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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Coaching. Does Big Chris sleep thru the meetings?
  2. LaPo has been exposed. He isn't the kind of OC who builds an offense around the guys he has & use their talents to the fullest. He instead runs the same **** plays trying to put round pegs in a square hole. Players have to fit his offense. That's what is happening here.
  3. Rider D has no fear of the long ball from us.
  4. Is it too much for the Bombers to have a backup qb that can throw the ball just a little?? My Gawd.
  5. If things continue like they are by the 4th qtr our defense will be gassed.
  6. For a second year player, Streveler can't read a defense which is incredible. Little pocket presence... Panicking. The game is too big for the guy.
  7. I thought Big Chris just had to show up & we'd win?
  8. The only good thing about that sack is Streveler not fumbling.
  9. Fajardo getting a little cocky & fancy throws a pick.
  10. Knowing LaPo we'd sign Duke Williams & make him run the fly sweep. Throw to him twice for 25 yards every game & then say he doesn't fit our system.
  11. Okay, relax. Who says I don't respect him?
  12. Well, in that example, sure. But how many D Ends will play qb? To me, if Streveler can be effective as a running back & he can actually play that position then he should be allowed. I think that there are too many restrictions on CFL rosters.
  13. With small rosters & injuries they have this rule? If a backup qb can play RB then he should be allowed. But that would be too logical.
  14. Roster sizes aren't small with 53 players. You can only play 22 in total & 11 at a time. Which leaves 31 players to be backups & special teamers.
  15. Singleton is luckier than most. He has options that aren't at the whim of an NFL GM. He could go back to Calgary & sign for a minimum $250,000. Maybe not NFL money but if he plays a decade he's set for life.
  16. He loves Calgary. I'm sure if the money's right he'll be back. With Mitchell missing 7 games he should be able to be signed. The question is will Michel be back?
  17. I was following his progress in Philly & every NFL writer covering the team said he was in tough down the depth chart. The Eagles are deep at linebacker but that performance should have nailed him a spot on the roster. Marken Michel also had a 75 yard TD pass the first exhibition game. And he was waived. Don't let anyone tell you this wasn't politics or favouritism by the coaches. They already made their decision before the game. There is a lot of anti CFL bias in the NFL. I can see him refusing a PR spot as Singleton can come back to Calgary & get paid more than being on the PR.
  18. Found this video on the Internet. We all know the CFL has attendance issues. Back in 1977 when Montreal got 70,000 to a home game with the Argos. Back when the CFL was relevant to Canadians. When teams sold out their games routinely. Halfway thru a 16 game schedule & already the CFL had attracted a million fans to its games league wide. Hard to believe that today.
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