons. Can't control that. Do you have a source that says we offered Butler more money? Thanks.
  8. @VanWestTerry - Mostly Vancouver. Not much about football although I do have a CFL list you might be interested in using.
  9. Just curious ... who did you have in mind? I didn't have anyone in particular in mind. I just assume there will be a CFL learning curve for Dahlquist and I wonder if a guy, who would be the players great grandfathers age, will be able to connect with our young QB's.
  10. I'm glad we have a QB coach, but I'd have prefered one who is a little younger and who has some CFL experience.
  11. He'd have a better shot of being a starter in Ottawa.
  12. Yes we do have a special teams coach.Who? Pat Tracey. You're right. I forgot about that signing. New to the CFL so I don't know very much about him other than what I just read in the last 5 minutes.
  13. I don't know if Edwards was even protected in the Ottawa draft. He said something at the time that he wanted to retire as a Bomber, which I took to mean he wasn't protected because there would be no reason to bring it up if he was.
  14. Can't say that I like the way the coaching staff is shaping up. Our HC has zero HC or DC or OC experience at any level. Our OC had more than half a season last year to turn things around and didn't. We kept our receivers coach even though our receivers looked best in their first games for us then go downhill from there. Our DC's Mad Scientist ways led to him not being in the CFL since 2010. We don't have a special teams coach yet, but we had one who was top 2 in the league last year. It's not hating. I can see why folks are underwhelmed.
  15. You and me both. He is everything you want in a vet leader.
  16. As usual Captain 20-20 hindsight calls another correct prediction. As usual Mr. Irrelevant has nothing really to say. Last year I chose Edwards as the surprise TC cut and I was wrong. This year I said he'd likely not make it to TC and I was right. Just cuz you didn't see it coming, doesn't mean others were also blind.
  17. Yup. Several folks actually. Good luck to Edwards though. He was a good one.
  18. It's a C+ for me. Randle and Moore are upgrades. Kohlert is the same and Newman is a special teams guy IMHO. Our NI strength is actually worse than last year right now. We didn't pick up any NI starters to replace Muamba's contribution as our best NI last year and we didn't get any O lineman. Losing Sorenson only hurts because that leaves us with Kowalczuk as our centre or converting one of the other NI O Lineman or expecting our 2nd overall pick to start right away. Losing Stewart isn't that big a deal either. Laurent is still in play though. If we pick him up, I'd upgrade us to a B+. Add in Matthews and it would go to an A.
  19. Kelly's an import so he won't be backing up the NI's.
  20. I like the idea of picking up Nick Moore. Decent receiver. Good Size. Not too old. Still has upside.
  21. Now on to Glenn. Please don't trade anything for Glenn. He will be available later on if we want him for nothing. Personally, I don't want Glenn at all right now. Maybe if we start off really badly and we need to change QB's to get some wins after the first 3rd of the season, but not now.
  22. would you even read the answer though? your track record on these things is pretty shaky. Sometimes I don't read everything you type because you've been wrong so often and your obnoxious too. My track record? I'll put mine against yours any day. Lets review. I was against Mack in his last two seasons. Against the Jade and the Pencer draft picks. Wanted Laurent instead of Kito because we needed a DT more than yet another young receiver. Your track record is exactly the opposite. Loved Mack. Argued with anyone who didn't like the Jade or the Pencer draft picks. I can't remember if you wanted Kito or not, but I'm going to guess you supported that move too cuz you loved everything the great and powerful Mack did.
  23. If you're going to continue the conversation, you might as well answer my question.
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