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Posts posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. When Rollins suffered his knee injury he was the best wrestler in the WWE. When he came back it was to a huge pop as a face but they kept him a heel. Now he's a face but he hasn't had one single belt since he came back & I don't know why. Now, it just looks like Seth's character is just being beaten down almost to the point of irrelevance.

  2. 8 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Cass absolutely needs Enzo.  if they split them up, I'd bet we're still watching Enzo in 5 years...Cass, not so much.  They messed with the formula already but splitting Carmella from the group.  they could turn Cass on Enzo but he needs someone with him (Carmella might fit the bill).  It sucks for them since they are dating and on different shows.

    I don't think Cass absolutely needs Enzo now. Cass isn't as good on the stick as Enzo but Cass isn't that bad either. He's a big physical wrestler & can hold his own in the ring against other wrestlers. Stone Cold says Cass needs to be more mean & aggressive & he's right. He lacks experience & once he gets that he'll be a force. I think Cass needs to do a heel turn & be a loner. I also think the potential for Cass is much higher than it is for Enzo & it has nothing to do with height. Cass may be heavyweight champion in the future while Enzo will still be calling himself a "Certifiable G" as he's limited in what he can do as he's limited physically. So, in 5 years I think I'd rather be watching Cass than Enzo but that's my opinion, I guess.

    Did Elsworth ever take a bump from Strowman. So much for trusting a big guy like that not to hurt anyone. That toss out of the ring was bad.

  3. 16 minutes ago, tracker said:

    If Franklin has any say in where he goes, he would be a fool to choose the Riders over, say, the Bombers. No quarterback, no matter how skilled and experienced , is going to stay healthy let alone look good behind that O-line guided by that coaching staff. The Bombers found that out in the Buck Pierce era, and in that same era, we found out that any quarterback with potential with potential will have that potential snuffed out and replaced with PTSD. Franklin will need a decent O-line, receivers and coaching if he wants to become an elite pivot.

    He wouldn't choose Winnipeg as he'd back up Nichols.

  4. 3 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    both holley and collins put up pretty average numbers considering who they had throwing them the ball, i expect them to be alot lower #s with a worse QB and then bulk of the throws going to Carter/Roosevelt,  assuming Roosevelt is still with the team, and/or healthy and carter isnt suspended

    I think Ricky Collins can be a real good CFL receiver but that Rider offense is going to struggle.

  5. 3 hours ago, Stickem said:

    That was the rumour at one time, that Milo would head south much like Steinauer did...I don't think Scott will make the same move as a sure position in the CFL will most likely happen....Can't see Argos keeping him if the rumour of what he said is true...Sounds like he wants to move along...As far as Barker getting the gate....did the owners just wake up and find out that they no longer have their first round pic (could've/would've) are missing an all star db (Heath) and have Willy to show for it...lol..Seems late in the day to pull the pin on Barker.

    This move is done within a week after the Grey Cup is played. Not now. This is when the Argos should be hiring a GM & not firing him. It would have been better to leave things alone at this late date.

  6. It seems people want change after one day in office for Trump. His approval rating is one of the lowest ever for a new President & he's not making friends with any leaders internationally so he's going to have a rough ride with very few political friends & allies. The demonstrations in Washington & in the US yesterday. If anything, the demonstrations will increase & not subside. Yesterday, a reportedly very angry Trump marched out White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to criticize & attack the media for reporting that the crowd for his inauguration was smaller than Obama's in 2009. If Trump thinks it's tough now just wait. It'll be interesting to see how Trump handles criticism. I suspect not very well.

  7. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    That's true. It's odd that their email last inviting fans to celebrate Snuka was after raw.  But wwe has never been known as a company that did what fans wanted lol

    keep in mind this is a company that continues their Benoit memorial live raw even when it was strongly suspected he killed his wife and son. 

    The Benoit killings & suicide was bizarre & sick. Very tragic.

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