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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Add me to the surprised that Unamba was cut group. I guess Shell's better.
  2. Worked so well last week, so I'm going with Cornish again.
  3. The most likely trading partner for Brohm or Marve would be Montreal. They lost their 2nd string QB, and their first string guy has a shoulder injury. Their 3rd string is a raw rookie that they aren't likely to want to put at #2. They'd probably want Brohm because of his experience. Edmonton wouldn't want Brohm because their O works around having a QB who can run. They'll probably just move Franklin from the PR to the main roster and leave it at that. Regina has the best backup in the league in Glenn. They'll need another backup QB, but I don't think they'll give much up for our 3rd string QB. Small chance they'd give up something for our #2.
  4. http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/game/winnipeg-blue-bombers-saskatchewan-roughriders-20150627/Stats 212 rushing for Sask.
  5. The Good: The revamped O line gave Willy the extra second he needs and he took full advantage of it. Moore finally gets a TD and shows us why he's worth that big paycheck. Cotton showed why the coaches have faith in him. Amazing what he can do when he gets a hole to run through. Finally got that green monkey off our back and won in Regina Adams game changing int at the one We beat a team we have to beat to make the playoffs and it wasn't just by a few fluky plays. The Bad: Randle and Hurl at LB D line pressure Penalties 14 for 167 isn't good enough. The Ugly: 497 yards against, 212 of them rushing yards.
  6. The first couple of weeks are best guess time, and I didn't guess very well. resulting in 0-4. Picked the favorites in 3 out of 4 games and they all lost. Went for an upset in the Hamilton/Calgary game and lost it by a 50 yard FG on the last play of the game.
  7. Reilly got hurt in the pocket by a low hit that wasn't the defender's fault. His style had nothing to do with the injury. It was more a fluke than anything else.
  8. I hate that Durant got hurt, especially when no one even touched him. Bad for the Riders. Bad for the league. Bad for us folks who like to watch the best players even on other teams.
  9. None of the angles showed where the ball was so they had no choice but to go with the call on the field. If I had to guess, I'd say the refs were right.
  10. What a great game last night! Big play after big play after big play. Turned the sound off early. Calgary players give the crying eyes signal to Banks... No penalty. That Sears guy sure can play. He gave up a long TD but got 2 Ints, one for a TD plus 2 sacks. Collaros pump fakes himself out... 90+ yard Int for a TD. Goal line stand by Hammy. Hammy had the game won if they could just stop a 3rd and 18, but Gainey couldn't cover Fuller yet again. Prevent D with a 3 man rush worked like a charm. It prevented Hamilton from winning. Stupid bench penalty by Calgary almost cost them the win. 50 yard FG to win the game... would have been good from 55 easy. No Cornish TD = Strike 1. Hammy loss = 0-2 for me. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't pick the Bombers this week.
  11. More an example of what rust looks like. DC's had film on Crompton after his first game in Montreal last year. You saying they didn't look at it until the offseason?
  12. Why do you feel that the coaches don't like JFG? My impression is that O'Shea loves him and I believe JFG is slated to start this week.'Cause he so rarely gets on the field despite producing when he does.Last year he was behind Watson, because Watson is a better blocker. I believe JFG is penciled in as a starter this season. Watson's also a better receiver. JFG's better on special teams though.
  13. Good for Ottawa getting their first road win ever! Sloppy game, but some great hits and plays. Eating motion's taunting Really? Oh well, gotta assume the players were told about it in TC. Montreal down to their 3rd string QB by the 3rd Q of the first game? Yikes! Maybe we can get a 1st rounder for Marve or Brohm. Was the hit on LeFevour legal? Hefney makes some great plays and some stupid ones. JJ had a nice INT. Burris stunk in the first half and played really well in the second. Never thought I'd see Montreal's defense get run over at the end of the game when they needed the ball back. I start the season 0 for 1 like most.
  14. I'm interested to see what Burris can do with actual receivers this year. Ottawa may surprise some teams like we did last year, but I don't think it will be tonight. Montreal still has one of the best defences in the league. All their offense has to do is score a few points and keep the ball long enough to keep the defence fresh.
  15. We've got lots of young potential, but that's not what matters, it's the starters that matter, not the depth. We don't have any tier 1 NI starters who'd be guaranteed starters on every CFL team like Cornish. We've got a few tier 2 guys in Picard, Greaves(?) and Kohlert(?) who'd be starters on most teams. After that we're pretty thin for starting quality NI's. Maybe some of our new guys will become good starters, but they aren't there yet.
  16. Worst Offseason move.... Keeping MB as OC.
  17. The yearly whine that there aren't enough Bombers on the top 50 list. Ho hum. Yawn. To me, it shows that we need to upgrade our talent level to become more competitive, just like it has for the last X number of years. Personally, I think Randle should have been on the list, Reilly should be higher and Durant lower, but I don't get a vote.
  18. Hall, Picard, Bryant in that order.
  19. The real question is... What did he expect as the 5th string QB?
  20. Anyone have any idea how long Leggett's out for or what his injury is? Maybe it's a while and Shell's the replacement.
  21. It's about expectations. The 5th string QB doesn't get much of a chance in TC unless one of the top 4 get injured, which didn't happen. No one would care if the QB wasn't a Canadian. They'd just say sour grapes and move on.
  22. Randle's playing a new spot and Hurl's got what 8 starts at MLB.
  23. Shell's best days are behind him IMO. Don't think he's an upgrade over our current DB's.
  24. I was paraphrasing. Typed it before the quote was put into the thread. Waiting an extra second to see if a throw is open is great only if there is a throw that's actually open. Otherwise, Marve loses the ability to make anything happen with his running and ends up having to throw the ball away or take the sack. I'm not sure where some of you think Marve will wait that extra second if it's not in the pocket. On the run behind the LOS? Then you'll complain that he can't throw from the pocket. Marve hasn't surprised anyone with his running ability since the first time he played last year. DC's can't take that away from him unless they bring more people towards the LOS which opens up the receivers down field. Marve's completed passes effectively both from the pocket and on the run. Needs to learn to read defenses better? Sure he does, but so does every 3rd string QB in the league and most of the 2nd strings and several of the starters. He's a Reilly style QB, not a Ray. Both can be very effective in the CFL. I'm not sure why there are so many arguments about our 3rd string QB around here. Everyone should want him to succeed.
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