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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Not at 43. He knows his playing days are over. He's making twenty times the money & in American funds he'd make as a Blue Bomber.
  2. Some of your names... Do you even know where these players are now? Michael Bishop is 43 years old. Max Hall is or was in prison. Buckley is a medical student at the U of C. Crompton has just been hired by the Argos as an offensive coach. None of the rest will ever play again so why even bring their names up?
  3. In the 80's I was Mullet Man. Halfway over the ears & about 5 inches over the back collar.
  4. Well, I'd rather pay a guy to play than mysteriously disappear on an injury list somewhere. Maybe the guy is on a safari in Africa.
  5. Neufeld's done a whole lot of nothing this year. Like he's done most years except even then there was at least a sighting or 2, The Mystery Disappearance of Patrick Neufeld.
  6. If Streveler fails a lot of heads will explode. Posters here think we can still win even if Streveler doesn't play well. If only it was that easy.
  7. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Time+Tunnel+1960+TV+Show&&view=detail&mid=0CD27E1E60D78F3F73550CD27E1E60D78F3F7355&&FORM=VRDGAR Mike O'Shea sent him thru the Time Tunnel.
  8. I have a pretty good idea that a few posters here will turn on him. I just want to wish the guy well.
  9. Yes, but he is going to struggle at times. The question is for how long & how he handles it? As well as how much help LaPo will give him. Young qbs have a tendency sometimes to bog down with the workload suddenly piling up on his shoulders. The other thing that is a concern is that if he struggles how fast will his supporters today turn on him demanding McGuire start as we've seen it all before. I just hope all this optimism doesn't turn into anger & frustration if things don't go well.
  10. Aren't some of you putting the cart before the horse here with Streveler? Some of you are making it seem like the guy is a Can't Miss prospect. Like it's going to be so easy for him. I say, before we annoint him The Next One we wait to see how he handles being the starter & all the pressures & expectations that go with it. I'm not willing to say he's a slam dunk starter yet. He has to earn everything he gets. He's going to struggle. Let's just hold off on the coronation yet. We've seen lots of Can't Miss guys play themselves right out of the CFL.
  11. We're going to find out in the next few weeks if Streveler can play well enough for us to win.
  12. Cornish was a great player but Harris is just a cut above. Both guys deserve all the platitudes they get.
  13. Well, c'mon. It's easy to say that now.
  14. Khari was just as bad starting Pipkin over him for Game One. He's just fortunate he gave the guy a chance after Pipkin screwed up. He showed no confidence in him coming out of training camp & exhibition season.
  15. I enjoyed this game so much because the pbp guy did a helluva job. Stayed focused. Kept Suitor on task all game long. They both did their jobs. The most professionally called game I've watched on TSN in a long time.
  16. About time we saw a great game after that dud in Ottawa.
  17. Review but I think they'll not count it as a TD.
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