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Posts posted by Mike

  1. To be fair, EVERY QB we had struggled under those offensive schemes.  Elliott did the best with the chicken 'salad' that our offensive systems have been.


    I was thinking about that the other day.


    Crowton seems to have figured out the red zone now. Biggest issue Elliott had.


    I wonder what Elliott and Crowton could produce together this year.

  2. #FearTheBeard


    But seriously though .. looking at his raw stats (and I'll readily admit I haven't dug too deeply into this) .. he doesn't seem to offer much more than we have now.  Change for the sake of change?


    I'd have him do the placekicking for us over Palardy in a second.


    His kickoff average is substantially better (59.5 compared to 54) and he's got a stronger leg than Palardy for sure.


    Not to mention, he may be able to push Renaud as well. His punting numbers aren't stellar but I have to excuse at least a bit of that because it seems like he's kicked almost exclusively in a dome while Renaud has had several wind-aided punts to bump up his averages. That's moot without any actual research to support it though.

  3. To be fair, Goltz would need to start as many games as Buck to get a true comparison.  Too many variables including injuries, offensive scheme, available players versus injuries etc.


    I'm not down on Goltz.  I just think Buck deserves a shot at a comeback.  We saw what happened to Calvillo with a bad system. 


    That's a fairer statement, but let's be honest ... it's not just Crowton's system that Buck has struggled with.


    He struggled with the LaPolice offense. He struggled with the Crowpolice offense. He struggled with the Crowton offense.


    I just don't see a comeback being successful. I wish it could be.

  4. Mike....you saw what he wanted to you to see....he would spend 30 min with the BoD once a month and they thought the same thing. He had them wrapped a around his finger. " can I get you a coffee Mr. Watchorn"


    Meh, I never claimed he was polite to anyone within his organization or the media. I just said he was polite to me when I spoke to him.


    More statistics to throw at you ...


    Buck Pierce has been sacked 16 times on 122 dropbacks this year. That means he is getting sacked once every 7.62 dropbacks.

    Justin Goltz has been sacked 5 times on 83 dropbacks this year. That means he is getting sacked once every 16.6 dropbacks.


    Another one ...


    Buck Pierce running the offense has resulted in 53 first downs on 60 possessions this year. That is an average of .88 first downs per possession.

    Justin Goltz running the offense has resulted in 46 first downs on 36 possessions this year. That is an average of 1.27 first downs per possession.


    Please, tell me more about how Buck is better than Goltz.



    How can that be? Shouldn't 1 be the max?



    You can get more than one first down on a drive. Technically, I suppose the most you could get on one drive would be 10.

  6. Who exactly are you arguing with? The stats are just a snapshot in time. Remember when everyone thought Kevin Glenn sucked? Remember when everyone thought Joey was he answer?

    If Buck starts next week and is awful, point taken. But if he starts and is good then what?

    A snapshot in time? Now I've heard it all.

    So what you're telling me is that in your opinion, even though Buck has sucked for two years, my point being made is contingent on his next performance?

    Okay then.

  7. play with the stats all you want. Goltz was throwing it in the dirt and way behind players all game agsinst BC. We had some piss poor outings with Buck at the helm but I've never seen as many bad passes thrown as when Goltz was under center.


    I find this difficult to grasp.


    I've seen Goltz throw some terrible balls but Pierce's performance in week 2 is burnt in my memory as being just as poor as any game Goltz has had.

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