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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. I’m turning this off and putting the radio on. Rod Smith is worse than Rod Black. I’d rather have Steve Armitage even.
  2. Technically they had one in the 3rd but they accepted that offside penalty
  3. I think @Mike nailed it earlier. When the offence struggles, this is what we’ll see. They don’t have the kind of D that can bail them out anymore.
  4. Wouldn’t matter, they’d just take it and score again.
  5. Only if it can play ST and get lost in the soup on 2nd down.
  6. Jefferson is either being held, double teamed or loping around aimlessly.
  7. Am I the only one who thinks Ricky Walker is kind of useless? Especially when they put him outside. Way too slow to come off the edge with any regularity. This is the game where (among other things) the roster management is screwing them.
  8. This game’s over. They’re not in it at all.
  9. Kramdi, it’s a Simpsons reference. Me and a buddy call him that and I haphazardly typed it on here.
  10. Get ADS out, put Darby there and put I’ve been calling him Crandall at dime.
  11. That was the first time I’ve noticed Bennett in any way….. #2 running like Danny Mac on that blitz. Jesus.
  12. That offside on 3rd down is a microcosm of all the uncharacteristic **** they’re doing tonight.
  13. He does. Love the guy, but for every play he makes he gets lost on a crosser.
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