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Everything posted by Mike

  1. I find it very interesting, because lots of people get caught up in our roster management (myself included) but not many people seemed to notice that Kramdi was very much a rotational guy and was subbed out a lot last year. They seem to have a pretty good plan for him and his usage and I’m happy to let them keep rolling with it. He didn’t get handed a job last year, he stole it from a trusted veteran American and he only got better as the year went on.
  2. I mean, I would imagine he’s *technically* right but someone needs to tell him that in a case like this, *technically* isn’t the side of the argument you want to be on.
  3. Really don’t get the Kramdi hate. He’s solid. Always around the ball. Does his job well. You need the reliable guys just as much as you need the flashy guys, they set the flashy guys up to make those big plays.
  4. Seems like guys for the sake of continuity, which I like. But let’s see these new guys get some opportunities. Curious to see who can step up.
  5. Is it even a mistake? There’s like one guy drafted after him that is relevant in the league and it’s Barnes who got taken almost 20 picks later
  6. if that’s the game they were playing, they would just “suspend” these guys
  7. Yeah, seems that way especially now. Or do they take that cash and sign Kongbo instead? That ship has sailed I guess, but you never know.
  8. Hamilton cut Terry Godwin That’s a surprise to me. He can be a difference maker in this league for sure. I don’t know how you afford him if you’re the Bombers, but he’ll play somewhere in this league for sure.
  9. Meh. The whole draft was terrible.
  10. Looks like you had the numbers more or less bang on, but they didn’t cut the four “no shows”, probably just suspended Fayad, DL Jordan Lewis, DL David Green, Randolph, WR Bryce Mitchell, WR Keontaye Thompson, K Jose Borregales and …. Anthony Bennett
  11. 100% we’re reading too much into this Players will get paid for promo appearances, that doesn’t mean some players won’t still volunteer their time and that doesn’t mean businesses won’t pay other players for things they do on their own.
  12. The funny thing is, this is exactly the kind of stuff a good reporter would learn and ask about. **** are they ever lazy
  13. Brand new turf, brand new team, brand new game for a lot of these guys, I would assume the coaching staff isn’t asking them to go 0 to 100 and risk injury on day one. We know our staff looks at so much more than their on-field stuff, these guys are going to make an impression or get a chance to for sure, but I doubt it’s balls to the wall right out of the gate.
  14. Not sure what else you’re going to expect from rookie camp day one, I would assume it’s mostly conditioning drills and very half effort reps
  15. Did it? I dunno man it’s the first day of training camp I’m blacking out from excitement
  16. Interesting that according to 3DN, 50k of Brady’s money is the not against the cap, promo stuff
  17. Dru Brown may have something to say about that
  18. I’d be shocked if it happened - Rourke was pretty outspoken about the way this was all handled, it‘d be a real “money talks” situation if he were to turn around and sign with a team that tried to bury it
  19. If you guys think there are actually going to be any live 100% effort one on one reps against roster players, you’re nuts lol He’s going to go out there, run a few routes, maybe have Jordan Younger suit up and let the seniors give it all they got a couple times and the rest of the time it will literally be 0% serious As an aside, Bombers made a whole bunch of moves yesterday/today. Release DB Anthony Blue, signed a whole whack of Americans. DB CJ Siegel LB Dylan Moses LB John Petrishen LB Tre Thomas OL Chidi Okeke
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