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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Riders love to kick sand in other teams faces but sure don't like it when it happens to them. They & their entitled fanbase.
  2. Hobart was a better passer than Streveler but Ken was always run first & damn the torpedos
  3. Petermann deserves to start, We're better offensively with him in there.
  4. Dunigan talked about Ken Hobart in Hamilton back in the 80's & Matty was spot on. Streveler & Hobart played the game exactly the same. Both could run. Both were physical & strong.
  5. Petermann should be starting over Demski. How do they take Bailey out?
  6. Save On Foods better lose the green watermelon Rider fans in their commercials.
  7. You know how many times Priders have thought they'd won the GC in September?
  8. Ha ha ******* Prider fanbase had the Grey Cup parade route all picked out. Think again sodjumpers.
  9. Gainey has always been a POS player but the refs should have flagged what he was doing.
  10. Still having a better year than Loffler did last season.
  11. Last season the Big 3 were available. This year, Nichols & some young guys with lots of potential will be available. I have no idea what the Bombers will do with their qbs. It all depends if LaPo comes back or not.
  12. The defenders are coming in too shallow so that's why Fajardo can suddenly open to his left & make Hansen & Hecht look foolish. One of these days he is going to get crushed.
  13. Hall is playing soft zone now. Will LaPo go to sleep now?
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