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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. A thousand yard receiver who missed a good chunk of the season is just okay? Sure.
  2. This will hurt the kids who think they can play in the NHL & are in high school now just scraping by. If the court case is successful & teams in the CHL do fold leaving university as the only way to get to the NHL then they'll be left behind. No point talking about improving scholarships if a player doesn't have the marks to get into university in the first place because it doesn't matter under the present system. .
  3. If they win & teams disband then go the way of other sports where players have to go the CIS or NCAA route there'll be a huge fallout as most hockey players in high school haven't got the marks to get in. They don't care about school at 16 as they're focused on just hockey.
  4. Let's hope the league comes to its senses regarding PI & illegal contact after 5 yards this off season when the Rules Committee meets. These rules as well as the Coaches Challenges has spoiled the game. #WallyBuono #JasonMaas
  5. I read it in my email but when you click on it to read comments it has been removed. Or the link doesn't work. If Jones actually did work out Manziel then more than a fine needs to happen.
  6. You couldn't pay me enough to take a chair shot. That being said, if wrestlers wants to go at it when they're older & fans want to see it then let them. People still pay to see old rock stars like the Stones & Paul McCartney. I don't see a difference.
  7. Or characters from their shows giving long stares.
  8. All the NFL fans here, let's do chat when the game starts...
  9. So, it's up & ready for the Super Bowl?
  10. That was a play on words. Who knows, maybe he did? Hopefully he wore Depends.
  11. He was so nervous. Literally shaking. Never truly looks comfortable in front of the cameras. Never is seen much in public during the season. Compare him to Mark Cohon who was at ease in the media spotlight & made a point to get out to talk & meet the fans.
  12. From the first time I saw him literally peeing his pants on TSN handing out the Grey Cup he seems in way over his head. Then his handling of the drug testing & his criticisms of the company doing it. Then cancelling drug testing for over a season. Finally, his comments on concussions. Oh & throw in that lame grey CFL logo. Lots to hate & not much to like.
  13. I know that for sure. Doesn't mean I have to like the little mouse. Or the things he says. Therefore, if the BOG's tell him to cover up salary cap infractions we know that he'll do it.
  14. The CFL dealt with professional doping testing agencies as well & Orridge told them to get lost when they became critical. Only with public shaming by media, fans & pressure from the CFLPA did Orridge & the CFL agree to use another doping testing company for player testing. I have no faith this Commissioner operates with any real ethics.
  15. In the NFL, draft picks can actually play & make a difference. Up here, not so much, especially linemen. That makes a difference.
  16. What I'm saying is that if at the end of the year a team is half a million over the salary cap for 2016 I think Orridge would suppress that information. Of course, I have no proof but it's just how I feel after that "alternative facts" presser he gave the media about concussions during the Grey Cup.
  17. So, a day earlier... Just sayin'. Statistics can be manipulated to fit just about anything.
  18. It's about releasing the info. I don't trust the CFL to ever do that honestly. Not while Jeff Orridge is Commissioner. #alternativefacts
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