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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Never been a Howard fan. Glen or especially his brother Russ as I always thought he was a hotdog. If I was playing on the next sheet over from Russ in the Brier & he started his screaming fest as I was lining up in the hack for my shot, I'd have got up & stuffed my brush down his throat.
  2. I don't think he'll like Canadian money. At 74 cents US today. Ouch. #canadianpeso
  3. Jones seems to have **** for brains. Total disrespect for the Als & the rest of the CFL. Like you said, eventually he'll screw up so bad he'll be fired.
  4. Riders trying to have open tryouts in another CFL city?
  5. So, if snowbirds were to lose provincial health benefits then why stay longer??
  6. The Riders seem to spend like drunken sailors. We hear oh they have room because Durant's gone. Then they go out & sign a slew of veteran players in free agency. I don't get it. When will the cap audit of each team come out?
  7. How come the Riders have all this cap space signing players left & right & we don't?
  8. I've been watching his new series, Training Day which I liked. He seemed fit & healthy especially one scene in the last episode where he & his partner were under gunfire from the bad guys. You'd never know he had a heart condition. Looks can be deceiving.
  9. Sad news about Robert Osborne as you could really see he loved the motion picture industry & had a wealth of information that will go to the grave with him. Seemed like a likeable & genuine person. I watch TCM as I enjoy old movies from the 40's & 50's. I'll miss him. Rest In Peace, Robert.
  10. Stubler should have stayed in Calgary. What a bad career move. Leave Calgary for Toronto. Stubler bounces around more than a basketball. Word was Dickenson wanted him to stay on staff & was caught off guard when he left. Now a year later he's unemployed as teams have their staffs in place. He has to be in his late 60's now so maybe it's the end of the coaching line for him.
  11. So van Jones said on CNN that Donald Trump became President when he paid tribute to the Navy Seal's wife who died in the raid this past January. Then there was last night. He took off his presidential clothes & became the assclown we all know & expect that he is all over again. How long until his base grows tired of everything that's going on with his disaster of a Presidency? Six months? A year? Two? Three? One term? Never? At least Trump can take solace in the fact Arnold Schwarzenegger quit The Apprentice.
  12. Canadians have to excel on special teams as we know. With only 7 starters they have to be able to contribute that way first. Hurl & Briggs are solid contributors in that capacity.
  13. Thank the Argos & Ricky Williams for that. The NFL wasn't happy & they let our league know it. #dontpokethebear
  14. I remember being shocked. I was certain that Walters was going to pick Durant. Very disappointed when he didn't.
  15. Apparently, Durant didn't interview well. He was quiet, reserved & a maybe a bit nervous. That may be why he wasn't drafted until Round 2. He's fit in well with the Stamps as they brought him along slowly & made him a situational player. With more experience & confidence I think he'll be starting sooner rather than later.
  16. Only a few people that I know & trust here are aware of why I did the name change & I won't ever divulge it publicly. I also trust that the people I told will respect my reasons & not share why I did so on this forum. Let's just say that I don't post as often here as I used to & that I no longer get involved in the politics of this place anymore. But when people here start disparaging a person that I know (Lemar Durant) without even knowing the guy & my son who played with him has nothing but good things to say about his former teammate then I will speak up to defend Durant. In this situation, I truly don't care what people think of me. Lemar is a very shy & introverted man. He is NOT a headcase.
  17. Durant was an outstanding teammate at SFU. He gave the coaches no problems at all. Always worked hard in practice & games. He was a beast in the weight room. He was a beast on the field as well capable of dominating games all by himself. He's a quiet guy. Very shy. Doesn't say a lot. Let's just say the only team that got it right about Durant were the Stampeders. The Bombers picked Richardson before him so Walters blew it. As Ace_Wells said, Durant's no headcase. How do I know? My son was his qb at SFU for 3 seasons & always had great things to say about Durant. I'll take his word over some random fans here trying to say things that aren't true to justify the Bombers not selecting him.
  18. I blame iHeart for waves & waves of time displacement.
  19. I think as some suggest, it's just not the season to show what he can do but training camp. I don't want to see Richards fail. I just want to see if the potential is there.
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