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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. I couldn’t not read that in Booker T’s voice Thin crust is for inbred hicks
  2. What a dull game. A lot of the problem is TSN itself. Since Cuthbert left, it’s just been the worst presentation. Bad sound, outdated camera work. Forced folksy banter. The infamous in-game interviews. Gimmicks galore. If I didn’t love the CFL and the Bombers so much, I’d use the word unwatchable.
  3. Pedal to the metal for 60 minutes. I wanna see a reverse 09 Banjo Bowl.
  4. That’s his new name. It’s done. Got bored on my lunch break. Here you go.
  5. In addition to his lower back, it appeared Harris also cranked his head on the ground. Could be a concussion protocol thing too.
  6. For that matter, regular Harris isn’t a guy that scares me.
  7. Boy those teams sure did suck last night..
  8. 1. Zach 2. Oline 3. Willie HH for Brady- textbook blitz pickup on an out pass to Wolitarsky
  9. Holm has had one nice play and 3 rough ones that I’ve seen.
  10. He’d make a great peewee coach. Not an insult.
  11. This receiving corps is going to be an all-time great group.
  12. This board is putting a lot of pressure on Holm. He has the athletic pedigree of a Dan Clark sure, but does he have the poise?
  13. I don’t know. Holm still gives me a practice monster Davin Bush vibe. Hope I’m wrong. Count me underwhelmed as well Re: Dline. That being said, with this offence, worst case Ontario they win a lot of games in the 42-38 range.
  14. West: Winnipeg BC Calgary Edmonton Sask East: Everyone is tied for first at. 500, except Montreal who finish 2-16 No crossover Bombers over Hamilton in the GC again.
  15. That’s just it. Anyone who isn’t extreme has been pushed out already. Look at O’Toole. He was as old-school con as you can get these days, and they railroaded him out because he voted for a conversion therapy ban.
  16. You’re right on that. Active roster too, Tyquan Glass was the starting field CB week 1 last year. The DT spot is still kind of meh to me, but I get your point about not bitching about it too soon.
  17. I don’t think you’re any of those things. I certainly am not a conservative, so I’d probably never agree with you politically. I’ve enjoyed talking football and reading your stories about the 70’s Bombers quite a lot over the years. What bugs me about this conversation, and any political one the last decade or so is the slipperiness of the topic at hand. Everyone I support is fine because someone else did something worse, and we whatabout our way through, skirting every issue. It’s exhausting, and the actual bad guys/nazis (not you personally) want us all exhausted, scared and angry.
  18. What do Faarooq and Bradshaw have to do with any of this? I’m not playing the nickname game. If you can’t see what you’re doing here, you don’t want to.
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