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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. They were inside. Those 4 played together. We can only wish for something remotely close now. Oh yeah, throw in Perry Tuttle as well.
  2. I have no reason to believe that he won't. Nothing would do my heart good than to see these vile humans all get their just deserts but I don't see it happening as that would topple the entire government in the United States. You know the one with all the so called checks & balances they always talk about to stop these things that are now going on from happening. If Trump & Pence were somehow convicted & jailed there'd be anarchy. So, don't expect it to happen.
  3. I think it's just a matter of time as I just can't see this team coming back but fire MOS at season's end.
  4. You fire a HC when he loses continually. In this case, no results after 5 seasons. Losing the room has nothing to do with it. Lots of popular coaches have been fired in the past. This is supposed to be a performance based business, after all.
  5. MOS has proven one thing in 5 years. He's slow to change. Slow to adapt. Loyalty usurps performance. That's why we struggle. That's why he needs to be replaced. He won't change. So time to go.
  6. Needs another year? Why does he need another year? We know all about Mike O'Shea & how he coaches. What is going to be different next season as compared to this one? Why is it we just throw entire seasons away giving coaches who fail more & more chances to fail all over again? Very frustrating.
  7. If Trump resigns or is impeached then like Gerald Ford, he'll be President anyway. He'll just rile up Trump's base even more if he doesn't pardon him.
  8. If things don't get turned around by season's end then O'Shea has to go. He has 6 games to do it.
  9. OMG. Are you actually bringing this argument back from 2015??? So, your solution is to sit & do nothing because we'll have to start over & it will be painful because we'll just lose? Meanwhile ignoring the fact that the status quo is already painful because we're already losing. Your stability argument may have had some merit 3 years ago but it means nothing now after nearly 6 seasons. So, we haven't been doing it for years. It's been years since we did it.
  10. You don't? Well, if you don't know that a regime change sells hope & optimism to fans, then okay. By sticking with the same guy for 6 years with no changes isn't a big deal? A majority of fans would disagree with you. Look at the gnashing of teeth over Hall & LaPolice. They're coordinators. Not the Head Coach.
  11. The expansion draft was set up for them to be successful & they started from zero with the cap. They had no constraints at all where to spend their money. It's harder to maintain the team they have now than to build that expansion team.
  12. Yeah, not saying he should be fired now. But to be decided how the rest of the season plays out.
  13. More than just a few fickle fans. A lot of disgruntled fans, I daresay.
  14. If they try to sell MOS as Head Coach next year to the fanbase if the losing continues there'll be a severe negative reaction. I can't see Wade Miller being onboard with that. His job is to sell tickets. Not to have fans cancel them. And rest assured, fans will cancel their season tickets.
  15. Nothing even close to that. What, you subscribe to the 2-16 prognostication as well?
  16. He's predicting 2-16 in 2017 well screw him.
  17. What's wrong with Wolitarski & Petermann? They make plays when they get the chance. More than I can say for our speedy import receivers who continue to disappoint game after game after game.
  18. Man, you're depressing. Do us all a favour. Go see your doctor & get your meds changed.
  19. O'Shea is four games below .500 into his fifth season as HC. That is mediocre. O'Shea coaches mediocre so his team is mediocre. Most head coaches with a record like that don't get 6 seasons & yet Walters will probably bring him back. With Miller's blessing. (Don't have to pay him his final season to not coach).
  20. With Trestman as his HC anything is possible.
  21. Not with MBT as their qb. Too green. And I ain't talking Riders.
  22. They won by an incredible fluke last year so it's not a big story.
  23. Trump will never spend an hour in jail. He'll be pardoned by Pence if impeached or resigned.
  24. He should have been kicked out & suspended.
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