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Posts posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Not everyone is into wrestling like you are. Not as many people care, either. This happened a long time ago & a lot of wrestling fans weren't born when this happened. People hear & read the stories about Snuka & just aren't sure. I can't say he did what he's accused of. Just like Ray Lewis in Baltimore. Did Lewis kill someone at that nightclub? We can speculate that he did but got off however we don't know for sure. Yet despite the questions, Lewis is still a popular NFL former player & had a gig on ESPN as an NFL analyst.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Kluchk said:

    Hows that 26 year streak without a grey cup going? I wouldn't worry so much about the Riders season as its a new season and anything can happen in the CFL.

    How many Grey cups have the Riders won? Four? We've won 10 & you've had 26 years to catch up. Epic Fail.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dr. Blue said:

    No I don't think it's easy. However, I do think that if the organization is doing their job properly, a guy should be ready to be a backup in his third season in the league and on his second contract. The scouting staff has to identify the right player, GM needs to bring that player in, and the coaching staff has to make sure they are ready to go when their number is called.

    Like I've said, I don't know if Davis is the answer, but how long does a guy have to be around to be considered a viable backup?

    Looking at the QBs around the league it seems like somewhere around year 2 or 3 they were given an opportunity to play and they ran with it. If you surround a new QB with crap, like the 2013 Bombers, yeah there is little chance for him to succeed. If he's actually put in a spot where he has a chance to succeed, he may surprise you. Spend the extra money it would cost to bring that experienced backup QB, to make your team better and to keep your staring QB clean, he's your best chance to win. If he does go down, the next guy up has a chance to succeed.


    Travis Lulay – Started games in year 2, became full time starter in year 3.


    Jonathon Jennings – starter midway through first year.


    Mike Reilly – Starter Year 3 in the CFL.


    Bo Levi Mitchell – saw action in year 2, became full time starter in year 3.


    Darian Durant – 1 year on the PR, 1st year on active roster he was a backup, 2nd year saw playing time, 3rd year he was named the starter.


    Zach Collaros – Became a successful starter in his second year, due to an injury to Ricky Ray.


    Kevin Glenn – Became a starter in his fourth season.


    Trevor Harris – starter, due to injury, after 3 years in the CFL.


    Henry Burris – started games in his third year, until he suffered season ending injury. He then became a full time starter in his fourth year.


    Matt Nichols – He started games in his second year, and was thought to be the next starting QB, until season ending leg injury. He then tore his ACL in preseason the following year. He started a number of games in every season.


    Drew Willy – He was named the starting QB in Winnipeg in his third year in the CFL.


    Ricky Ray – started games in his first year, due to an injury to Maas, and led the Eskimos to Grey Cup appearance.


    The guys you mentioned had a lot more playing time than Davis & at least fans could get a read on whether they had potential. Davis we don't know.

  4. 59 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    I got no problems going into the year with Davis at 2, he's been around long enough that he should be able to get some playing time if need be, and if it turns out that he is needed and can't handle it then you can always make a panic move and get yourself a Kevin Glenn during the season. 

    Who is to say Glenn is available?

  5. 2 hours ago, Goalie said:

    It was 6 3 against a crappy team worse than we are. Goaltending was not that great... 1 fluke save does not mean he was the reason we won.  We won because for 2 periods we absolutely dominated a crappy team. Pav was ok.. he let in 2 pretty weak goals tho. 1 was a nice shot. He was not the difference. 30 of 33. 909 save percentage.  He was average. Basically he was pavelec and quite honestly I don't see how we could lose when we score 6 and dominate for 2 periods 

    You give Pavlec no credit at all. Every save a fluke & every goal out of position.  He. Won. Until he started we couldn't beat a girls bantam team. Your comments are really becoming a joke. #onetrickpony

  6. 1 hour ago, Dr. Blue said:

    Ricky Ray goes down and and Zach Collaros, who only played in one regular season at that point, steps in and was successful.

    Lulay goes down and Jennings steps up and takes the job.

    I know those are only two examples, but it's not impossible to have success.

    The coaching staff and management must see something in Davis, if they believe he can be a #2, or else why bring him back. But because he doesn't have game reps he'll never be any good?


    You really think it's that easy? The coaching staff saw something in Robert Marve & Brian Brohm in 2015 too.

  7. 6 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    I doubt it. It's a vital, highly entertaining piece of the CFL game. To 'Americanize' it, would drag the game down to that stupid touchback rule. I mean why even kick off? Just spot it at the 20 and be done with it.

    Besides, the size of our field changes the whole aspect of kick-off reteurns..to our benefit.

    Liability issues. The pending concussion lawsuit. I think it will get changed. At least I think it should.

  8. 6 hours ago, Atomic said:

    Woah I totally disagree.  I think Bray Wyatt is one of the best characters in WWE right now and I know I'm not alone in that.

    Loses more than he wins at PPV, talks in riddles... Nope, it was a great gimmick when it started. Now not so much...

  9. The NFL moved up where the ball is kicked off because of injuries. The kickoff is the most dangerous play in football because of the wedge & it was for player protection. I expect the CFL to do the same at some point. KO return specialists will become extinct.

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