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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. AJ Styles put Shane through a car window. I don't know if that was special glass or what but the guy is sure willing to take huge bumps for the family business. The laceration to his head looked real but it's the WWE so reality might just be fantasy.
  2. You can't blame just coaching. Personnel decisions by Chevy play into this equation. Our GM is like a Teflon Don with the media. Nothing sticks to him. Both guys will get extensions & truthfully don't deserve it.
  3. Stephanie McMahon is just toxic. Unreal.
  4. Strategy lost that game for McEwen. Manitoba has the best curlers in the country but it never wins Briers anymore. Frustrating as hell.
  5. Same old authority bullshit that has been going on now for 5 or 6 years. Tired of it. Fans are tired of it yet it's thrown in our face every week. Result? People watch Smackdown. I've half given up on Raw thinking it'll get better but it won't. I used to watch all 3 hours now if I watch the last 45 minutes that's pretty generous.
  6. Watching the sad ending to Raw tonite. No wonder Smackdown gets better ratings. Stephanie & Triple H just suck the life out of Raw & have for years now.
  7. And this is the genius of Chevy?? He deliberately hung the kid out to dry. For that, Chipman will give him an extension.
  8. Yeah, but then maybe we find the next Carey Price first so you never know. I don't mind the kid backing up & seeing maybe 20 games worth of work next season but we definitely need a new legit #1 starting goaltender. Like I said, what has he done to show the confidence Chevy & Maurice have in him?
  9. I've yet to see Hellebuyck steal a game for the Jets. Or go on a roll like Brian Elliott has done with the Flames after a rocky first half of the season for him. I've yet to see Hellebuyck go out stand on his head & win a game we should have lost just to show us what management sees in him. He makes saves he should make most of the time but seems to have a difficult time stopping the shots he shouldn't. He's average most of the time & mediocre a lot of the times. Has he been stellar? Not even close. Yet, this is the kid we hitched our wagons to.
  10. Now they're detaining US citizens born in the US asking their religion? WTF is happening down there & the sad part is the white Trump base loves it. So, it continues.
  11. Hellebuyck should be in the AHL along with half the team who either can't play or don't belong in the NHL. We need a veteran goalie to carry this team the way Hellebuyck can't. Chevy needs to be replaced. The rebuild or whatever you want to call this thing is taking much too long. He refuses to go after prime free agents to help this team or make a trade even just to shake things up. As a Jets fan, watching Michael Frolik play for the Flames instead of us is frustrating. Maurice? Goofy line juggling of the forwards. You have the top right winger in Laine but he's not playing with Scheifle our top centre. Or he is then he isn't. You just don't know from game to game. Defensively we're a mess. The PK is brutal. the team is totally undisciplined taking too many dumb penalties that they can't kill off. Where's the accountability??? That's on Maurice. Then rumours are that Chipman will reward these two with contract extensions? What a joke. I'm with Stickem. If Cheveldayoff continues this slow whatever & the direction it's going then Chipman has to get rid of him.
  12. Chevy: Chipman will give him a lifetime job with the Jets as GM. That way we are assured of a playoff spot by 2035 season.
  13. Maybe but these guys curl like this every week of the season. The players are in tremendous condition. I think Koe will still pull it out.
  14. Everybody says the Coe team isn't that good. They played pretty damned well tonite after falling behind 5-2 early. They'll beat Gushue.
  15. Nothing changes with this team. Suspect goaltending, goofy line juggling, lousy PK, terrible in their own end & lack of discipline. Hey since we can't kill penalties let's go out & get even more so it's even harder to win a game.
  16. Ourbombers have 2 guys talking to themselves & occasionally to each other. Out of just pride alone, the site should be shut down considering what it used to be.
  17. What's with Space? All in on Star Trek showing all 4 previous series although the best one DS9 was in the middle of the night so only a few could watch it. Enterprise (which I always liked, sorry) came on at 4 am... Star Trek TOS, Star Trek TNG 7 Voyagerin the afternoons followed by Voyager again in the late evening. Voyager was never may favourite, actually my least favourite of all 4 as I had issues with Janeway who really should have been opposed & replaced by Chakotay after the first season. For someone who constantly preached the Prime Directive to her crew she constantly cherry picked & never used the PD if it interfered in her agenda. Now Space has removed all 4 series & replaced them with Face Off & Castle? Like WTH? How can they be all in & then all out in a week? Methinks Space expected the new series to roll out this past January & wee using these episodes to build up interest & now it's fizzled out. So they removed all 4 from programming. It's my theory & it belongs to me.
  18. It's the Internet. There's always someone who wants to spread rumours or be a **** disturber. Let's judge it once it premieres.
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