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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Collaros sidearms it but it's the new way to throw.
  2. The Riders have lost the most Grey Cup games of any CFL team at 15. Including 5 consecutive losses between 1928 & 32. They've won four.
  3. I live in Calgary & the first I heard of this, Jason Kenney is Premier. His rural MLA's will riot. He's barely holding on now. Ain't happening.
  4. I can only imagine how horrible it'll be if Hodges starts & Rod Black does his game.
  5. There are plenty of good private qb coaches around. I have a feeling he's already doing that. Most pro qbs work with someone.
  6. I remember a game many, many, MANY years ago. I was in Grade 12. The Bombers were on a horrendous losing streak, They went into BC on the road & upset the Lions. CJOB was doing the game with a young Bob Irving calling the plays. After the game was over, they went to a commercial break & then came back for the post game show. They played Happy Days Are Here Again in its entirerty. The radio crew was very giddy that night.
  7. Edmonton looks like a dumpster fire but we better not get overconfident. The Bombers will have to play their best to win in BC. I just pray it doesn't come down to a 45 yard FG for us to win.
  8. The Ottawa secondary was dreadful. They let Cornelius just pad his stats. Edmonton not much better.
  9. Barker & Dunigan were very critical of Cornelius's mechanics at halftime. I wonder what they think now?
  10. Ottawa's deep coverages are... uhh... shall we say... questionable.
  11. I think Evans has a lot of potential. He needs a coach that can develop him. I don't think LaPo is that coach.
  12. LaPo time. How many times have we sen this movie play out like this before?
  13. Ottawa c overage is just brutal. How can Cornelius argue it wasn't intentional grounding?
  14. I understand what you're saying but patience only goes so far until we lose a game.
  15. Former lifelong Conservative here. I have now officially changed the locks on my political doors. **** them.
  16. He ain't heavy, he's their quarterbaaaaack. WTF TSN?? It's not in the main network. They have hockey & then a CFL Top 10 list??? TSN is so ****** up.
  17. An experienced kicker can figure out angles, wind & field conditions as well as handling pressure. Every kicker misses makeable field goals but why did we sign a kicker who has none of that? I mean, I don't want to be overly negative so I hope he bounces back.
  18. So, why did we sign a guy like this? It's almost a joke. That's quite a half page resume.
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