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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Mike... I didn't miss anything. I'm saying you're not making sense. I know you can put players on the suspended list and (Read slowly so you understand) you can do it before tonight at 11PM. If you need proof, just look at what Hamilton did today. Oh wait, you already knew that. Firing a person, and that's what we are talking about isn't something management should do at the last second. Make the decisions. Contact HR to get the paperwork done. Call the players into your office and fire them face to face. Tell them why and try to help them out as best you can. Pass them on to HR to sign off and to get the support they need to move out. It's not something you do by phone or text or voicemail tonight. Jacquie... Getting things right doesn't have to take until the 11th hour. It doesn't take 5 days. The decisions don't have to be made tonight.
  2. The cuts could have been decided on soon after the first game. The only reason to keep practising the guys you're going to cut in just in case a player ahead of them on the depth chart gets injured. Even if that happened, do you really want to keep a player you were willing to cut in the first set of cuts? No one's played themselves on or off the team since the game. The players on the bubble have waited 5 long days and nights to find out if they still have jobs next week. They've practised as hard as they can this week hoping that will be enough to get another chance. Now they get one more uncomfortable day/night jumping every time there's a knock on the door. More maybe's? Really? Can't get hold of them by phone tonight? In this day and age. Weak argument at best. Stupid argument at worst. Weren't you one of the guys who said a voice mail was an OK way to cut a player last year anyway? (I don't agree BTW) Assuming the decision's have been made, they could have told the players to come to the office after practise today and told them in person before announcing it. Is tonight a night off for the players? Red herring unless it's true. Final call on the number they have to cut? Today? Really? They've known since before TC how many players they have to cut today. Waiting on the Doctor's? To tell them what? No 1 game IR at this time of the year IIRC. Anyone hurt badly enough to 6 game them? I'd think they'd already know if that's even a possibility. Still arguing who should be cut? At this late date. Those decisions should already have been made. Keep bathing in your ignorance and keep making excuses based on 'What if's' that no one can prove or disprove.
  3. I prefer mine to take as long as they need to get it right. It shouldn't take 5 days to make the right choices. If it does... we've got a serious problem. Great argument. They might have done X or the might not have. I don't think we are still at the point in our teams development that we need to look over other teams 1st cutdown players to make our team better. You just prefer to whine. Pick your battles man, who the **** cares when we announce our cuts? Et tu Mike? Whining? Hardly. Yup... I care if the management is decisive or not and we're not.
  4. They've had 5 days to make their decisions. Other teams will do it in 24 hours or so. This is the first cutdown date, not the final one so the decisions aren't as tough this time around. I'd prefer we get rid of the dead weight as quickly as possible to give the guys who will play together this year and those on the bubble more reps. End of the world stuff? Nope. I just prefer my management team to be effective and decisive.
  5. 5 teams haven't made their cuts yet. The 4 that played last night and the Bombers who played on Tuesday. Now we are hearing that the cuts will be made tonight but not announced until tomorrow. There's no excuse for the decisions not having been made yet. There's no need for the players to wait another day to find out if they've been cut or not. There's no advantage to be gained by waiting until tomorrow to announce the cuts. Just make the decisions, cut the players, let them know and make the announcements already.
  6. Horribly boring game in Ft. Mac. 60+ Penalties called. 55 taken. Give the refs more reasons (new rules) to throw their flags and they'll throw more of them. Durant doesn't look like he's fully back yet although he did throw some good balls. Sunseri looked like he did last year. Smith looked better. Franklin looks like a good find for Edmonton. Can run and pass. Was noticeably better than than Nichols and Goltz last night.
  7. Calgary's going to be a force again this year. Mostly played their 3rd, 4th and 5th string QB's and still managed to look like a good football club. BC left a lot of starters at home and played with their 3rd, 4th, and 5th string QB's too. Jennings looked pretty good and will likely start the season as Lulay's arm isn't ready yet. Partridge looked pretty bad. Horrible throwing motion = horrible accuracy. Probably cut IMO. I liked the quick offence from BC. I don't think they will be as bad as a lot of folks around here do.
  8. I don't have a vote, but I'd vote for an earlier start / end to the CFL season. I'd like to see the Grey Cup the same week as Remembrance day every year.
  9. Clearing out the Import MLB's shouldn't be much of a surprise. Hurl's been our MLB since the day he was signed. Can't afford to have an import backup unless we start 8 NI's. Even then, he'd have to be able to play more than just MLB to be useful. Hall was beaten like a rented mule in preseason game 1. Guess he's better in practice. Still think he'll be gone by the end of the weekend. Weakest RB and FB gone. No suprises there.
