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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. You mean you didn't shed a tear when Cena proposed to Nikki? I guess Goldberg's run with the WWE is now over.
  2. That last match Undertaker vs Reigns never should have happened. Undertaker just can't do it anymore. UT just stopped moving the longer the match went on. I just wish they'd have let him win his last match instead of losing to Reigns but that wasn't going to happen. If the fans hated Roman before the match, they'll truly hate him 10x more now.
  3. Yeah, that is the way it should be done. Have the section sponsored as well.
  4. Good for the WWE then to give him another shot. I just remember him on Friday Night Smackdown. Just how bad he was & seemed to regress as a wrestler. In some bad storylines & eventually released.
  5. Yeah, I admit that. I certainly won't disagree as what you say is true.
  6. The only thing I'll say is he knew what he was getting into before he was hired salary wise. Cobourne was a player & a coach in the CFL for years. If it was all about the money then perhaps he never should have been a CFL position coach in the first place. If the pay is that bad, which I kind of doubt. Most coaches use these positions to better themselves as they move up the ladder, career wise. Being a successful position coach can lead to coordinator & head coaching opportunities in the years ahead in the pros & college. Most coaches would love to start their careers in the CFL instead of high school, junior college or as Grad Assistants in the NCAA. Just to get to the CFL is a combination of hard work, talent, luck & who you know (connections) for most coaches. Lower paying positions could lead to big paydays in the future. Starting out in the CFL is a tremendous opportunity.
  7. Very disappointed we aren't in the playoffs. How much longer will Jets fans put up with it? Is Chevy under pressure to be active this off season to address team shortcomings? I don't think he can be as inactive as last season. Man, we need defensive help & goaltending.
  8. He wasn't much his first go round.
  9. I have no idea why he left but it sure puts the team at a disadvantage.
  10. They could go to the CIS for a position like this.
  11. He wouldn't have gone to the CFL Combine if he had performed well at his Pro Day.
  12. It would be interesting to really know just how popular (or lack thereof) Trump is with the American people. With his performance so far doesn't a 35% seem rather high?
  13. I'd be ecstatic if they cut Ricky Collins & we picked him up.
  14. Don't be so sensitive. I never criticized you. I just made a comment. Grow a thicker skin.
  15. No, I won't make recommendations. Why would you even say that? That's not what I said.
  16. He has family issues with his son that would take precedence. He's never coached at that level before as well as he's in his late 50's or early 60's. There's much more qualified candidates out there.
  17. I think they'll bring a guy in. At least that's what the story implies.
  18. Avon Cobourne has left to pursue other interests outside of football. Thanks for sticking it out, Avon. http://3downnation.com/2017/04/01/bombers-running-backs-coach-avon-cobourne-parted-ways/
  19. If it was true, Priders heads would explode. I kinda like it then!
  20. That makes me cry out the way Rick Flair did whenever he was in pain in the ring. "Oh Gawd!!"
  21. Anyone drafted in that bonus round is akin to either a Canadian qb with no chance of ever making it or a charity case if it's another position.
  22. Well, to be fair our record of drafting & developing Canadian receivers has been dreadful the past few years.
  23. He's inexperienced. He's depth for sure. A guy like Gurley can start.
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