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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Player management: Why the hell is Demski playing instead of Petermann? Rasheed Bailey should be starting. Makes you wonder about our OC .
  2. Ryan can't place his punt inside the 10. I'll gladly take the single, thank you.
  3. The qb situation in Ottawa is really bad. Jennings is terrible & Davis is not a starter. Never will be.
  4. Desjardins created the qb mess in Ottawa. He should be held accountable for it. How about Pruneau? Hurt on 1st play of the game & was sent back in. Then reinjured his calf even worse & is now on crutches. Where's player safety on this? Who's accountable for that especially if he's out for a few games? Campbell? Thorpe? Team doctor??
  5. Just can't feel sorry for the Lions. They are crap.
  6. Even though it's halfway thru the 2nd qtr in Ott I thought I'd start a GDT for the other 2 games in the CFL today. Jonathan Jennings is who we thought he is so far fumbling once & throwing a pick. While MBT for the Argos looks like a world beater on one drive & then looks like he can't read a defense on another. Both teams going nowhere but Toronto holding onto an 11-10 lead.
  7. You & I don't agree very much when it comes to the Bombers. But when it comes to your wife & family, I hope that she makes a full recovery & is home soon. Football is a just game but family comes first & it is everything.
  8. Of course, the million dollar question is how LaPo will use him?
  9. Claybrooks is sinking in the quicksand... I just can't see him surviving after this year. The fanbase will want major changes. Kelly Bates gave up a teaching career for that team? Not the smartest move.
  10. No, I guess I just should have ignored it. What was I thinking?
  11. Nichols hasn't dogged it either. He has won a lot of games for us since 2016. We haven't had the success we'd like in the playoffs for sure but he's doing his best. He has his limitations as a qb but he hasn't got a lot of help from LaPo either. He's our guy & I'll support him as long as he plays here. I won't have any love for a guard struggling after he left us. And I'd never post #notmyQb like you did.
  12. Drills in slow mo will never replace full contact in practice.
  13. No one. They don't use pad in practices anymore.
  14. Rogers sacked the entire Breakfast TV crew here in Calgary yesterday. Eleven people were fired.
  15. The Lions down by 4 yet they're punching back.
  16. Maybe. Maybe not. I know he's never been the same since his knee injury. I just see more love for a former Bomber guard who spurned us for the big bucks then our qb.
  17. Well, that's interesting. Nichols played thru a serious knee injury last season & he was raked over the coals by fans here for sub par play after he came back. Yet, the same fans are willing to cut a former guard who spurned us for BC a break for bad play. Yet, not willing to do the same for Nichols. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me.
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