  10. Yantz isn't going anywhere. What are basing that opinion on? Yantz wasn't even taken to the first preseason game when he was most likely to get some reps. I doubt we see him in the 2nd preseason game either. PR because he's a Canuck?
  11. You keep the best players you can and Marve's better than Portus by a long shot right now. We're getting to pay him based on his rookie contract so he won't be that expensive this year. He's betting he's worth more next year either to us or to another team. Cutting him now wouldn't make the team any better this year, in fact it would be worse.
  12. Every player who's not under contract in the off season may up and leave. Marve's not special in that respect.
  13. Marve doesn't want to be 3rd string next year. I'm sure he thinks he's stuck there in Winnipeg. He's not going to get a sniff in the NFL, but he might get a shot at #2 or even at #1 in Ottawa next year. Can't say that I agree that it's close between him and Portis. I'd say he's way ahead. In fact, I'd look for a different #4 QB if we're serious in keeping 4 QB's around.
  14. The reporters do in fact ask about Richards. They did it last night in O'Shea's postgame interview (4:25)... but you won't like his answer http://www.bluebombe...index/id/110947 Actually that was about Richardson... DE who went off with a knee(?) injury.
  15. I'm sure he's injured. One day morphed into a day or two, morphed into a few days, morphed into reporters not asking the question anymore. We'll see him when we see him. Who knows when that will be.
  16. I don't think anyone is going to get much out of the stream for RB performance. It'll all be about how they grade out on film with following their blocks, pass protection, who followed their assignments to a tee. One or two carries a guy isn't going to teach them much at all, especially behind a revolving door OL. Sounds like you're thinking there were too many RB's on the depth chart to be able to effectively rate their performance.
  17. I knew I'd take some shots this morning. Fire away.
  18. First off let me say I was wrong. I didn't think there was a snowball's hope in hell we'd win a game with that roster, but we did. I know I'm the only poster around here who thought a win was important and I very happy to see we got one. Yes Mike... I would have left Anderson at home and I would have missed a great return that probably won the game for us. No Mike... I still don't think you give everyone a shot just because one player managed a great play. I'd still have prefered to see more reps from 3 RB's and 1 FB to get Westerman, Randel and Moore into the game for a quarter. My take on the game: QB's Willy - No stream, so I can't comment Brohm - Looked like he knew where he wanted to go, but the passess were inaccurate. Marve - Mixed bag. Some good throws, yes even from the pocket, some bad throws, yes even from the scramble. Used his legs to get a first down and a TD and threw a nice TD pass (From the pocket). I'd move him to #2 next week to see what he can do against better competition. Portis - Runs well, but a very long way from being a good QB RB's Cotton - Worst of the bunch last night Rest didn't impress me, except for Anderson's punt return. O Line Gave up some serious pressures and didn't block that well for the run, but way better than I thought they'd be. It wasn't until Griffiths and Everett were in that they looked really bad. Receivers Liked what I saw from Tuinei and Clemons. Gordon and Adams after the TC hype were a let downs. D line Not enough pressure most of the time. No one stood out. LB's Allen looked good he made a great stop at the 1, sniffed out a screen play perfectly and a sack. Still, 4th quarter means playing against the other teams fringe players. Burnett made a couple of plays too. DB's Another unit that did better than I expected. Hall played himself off of the team IMHO. 41 - Jones would have too except for his passport. 4 PI's? Good or bad under the new rules?
  19. I had the same problem with Chrome. Worked fine for me in Firefox so I didn't look any further for a real solution.
  20. Just a note for Chrome users... One of my extensions, I haven't tracked down which one but I'll guess it's the ad blocker, kills the signon process on TSN Go. My workaround is to use Firefox which works like a charm for me. (Different set of extensions)
  21. This isn't a rec league where every player gets to play. It's pro ball. Want to get a chance to play? Earn it in practice. Guys who look good in practice, but can't bring it in a game will be gone pretty quickly. Sure there may be players who are better in games than practice, but they still need to be good enough in practice to earn a shot IMO. If it's silly to worry about who's then you must feel pretty silly, because you're the one who keeps bringing it up. For the hundred time... I'm not saying only bring vets nor am I saying don't bring any rookies. I'm saying bring more starters and less fringe players. 3 to 5 players would make a big difference. Quite honestly, I don't get why you even care what I think.
  22. Randel's changing positions. I'd like to see how it's going... Even for a quarter
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